"Ballad of the Valiant Knight Aivengo." The victory of nobility over deceit

ballad of the valiant knight aivengo
The novel "Ballad of the Valiant Knight Aivengo" for many generations has become a model of nobility and courage. Sir Walter Scott succeeded in solving the most important task in his most famous chivalric novel . He literally stringed the British epic from the time of Richard the Lionheart, and from the resulting one he weaved a new one, plunging it into the shell of the novel.

Historical disposition

The 12th century is not the best of times for Britain, which was defeated a century ago by the Norman conquerors in the Battle of Hasting. The proud country was gathering strength to throw off the yoke.

The ruler, capable of lifting England from its knees - Richard the Lionheart - went missing, captured by the Duke of Austria. Prince John is trying to take over the throne. About such a difficult historical situation tells us "Ballad of the Knight Aivengo."

Tang (the Scottish lord) Cedric of Rotherwood follows the noble goal of expelling the Norman conquerors from their homeland. But at the same time he makes a tactical mistake, relying on the leadership qualities of Atelstan Koningsburgsky, which simply does not have them. In order to artificially give more political weight to his protege, he decides to marry him with his pupil Lady Rowena, the heiress of King Alfred the Great (who liberated Britain from the Vikings two centuries before).

Ballad of the Aivengo Knight
Plot plot

Knowing about the political game of his father Cedric, incognito returns from the crusade the knight of Richard the Lionheart - Wilfred Aivengo. He is in love with Rowena, like her in him. Therefore, pretending to be a pilgrim, the knight aspires to a tournament at Ashby, dedicated to the wedding. This is his only chance to change something. The Ballad of Aivengo gets its plot here.

Bad weather makes him, unrecognized, take refuge with other travelers in the guest house of his father. The noble tan lends shelter to anyone who asks for it. Brian de Boisguillebert, once defeated by him in the tournament, is under the same roof with the main character. This is a powerful and mercantile monk, a warrior of the Order of the Templars. Humility and righteousness are not his thing. Only in one evening he manages to start a quarrel with Ivanhoe (slandering Richard the Lionheart), and give the order to seize the Jew Isaac, intending to enrich himself at his expense. The Ballad of the Valiant Knight Aivengo tells of a knight warning a Jew, for which, out of gratitude, he gives him a patronage - a note to his brother-merchant asking him to lend Aivengo armor and a war horse with a harness.

aivengo ballad
Ashby Tournament

When it seemed that the tournament in honor of Lady Rowena, who is his brand - the queen of love and beauty, was won by Briand de Boisguillebert, suddenly everything changes. Aivengo, who arrived incognito, with the motto "Deprived of inheritance" inscribed on a shield, calls the knight monk to the battle and defeats him. Individual fights with the instigators of the tournament are also in his favor. The next day, the rules of action imply a group battle. The templar knights are experienced warriors, and Boisguillebert is confident of the success of this fight. This happens, but suddenly the Black Knight comes to the aid of Aivengo. The Ballad of the Valiant Knight Aivengo introduces a new character to the story. But is he so new? Together they win.

When, according to custom, Lady Rowena takes off his helmet before laying a crown on the head of the victorious knight, she sees Ivanhoe's bloodless face in front of her. His many wounds bleed, and he falls, losing consciousness. Prince John, who is present at the tournament, is informed that Richard the Lionheart is free and is returning. A mortally frightened prince goes to great lengths to enlist the support of an upset vassal at a tournament loss. He promises De Brasi profits, hypocritically recommending that he attack Tan Cedric and seize his fortune.

ballad of the valiant knight aivengo

Fighting the Normans

Tan Cedric and Athelstan of Koningsburg are returning from the tournament with Isaac and their daughter Rebekah who have joined them. Grateful Jews take a wounded Aivengo on a stretcher. Normans — Brian de Boisguillebert and De Bracy — captivate them on the road. Moreover, as is usual in romantic novels, de Boisguillebert falls in love with Rebekah, and De Bracy sympathizes with Lady Rowena. However, as they say, the earth is already burning under the feet of the Normans: the castle of the robber De Brasi is attacked by free Yeomen, led by the Black Knight, and is defeated. Everyone is released and returning home.

The Ballad of the Valiant Knight Aivengo also talks about the risk to the life of the rightful king of Britain. Freed, de Brasi recognizes the Lionheart in Richard's Black Knight and informs Prince John of this. He, not distinguished by nobility, sends his satrap Fitz-Ursa. In a critical situation, Richard blows the horn presented by the leader of the Yeomen, Loxley. He comes to the rescue. Richard the Lionheart opens his incognito Loxley, and he does not remain in debt, revealing his name - Robin Hood.

Ballad of the Aivengo Knight
Boisguillebert, trying to take away Rebekah, kills Atelstan Koningsburgsky who rushed to her aid with a sword. Further, he makes obvious stupidity - he harbors a pagan girl in a monastery. But here - everything is under control. The church monitors the morality of the monasteries, periodically checking them. The inspector of the warrior monk, the Grandmaster of the Order of Beauvoir, according to the legal practice of the XII century, orders to expose Rebekah exponentially. The principle is unoriginal: there is no man - there is no sin.

Happy end

Rebekah enjoys the right to prove her innocence by declaring a knightly duel of her defender with the prosecutor (the cowardly and deceitful Boisguillebert). The girl’s request is reported to Ivanhoe, who has not yet recovered from the wounds received. He is in a hurry to help. In a duel with an opponent, the hero, exhausted by a long journey, miraculously, but wins. The grandmaster announces that Rebekah is innocent.

The end of the novel is a classic happy ending. Ascended to the throne, Richard the Lionheart generously forgave the repentant prince John. Tan Cedric crowns the lovers of Aivengo and Rowena.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E23840/

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