The most popular toys for children

On the eve of the holidays, I want to please our beloved children with beautiful and necessary toys. And it’s one thing when you have your own child and you are looking for a gift for him. And it’s completely different - when you are still quite young, you haven’t got a family and you don’t have children, and you need to present a gift to your nephew or godson. What can please a baby with? In this article, we will review popular toys for children.


popular toys for children 5 years old
The legendary Danish designer opens the top of popular toys for children. He conquered kids and teenagers all over the world. More than one generation of children has grown up on it, and an interesting fact: parents who played Lego at a young age are happy to open the designer again when they have their own kids. What is so attractive about this toy? The designer has a wide variety of parts, so you can easily build anything from it: a house, a car, a ship or an entire station. Unique designers are also produced. For example, the Volcano set is a popular toy for children of 6 years old. Such a constructor not only allows you to assemble a fire-breathing mountain, but also fully explore the unique natural phenomenon. For older children, there are kits that allow you to master the basics of architecture. The set of such a "Lego" includes not arbitrary parts, but bricks, beams, ceilings and components of the tiles.


popular toys for children 8 years old
A popular toy for children, especially for older girls, is the legendary doll. The first Barbie appeared more than half a century ago, but is still the object of desire of any little fashionista. Why are these dolls so popular? Barbie has exaggerated-ideal proportions, very long legs and a narrow waist. Her face is always beautifully painted, and her hair is thick and long. This is what any girl dreams of becoming when she grows up.

Marketers every year increase the popularity of Barbie due to all kinds of advertising. Today in the store you can find not only a doll, but also its gentleman, horses, a house and pets. And also there are various outfits for Barbie, a collection of shoes and jewelry. Sometimes it seems to parents that new clothes for this doll cost as much as clothes for their child.

Cars with remote control

Popular toys for children is radio-controlled equipment. It can be racing cars, boats or even tanks. And not only boys will be happy with such a gift. Girls no less want to feel like a racer. What can I say, even parents rarely refuse to "drive" the control of a small copy of a large vehicle. Going around obstacles, overcoming barriers and scaring the cat - all this is the leisure of children. Moreover, if some parents think that such a gift is useless, nothing like that. An expensive toy will be appreciated by a child; he will not treat it like everyone else. Especially if the radio-controlled machine was the dream of a little boy.

Remote Control Helicopters

One of the most popular toys for children are radio-controlled models of aircraft. Such a helicopter can be launched both in the apartment and on the street. More expensive models are even able to deal with strong gusts of wind. The remote control helicopter replaces the children of such previously popular kites. Today you do not need to prepare for the launch for long, just find a level ground and go.

With such popular toys for children of 7 years, you can even arrange competitions. For example, see whose plane can fly faster over the playground and dive on a bench. The main thing is to ensure that children do not arrange air battles and that toys do not fly into the balconies of lower floors.


popular toys for children 10 years old
The most popular toys for children are those that can be played for several years. A dollhouse is that thing with which it will be interesting for the girl to spend time at 5 years old, and at 8-10. Due to the fact that the toy can be improved and modernized, it will never get bored. If a girl wants any changes, she can change the kitchen with bathroom. Or she can sew curtains or new pillowcases on her own. And if the child has absolutely nothing to do, then you can offer to paste wallpaper in the house. A unique feature of this toy is that it can be played both alone and in three. Collective employment helps girls learn to get along better with each other, and, most importantly, teach them to share things and work in a team.


Girls from a young age want to help mom cook. But sometimes the best they can do is not to interfere. Therefore, many mothers find such a way out: they buy a toy kitchen. Here the girl will be a full hostess. She can cook on the stove, which will even make a hissing sound if it is on. And also with the help of the oven it will be possible to bake pies. Parents in no case should dismiss the culinary masterpieces that their daughter "treats". You need to try and say thank you.

popular toys for the new year to children

Toy kitchen will teach the girl not only to cook, but also to love this process. When a child grows up, he will perceive cooking as an exciting game, which is very good.

Laser tag

Popular toys for children of 8 years old are all kinds of guns and machine guns. If you don’t know exactly what to give the boy, present him a set for playing laser tag. It includes two laser pistols and two vests. Opponents put on uniforms and start running after each other. When one of the guys is amazed, a light flashes on his vest. So to deceive the opponent with the phrase “did not hit” will be impossible. Some popes enjoy playing such peculiar catch-ups with their sons. But still, school-age boys prefer to play laser tag with friends. It is especially interesting when the team is not two people, but four or 8. The duel does not have to be arranged within the same yard. You can confine yourself to the limits of a small microdistrict, because this way the game will become even more interesting.


Popular toys for children of 10 years are vehicles. It can be a scooter or a fashionable scooter. Such a thing will not only be a pleasant surprise, but it will also help to quickly get to school or a store. After all, where it is more pleasant to ride than to walk. Unlike a bicycle or scooter, a gyro scooter does not require a child to pedal or push with his foot. This vehicle is powered by a battery. Do not think that such a toy is completely useless. She teaches the child to keep a balance and quickly respond to what is happening around. After all, when you ride a gyro scooter along the sidewalk, you need to turn now and then to the right, then to the left, so as not to touch passers-by.

Small children 5-6 years old should not give such a toy. They will not appreciate it, much less will they not be able to understand the degree of danger it carries. After all, if you go on a gyro scooter to the roadway, then there is a big chance to be hit by a car.

Magic screen

If you think about the most popular toys for the New Year for children, you immediately recall various gadgets for drawing. One of the most sold out is the magic screen. This is such a device on which you can draw anything with colorful pens. And then you can quickly erase the picture with the built-in brush. Today you can even buy advanced models that you need to apply images to using your fingers. Nevertheless, drawing with felt-tip pens is more pleasant and more useful. After all, when a child applies the image with a special stylus, then he must make an effort. The child understands what pressure is and how to regulate it.

Rubik's Cube

popular toys for children 7 years old
Popular toys for children 5 years old are represented not only by various dolls and cars. Puzzles are also in demand. One of the most sought after is the Rubik's Cube. This toy may well be assembled by a child at 5 years old. All you need is dexterity and a little effort. Why strain the brain of a child with puzzles, because he already has a lot to remember? The thing is that at 5 years old children well absorb large amounts of information. Do not be afraid that you will load the child with excess knowledge. All that is needed, the brain will remember, and everything else can be repeated.

Puzzles instill in the child a craving for knowledge and for the eternal search for the best solution. The Rubik's Cube is also useful because the child learns to correlate colors and impose certain forms on them. Thus, a unique picture of the world is built in the children's head.

Kinetic sand

popular toys for children 6 years old
Popular toys for children 3 years old can look different. It can be cubes, puzzles or, for example, sand. What is live sand? This is a substance that holds its shape well, but at the same time crumbles from touch. What can be collected from such sand? You can build a castle or make pies. And with the help of such sand you can arrange various games with children. For example, parents can bury various pebbles in the sandbox, and the child will have to find them. Using all sorts of forms, you can learn the alphabet or learn to distinguish the contours of various animals. The biggest advantage of this substance is that your hands are always clean, and floors with carpets too.

Hello Kitty

The famous cat has long gone beyond the scope of children's products. She is loved by both small and already grown girls. A cute kitty of Japanese origin was originally a soft toy.

popular toys for children 3 years old
Today you can still buy such a variation of it. But all kinds of plastic gadgets have become much more popular. It can be a radio, an alarm clock or a clock. Hello Kitty decorates baby clothes, bags, pens, pens. Girls do not want to part with their favorite character even when they grow up, so they often wear key chains, a watch with a cat and all kinds of hair ornaments.

Wooden figures

most popular toys for children
The eco-style of life is becoming more and more popular every year. Therefore, you do not even need to ask why people prefer not to buy plastic toys to their children, but wooden ones that are cut and painted by hand. The variety of such figures is simply amazing. There are sets of trees where you need to distinguish an apple tree from a pear and correctly dress the trunk and branches with fruits. There are kits in which animals are represented. You can even collect entire cities and villages. There are sets with racing cars and other vehicles.

Children like wooden figures. They are pleasant to hold in hands, and they smell pleasant. And many guys like to try tooth toys. And parents are not opposed, because there is no chemistry in the product.


popular toys for kids
Collecting an image from disparate details like both adults and children. After all, what could be more exciting than spending an hour or two collecting puzzles with the whole family ?! In such a game, the child will feel part of the team, because he works along with everyone. Collecting pictures brings together. Because in the process you can find out how someone is doing at school or in kindergarten.

Big soft puzzles are made for young children. With the help of them, they learn colors and try to correlate shapes correctly.


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