How to use an air humidifier: tips and instructions for use

Climatic equipment in a private house or apartment has long been no longer a wonder, but an ordinary representative of household appliances. Over the past few years, this niche has undergone quite strict segmentation, which resulted in the formation of separate subclasses with different functionalities. Along with air conditioners, humidifiers began to acquire great popularity. How to use such devices? On the one hand, their device is simple and intuitive, but on the other hand, there is some specificity in servicing a household humidifier, which you should know about before buying it.

Types of Humidifiers

How to choose a humidifier?

The principle of operation of different types of humidifiers is different, which determines the features of their operation. To date, the following types of device are most common:

  • Standard. This is a category of adiabatic models that use a special filter. Passing through it, the air cools and moisturizes.
  • The device with the function of air washing. A modification of the aforementioned device, in which the emphasis is on the complication of humidification processes with blowing. The basis of the working structure is formed by a drum consisting of hydrophilic disks. In them, processes of washing air flows with a delay in unwanted particles occur.
  • Steam humidifier. Such models work by heating water with the subsequent generation of steam. From the point of view of the speed and quality of humidification, the solution is quite effective (therefore, it is often used in factories for technological purposes), but the production of steam in a constant mode is very costly in terms of energy consumption. In addition, such devices are very noisy, which is not very comfortable in domestic use.

How to choose the best humidifier for the apartment from the above? You should focus on the tasks that are set for the device. The standard model of the device will also cope with the humidification function alone, and if additional cleaning properties are needed, you will have to contact the air washer. Steam versions are more often used in industry.

Features of ultrasonic models

Ultrasonic humidifier

One of the most technologically advanced types of humidifier, the working process of which is to generate fog due to the finely dispersed breakdown of water droplets by ultrasonic vibrations. However, the features of such spraying have their drawbacks associated with the rapid wear of the working equipment. How to use an ultrasonic humidifier to extend its life? The maximum that the user can do for this is to use clean distilled water for refueling whenever possible. It is desirable that it does not have microorganisms, heavy salts, suspensions and other mechanical particles that could clog the emitter of the device.

Recommendations for choosing a household humidifier

Having decided on a suitable variety of the device, you can proceed to a finer selection of the basic performance characteristics and functions. At a basic level, water flow and battery life should be correlated with the area of ​​the room and the requirements for the working process. It should be based on the fact that daily work in a room with an area of ​​15-20 m 2 requires 5-7 liters of water. Typically, the calculation is done for 12 hours, so the tank volume of 3-4 liters will be optimal. Next, you can move on to the question of how to choose the best humidifier for an apartment according to a set of functions. What to look for? Of course, there may be cases when only the task of increasing the humidity coefficient in a room is required. If so, then from the additional functionality you can limit yourself to night illumination and a hygrometer. The latter is a sensor that allows you to track the moisture indicator. But it hardly makes sense to refuse other additional features of the device, which even budget versions are provided with. In addition, in particular, air purification, aromatization (spraying of essential oils), ionization, auto power off, etc. are offered.

Humidifier Operating Instructions

Humidifier charge

In the process of using the device, the owner will have to deal with a water tank, a power supply (mains) and a control panel with buttons (hardware or sensors). First, the humidifier must be installed on a flat surface, filled with water to the desired level and, if necessary, add a couple drops of essential oil to the measuring container for the aroma effect. After that, the device will be ready for operation. How to use a humidifier further? After pouring water and connecting, wait a couple of minutes, after which, in most models, the corresponding ready indicator is activated. Then it remains only to set the timer operation time and humidification mode (intensity). If possible, the backlight operation parameters are also configured.

Instructions for use

Humidifier for home

The main task of the user when caring for the humidifier will be to clean and wash it. This is especially true for hard water applications, from which a characteristic white coating remains on the surfaces of the transducer and emitter. How to use a humidifier in order to minimize the harmful effects of poor-quality and contaminated liquids? You can pre-filter and boil water for refueling, but this does not guarantee the exclusion of deposits on the internal surfaces of the device. Cleaning is carried out with damp cloths or microfiber. Only distilled water is used for care. Abrasive and cleaning products should not be used at all. They are replaced with a few drops of vinegar. After treating the contaminated surfaces of the humidifier, the appliance is rinsed and dried.

How to use a humidifier in a nursery?

Humidifier for baby

Today, there are special models of humidifiers for children's rooms, but it is important to understand what positioning is conditional. We can talk about design qualities, a form of construction that a child will like, etc. However, performance is selected based on the capabilities of conventional humidifiers. As a maximum, the device may have a special mode for the children's room. But you can configure it yourself.

What is baby mode in a humidifier? What is its difference from the usual? According to experts, first of all, this is a mandatory combination of two functions - humidification and air washing. Of fundamental importance is the limited range of the coefficient of humidity, since too dry air is harmful to the respiratory system, and dampness is a favorable environment for the development of mold and microbes. So, for a room of 10 m 2, a humidifier with a setting for children's mode should be ready in an hour to increase the humidity level to 30-40% at a temperature of 20-25 Β° C.

General appliance tips

Household humidifier

Despite the simple device, the humidifier is an electrical device, the operation of which has increased requirements for safety. This is due precisely to the fact that its principle of operation involves the spraying of liquid. How to use a humidifier in order to eliminate the risk of injury and fire? To do this, observe the following rules:

  • The device only connects to an AC outlet. As a rule, with a voltage of 220 V.
  • Before use, the integrity of the device is checked - its design, wiring, cover and controls.
  • During operation of the humidifier, do not touch the places where the droplets are sprayed and the air stream is released.
  • The device should only work if it is filled with a fluid that is suitable for the requirements in accordance with the level of the measuring tank.


Compact humidifier

Despite the usefulness of the humidifier, there are still disputes regarding its effect on the human body. As experts themselves note, in general, such devices are harmless, but there are still some negative nuances. Pros and cons for health from a humidifier relate to the different operational effects of its use. The pluses relate to the normalization of microclimatic conditions, which improves the well-being of not only humans, but also domestic animals, and also stimulates the development of indoor plants. As for the minuses, they are associated with the technology of artificial generation of moisture. The steam humidifier is considered to be the most dangerous in this regard, since it releases hot air streams during boiling, which can be burned.


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