Ban on the sale of alcohol on holidays

Everyone knows what alcohol is and what harm it can cause to the human body. Therefore, the State Duma decided to take control of the sale of alcoholic beverages. How does the ban on the sale of alcohol work? What time is it impossible to buy strong drinks in Russia? Let's analyze the law in more detail.

What is alcoholism?

Alcoholism is the loss of control over the amount drunk, which entails fatal consequences. As this condition progresses, tolerance to alcohol and a psychophysical dependence on it appear.

From a medical point of view, drinking is a disease characterized by a craving for alcohol. The name "chronic alcoholism" is sometimes used. The disease is rapidly gaining momentum every year. That is why authorities around the world are introducing a new bill restricting the sale of strong drinks.

Ban on the sale of alcohol

Alcohol Prohibition Act

Every year in Russia the percentage of people who drink alcohol is increasing, among them minors have also appeared. The authorities, worried about this situation, are adopting more and more new laws, which should reduce the possibility of buying alcohol. The most significant of them is Decree 171- of November 22, 1995. Under this law, strong drinks include those that have more than 0.5% alcohol.

The law prohibiting the sale of alcohol does not allow the sale of alcoholic beverages near institutions visited by children, in cultural institutions, in public transport and in crowded places, such as train stations, bus stops, markets and others. The decree also prohibits the sale of beverages containing alcohol to persons under the age of majority.

Ban on the sale of alcohol in May

In addition to the territorial restrictions on the sale of alcohol, there are others. The decree highlights certain days of the ban on the sale of alcohol. May, as the last month of spring, is associated with aromatic kebab and a lot of holidays. In Russia, it is officially accepted to prohibit the sale of alcohol on certain days. When does the ban on the sale of alcohol for the May holidays apply?

May 25 is the date when graduates celebrate graduation. It is on this day that retail trade in strong drinks is prohibited. If the calendar is Sunday, then the ban is shifted to May 24.

The ban on the sale of alcohol for the May holidays is quite justified, because often graduates, wanting to unforgettably mark the end of school, are intoxicated, commit a lot of rash acts.

June sobriety days

We have already found out when it will not be possible to get alcohol in May. When will this not be possible in the first month of summer? Is the ban on the sale of alcohol on holidays effective?

A ban on the sale of alcohol in June also exists. In early summer, unlike May, three days of sobriety were allocated: June 1, 12 and 27 (Children's Day, Day of Russia and Youth). Alcohol is prohibited these days .

ban on the sale of alcohol in June

Ban on the sale of alcohol in September

The ban on the sale of alcohol during the holidays is justified. According to statistics, most injuries received on the red days of the calendar are associated with alcohol intoxication. In September, alcohol trading is prohibited on the following days: September 1, 17 and 11.

Punishment for breaking the law

Unauthorized sale of alcohol is punishable. Organizations that sell goods in a territory prohibited for this are required to pay a fine for breaking the law. The amount ranges from 50 to 100,000 rubles. Such a fine is imposed on the entire organization, and a separate amount is set for the head himself. Usually this is 10% of the punishment for the entire institution. Such a fine applies to those establishments that sell alcohol-containing goods at a time prohibited for this. In addition to territorial and temporary restrictions, the distribution of alcohol among persons under the age of 18 is punishable. The fine for the institution in this case is about 400,000 rubles, and for the seller who sold alcohol to a minor, 35,000.

The purpose of the law

The purpose of the bill is to reduce the level of alcoholism. However, it is worth noting that such a decision encourages many to illegally sell strong drinks. That is why recently cases of poisoning of low-quality alcohol products have become more frequent. It is worth noting that another goal of the bill is to reduce accidents involving people intoxicated. Statistics show that most often such accidents occur at night. It is for this reason that the bill banning alcohol provides a temporary barrier to the sale of alcohol.

Ban on the sale of alcohol in May

Illegal trade

For each of us, the World Wide Web is not only a way to find useful information, but also a convenient option for shopping. Statistics show that the number of online shoppers is growing every year. Every day a huge amount of illegal products appears on the Web, which scammers are trying hard to sell. Among these products is alcohol. On the Internet, the price of alcohol is much lower than the market, but are they of high quality?

Careful monitoring made it possible to find out that most of the strong drinks sold on the Web are not only not licensed, but also dangerous to human health. In connection with the increase in cases of alcohol poisoning with low-quality alcoholic beverages purchased virtually, the State Duma seriously thought about the tight control of Internet sellers. The bill, which provides for punishment for illegal online trading, is planned to be released this spring.

Time barrier

There are many holidays when there is a ban on the sale of alcohol. Time also plays a significant role. What time is it impossible to buy alcohol in Russia?

The decree prohibits the sale of alcohol from 23:00 to 8:00. However, almost every region has set its own time barrier. It is worth discussing this in more detail. In the Moscow Region, alcohol trade ends at 21:00, and starts at 11:00, while, for example, in the Tula region, you can make a purchase only from two in the afternoon until ten in the evening.

Ban on the sale of alcohol on May holidays

The most stringent measures have been taken in the Chechen Republic, since alcohol can only be purchased there for two hours a day, namely from eight to ten in the morning. In some regions, the ban on the sale of alcohol is also valid on weekends, that is, on Saturday and Sunday it is also impossible to buy alcohol. Among these regions stands Ulyanovsk region.

Powder alcohol

Powdered alcohol in Russia is becoming more popular every day. This is a dry mixture, which, when reacted with water, turns into an alcoholic beverage. Usually this product is sold again on the Web. Specialists conducted a series of studies and found that it is a narcotic substance that is similar in taste to alcohol.

In December 2015, the State Duma introduced a proposal to ban the sale of powdered alcohol. At the moment, the bill is being prepared for public disclosure. As we said earlier, this mixture is most often sold on the Internet, and that is why the State Duma will soon establish special control that will prevent illegal sales on the Web.

New bill

So, the State Duma has seriously taken up control of enterprises that sell alcohol. This year, it was proposed to allow the sale of such products only at specialized points of sale. A store that has an area of โ€‹โ€‹at least fifty square meters can get a license to sell. It is also worth noting that the room must have both an entrance and an exit. If the store is located in a rural area, then the minimum area threshold is twenty-five square meters.

Opponents of Prohibitions

In Russia, there is a ban on the sale of alcohol in May, September, June and other months, as well as at certain times. However, most recently, the authorities put forward a proposal to lift the ban on the sale of alcohol in certain territorial categories. They believe that the number of alcohol addicts has not decreased, but on the budget, it hit a lot.

alcohol prohibition law

The Ministry of Health does not support such an initiative. They believe that this can provoke an increase in alcohol consumption, including among young people. This can cause an exacerbation of the criminal situation.

Prohibition of alcohol in thermoplastics

Interestingly, since the beginning of this year, a new project has been released that prohibits the sale of alcohol in plastic bottles. Only alcohol in plastic that exceeds four degrees of strength is allowed. First of all, this decree will affect breweries that sell their products in such containers. However, amendments were adopted, and the State Duma allowed to sell wine from Russian grapes in plastic bottles, but only if they are correctly packed.

Ban on the sale of alcohol on holidays

Proposal to ban the sale of alcohol to persons under the age of 21

The Russian deputy and governor Alexander Drozdenko at the beginning of this year submitted a proposal for the introduction of a bill that provides for a ban on the sale of alcohol among people under the age of 21 years. The deputy in his project emphasizes that this will preserve the health of citizens of the Russian Federation. For clarity, Alexander gives world statistics, in which the country ranks fourth in the use of strong drinks.

Drozdenko believes that first of all it is necessary to pay attention to youth. Often, adolescents do not control themselves while intoxicated and commit rash, and sometimes even dangerous, actions to life or society.

The fine for drinking alcohol by a person under the age of 21 will be from 500 to a thousand rubles. An institution that sold alcohol will not only be punished with a fine, but in the future it may lose its license altogether.

days of the ban on the sale of alcohol
The aim of this project is to reduce the level of alcohol consumption among young people. According to statistics over the past year, the average age of adolescents who drink alcohol is fourteen. Such data, of course, are not encouraging.

An exception

As we have already found out, only an adult citizen can acquire alcohol, but there are exceptions to the law. Alcohol can be sold to a person who has not reached the age of eighteen if the teenager has opened his state of emergency or is married. In such a situation, the minor is considered as a competent citizen. Nevertheless, few sellers know about this amendment and yet do not risk selling alcohol to independent adolescents.

To summarize

Drinking alcohol is an individual choice of everyone. We learned on what days the ban on the sale of alcohol is valid and what time frames are set for this. This information will be interesting to every connoisseur of strong drinks. However, we strongly recommend not to get involved in alcoholic beverages, and if possible completely abandon them. Be healthy!


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