Constipation in a baby. Komarovsky E.O. about constipation in infants with breastfeeding, artificial feeding and with the introduction of complementary foods

Such a problem as constipation occurs frequently in infants . Not all parents know how to behave in this case. The well-known children's doctor E. O. Komarovsky recommends that young mothers not worry, but rather closely monitor the condition of the child. Before taking any measures, you need to know exactly what symptoms are accompanied by constipation in the baby. Komarovsky believes that not always with a rare bowel movement, the baby should be treated. In most cases, it is enough to establish nutrition and the daily routine of the child. This is exactly what Dr. Komarovsky teaches young parents.

constipation in infants Komarovsky

Constipation in infants

In medicine, it is believed that a baby up to three months should empty the intestines from two to four times a day. And constipation is a condition when there is no feces for more than two days. But here everything is individual. Sometimes it happens that a baby breastfeeding completely assimilates mother's milk. And bowel movement occurs every 3-5 days. Before panicking and giving the baby medicine, the mother needs to find out what symptoms accompany constipation in the baby. Komarovsky says that if a baby develops well and gains weight, is cheerful and sleeps normally, and emptying his intestines does not cause discomfort, then a rare stool is normal. You can talk about the disease when, in addition to constipation, the child has other symptoms: flatulence, pain, bloating, decreased appetite. In addition, it is very important to pay attention to the state of feces. In infants, it should be mushy, soft, yellowish. If the child has constipation, his feces will be dark in color, with an unpleasant odor, and solid.

constipation in infants with breastfeeding mosquito

Symptoms of constipation

When do parents need to take some action? It is believed that the child is constipated, if such symptoms are observed:

  • feces too hard, decorated or in the form of peas;
  • putrefactive aroma of feces;
  • when trying to poop, the baby is very hard, straining;
  • the child bothers with legs, groans and cries;
  • the stomach of the baby is hard and swollen;
  • the appetite of the baby disappears;
  • his stool is less than 1 time in 3 days.
    constipation in a newborn Komarovsky

Causes of constipation

Only a doctor can determine if a child is sick or if such bowel movement is normal for him. Therefore, for any deviations in the behavior of the baby, you need to contact a pediatrician. After all, before treating a baby, you need to know what caused his constipation. This condition can be triggered by many factors:

  • intestinal development pathologies, for example, Hirschsprung's disease;
  • various inflammatory and infectious diseases, colds;
  • violation of the intestinal microflora;
  • taking certain medications, especially antibiotics;
  • allergic reaction to cow's milk and some other products.

In such cases, only a doctor can treat constipation in infants. Komarovsky advises mothers to take some measures on their own if rare emptying is caused by other reasons:

  • lack of breast milk, while there is a so-called "hungry" constipation;
  • Mom’s improper diet, because everything a woman ate passes into her milk;
  • lack of water, which helps to remove feces;
  • the transition from breastfeeding to artificial feeding, since up to 4 months mother's milk not only feeds the baby, but also protects it from diseases;
  • the introduction of complementary foods, in this case, constipation, the intestines of the child may respond to unfamiliar food;
  • a change in the milk mixture, in which, possibly, a component is not tolerated by the baby;
  • overheating of the child with too warm and dry air, which causes dehydration;
  • stresses and experiences of the baby due to a change in situation, his fear, when he is left alone.

Komarovsky about constipation in infants

The norm of the stool in newborns

After birth, the work of all the organs of the baby is adjusted for some time. In the first three days, the baby comes out with a black-green plasticine-like feces - meconium. Then, until a month and a half, the baby poop as many times as it eats - 8-12. His feces are mushy, yellowish in color, with a sour smell. But before 3 or 4 months, the child has not yet fully developed bowel functions, many enzymes and beneficial bacteria are missing. Therefore, often at this time, constipation occurs in the newborn. Komarovsky urges parents not to panic, but to try to adjust the nutrition of a nursing mother or consult a doctor about the choice of milk formula. Normally, the baby should poop 4-5 times a day when breastfeeding. And in artificial cases, bowel movements occur less frequently - 1-2 times. Moreover, feces should be soft, mushy.

Infant constipation during breastfeeding

A child who eats mother's milk may not poop up to 3-4 days. This is considered normal if the baby does not bother, if he is cheerful and cheerful, sleeps well and is gaining weight. So, breast milk suits him and is well absorbed. Only in rare cases does a true constipation appear in infants during breastfeeding. Komarovsky believes that measures should be taken if the baby is not gaining weight, is restless and crying. But before using any medications, you should always consult a doctor. In most cases, you can cope with the problem simply by changing your mom’s diet.

What rules should a woman follow in order for a child to have regular stools?

  • you need to drink at least 2 liters of water, it will help stimulate intestinal motility ;
  • regularly eat prunes, dried apricots, raisins and beets;
  • in the daily menu should be buckwheat or oatmeal, pumpkin, apricots, plums and dairy products;
  • it is necessary to exclude coffee, tea, chocolate, smoked meats, fatty and spicy foods from the diet;
  • restrict the use of rice, legumes, potatoes, fresh milk, walnuts and pastries.
    constipation in infants what to do Komarovsky

But even if the mother follows all the rules, sometimes there is constipation in the baby during breastfeeding. Komarovsky believes that this is due to a lack of water. He recommends in hot weather to drink the baby with clean water or a decoction of raisins. But it is undesirable to use a bottle with a pacifier for this, so that the baby is not used to it. You can drink the child from a spoon or a special drinker, and you can give a little bit of water from a syringe without a needle.

Constipation in infants with artificial feeding

If while breastfeeding, mothers rarely encounter real problems in emptying the baby’s intestines, then this happens more often with artisans. What to do to prevent constipation in the baby on artificial feeding? Komarovsky recommends following these rules:

  • you need to dilute the mixture strictly according to the instructions, you can not make it more concentrated;
  • it is necessary to give the baby water, you can add a few drops of a decoction of dill seed;
  • if constipation in a child occurs often, it is necessary to change the mixture, choosing the one in which there are lactobacilli.
    doctor komarovsky constipation in infants

Constipation after feeding

Komarovsky recommends that you feed your baby only with breast milk for up to 4-5 months. If mom has enough of it, then the baby will receive everything you need. Very often constipation occurs in infants with the introduction of complementary foods. Komarovsky advises that in order to prevent this, start not with egg yolk or fruit juices, but with vegetable puree or dairy-free porridge. After some time, the baby's nutrition needs to be diversified so that he receives a sufficient amount of dietary fiber. Therefore, vegetable soups and mashed potatoes, cereals, especially not prepared, but made by mom, are very important in the diet of children. After 7-8 months, you need to give your child coarse bread, fresh fruits and vegetables.

Sometimes it happens that there is constipation in the baby after the introduction of complementary foods. Komarovsky advises in this case to give the child juice or prune puree, pumpkin, and a raisin decoction. It is advisable to include these products in the diet if the baby is already 6 months old. Food for the child should be prepared immediately before use, it is undesirable to boil it well. Subject to these rules, constipation in infants can be prevented.

What to do

Komarovsky gives some tips on how to help your baby. After all, it is not always possible to immediately consult a doctor. But every mother is able to alleviate the condition of the child. And only if these measures do not help, you must definitely contact a medical institution. So what to do if an infant has constipation? Komarovsky recommends such methods:

  • massage the baby by gently moving the baby’s tummy clockwise with soft movements with a warm hand;
  • exercise "bicycle" helps to activate bowel function: you need to take the child’s legs and bend them gently alternately at least 10 times;
    constipation in infants after the introduction of complementary foods Komarovsky
  • You can put a diaper heated with an iron on the baby’s tummy;
  • help the baby relax a warm bath;
  • an effective remedy for constipation, the doctor considers glycerin suppositories;
  • in extreme cases, you can give your child a laxative medicine prescribed by your doctor.

It is necessary to call an ambulance or consult a doctor as soon as possible if the child has such symptoms:

  • abdominal pain, gas, bloating;
  • decreased appetite, refusal to eat;
  • blood stains appear in the stool;
  • frequent vomiting
  • feces and urine of the baby are dark, with an unpleasant odor.

What medications can be used in infants with constipation

It is not recommended to give babies any medicine without consulting a doctor. Even the safest and most approved drugs from birth can harm the unformed microflora of the baby’s intestines. Therefore, only in extreme cases, it is recommended to use drugs to cure constipation in infants.

  • It is best to use drugs containing lactulose. This is the safest laxative. Lactulose Syrup is a prebiotic. It stimulates the production of beneficial bacteria in the intestines and helps to excrete feces. Such preparations containing lactulose are recommended: Dufalac, Normase, Portalac, Lizalac and some others. For starters, it is better to give these drugs in a reduced dosage. And if you need a long reception, you should definitely consult a doctor.
  • To reduce gas formation in the intestines, doctors prescribe the following drugs for babies: Espumisan, Plantex or Sub-Simplex. They help relieve spasms and gently remove gases, relieving bloating.
  • The best remedy for constipation in infants Komarovsky considers glycerin suppositories. Children’s for sale are very rare, but you can use ordinary ones. One candle needs to be cut along in half, and then across. Get four parts. With one piece of the candle with clean hands, you need to smooth out all the edges and carefully insert the baby into the anus. Gently squeeze his buttocks and hold for a bit. Such a candle will help soften feces and gently bring them out.

How to put an enema to the baby

Many believe that this is the only way to treat constipation in infants. Komarovsky recommends using an enema only in extreme cases. Their frequent use leaches beneficial bacteria from the intestines and weakens its tone. How to make an infant an enema?

  1. Take a rubber bulb with a soft tip, it should be up to 60 ml.
  2. Usually for infants use a decoction of chamomile. It should be at room temperature. Too warm water is immediately absorbed through the intestinal wall.
  3. Lay the baby on its side or back. Lubricate the anus and enema tip with baby cream.
  4. Squeeze the pear slightly to remove air from it. Gently insert the tip no more than a couple of centimeters into the intestines of the child. If you feel resistance, you can not push.
  5. Release water slowly, and force should not be used. The process of intestinal contraction is wave-like, so if you feel resistance, you need to wait a bit. Pull out an enema.
  6. Squeeze the buttocks of the baby and hold for a couple of minutes.

But more convenient to use and safe for the child are ready-made microclysters that are sold in the pharmacy. For example, you can buy "Microlax". But you should not do them often to prevent addiction.

Folk remedies for constipation

Many mothers try to help their child with recipes that their grandmothers used. They push the baby into the anus with a bar of soap, a cotton swab smeared with petroleum jelly or a thermometer. So before, constipation in an infant was often treated. Komarovsky warns parents against the use of such funds. He believes that this is a mockery of a child. In addition, such funds can injure the mucous membrane, cause irritation in the anus, and further aggravate the problem.

From folk remedies, the doctor prefers decoctions that help remove gases. It is best to brew dill seed, anise or fennel. Komarovsky considers the decoction of raisins very useful . In addition to the laxative effect, this drink enriches the body with potassium, which is very important for the normal functioning of the intestine. There is a greater selection of remedies if the baby is constipated for 6 months. Komarovsky recommends giving the baby juice, broth or mashed prunes, and include fiber-rich foods in the diet.

Prevention of constipation

Everyone knows that a problem is best prevented than looking for ways to deal with it. Dr. Komarovsky says a lot about constipation in infants, but the main thing that he focuses on is that you need to establish proper nutrition for the baby. How to act to prevent constipation?

  • A baby with artificial feeding should receive enough water.
  • If the baby eats breast milk, then the mother needs to drink at least 2 liters of liquid and eat foods rich in potassium.
  • Spread the baby more often on the tummy, ideally - each time before feeding for 5 minutes.
  • Regularly do gymnastics with the child: raise his legs, bend them at the knees, exercises on the gymnastic ball are useful.
  • It is necessary to give the baby a light massage of the tummy, it helps relieve muscle spasms and reduce gas formation.
  • Overheating of the child should not be allowed.
  • The food of babies who already receive complementary foods should not be very thermally processed and very soft.

It is necessary to independently treat constipation in infants only if it is the only symptom. And when the baby experiences abdominal pain, it has increased gas formation and lacks appetite, it is urgent to consult a doctor.


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