Goldfish: Breeds, Content Tips

Goldfish is a guest from China. It was there that they first appeared and spread throughout the world due to the unusual outside world. Many of their hobbies began precisely with the content of these underwater inhabitants. Even if you stay exclusively on goldfish, there are enough rocks to revive the most boring aquarium.

goldfish what breed

general description

The beginning of this line of species was laid by artificial breeding of a freshwater species, which is a relative of common crucian carp. The fish has a rounded body. Each species has pharyngeal teeth and notches that form fins. Scales can be either large or small. It depends entirely on the species.

Coloring is also different. Depending on the breed, goldfish can be golden or black with multi-colored blotches. But everyone has one thing in common, the abdomen is always a little lighter. Otherwise, they can be very different. They can be short or long, bifurcated or veiled. Eyes can be ordinary or convex. Original and interesting can be both those and other varieties.

Different breeds of goldfish usually do not exceed 16 cm. But in large tanks, individuals grow up to 40 cm, not even counting the tail. Experienced aquarists know that the life span depends on the size of the individuals. If you want to buy a pet for life, then choose long and flat varieties. Such fish live up to 40 years. During this period, the aquarium manages to get bored with many fans.


These wonderful creatures need large aquariums. Round "vases" are best left for a flock of neons, these get along even in a jar. They feel good in pairs, large flocks do not even need them. Different breeds of goldfish can get along together, but best of all they look paired with their own kind. They are very attracted to the bottom and what it can be on. Therefore, pebbles or coarse sand should be used as soil. Fine fractions will cause turbidity to constantly stand in the aquarium. And most importantly, fish cannot swallow large stones.

The aquarium itself must be spacious, with large-leaved plants. Moreover, delicate pinnate algae is better to immediately postpone. Choose plants with hard leaves. In a general aquarium, they get along well with calm fish. Necessary conditions - lighting, filtration and aeration. There will be no problems with food, they will eat everything that they can not offer. But remember that it is better to underfeed than to overfeed. Therefore, you need to give food in small portions. About as much as the inhabitants take away in 5 minutes. To do this, you can stand for hours and watch. The main diet is plant foods. They can not be completely converted to protein feed.

These are the main characteristics that apply to any species. Now let's look at the individual characteristics of each of them.


One of the fish included in this large family. Often, stopping at the aquarium with them, people ask what breed. "Gold fish!" - the seller answers with a smile. Indeed, the family is one, but it does not look like that at all. The peculiarity is that the telescopic eyes are directed forward and upward. Despite its originality, the fish looks very beautiful. The color of the stargazers is orange-golden, very bright. Fish reach a length of up to 15 cm. The volume of water should be at least 100 liters per couple. Compatible with peaceful fish, but do not plant them together with barbs or cichlids.

Water eyes

This is the original representative of the goldfish family. The breed of fish is the result of breeding Chinese silver crucian carp. Size - about 20 cm, that is, the fish is quite large, therefore, the aquarium needs to be selected for it large.

The body is ovoid. Coloring can be different, ranging from silver to brown. The fish has characteristic blisters in the eyes. They seem to hang from two sides, giving it both a serious and comic look. Their eyes are very vulnerable. They can be injured by other underwater inhabitants. Sometimes fish themselves are capable of damaging them against underwater plants and grottoes. Therefore, it is important to think over the situation in the tank, spread out only rounded stones and not build complex grottoes.

goldfish breeds


Today weโ€™ll try to consider how many breeds of goldfish are available today in a network of pet stores. And in turn, perhaps the most popular representative of the family. The valehvost conquers at first sight. Its magnificent fins become the object of desire not only for beginners, but also for experienced aquarists. Representatives of this species can be found in almost every store. He gained such popularity with his unpretentiousness and beauty.

The body and fins are golden red. The back is slightly darker than the abdomen. There are other varieties of coloring. If you collect different veil-tails in one aquarium, it may seem that you just have a flower garden there. Bright fish fascinate with the movements of their fins, this can be observed almost endlessly.

goldfish fish breed photo


Another Chinese breeding product. The fish is very unusual and beautiful. It was bred in China. It swims like a barrel, and this won the delight of aquarists. Not at all like everyone else. True, its cost on the market today is quite high, and not every store is ready to offer you such a rarity.

Fish are painted in gold or orange-red. There are completely white species. Each flake of them is convex, which in the reflection of light adds even more volume to these creatures. That is why they deserve their name, as if showered with pearls.


Very bright and elegant fish, a true representative of his family. The comet's body is elongated, with a ribbon, forked tail. The longer the tail fin, the more expensive the fish. Of course, such fish are left for breeding to get even more competitive offspring. The comet is very similar to a veiltail, but even more elegant and graceful.

Color options for the comet are different. Basically, the body color is red-orange, sometimes white and yellow are present. If there are fish in which the body is of one color and the tail of another, then they are very appreciated. The color is affected by lighting and food. The combination of plant and protein foods is the key to the health and good appearance of your pet.

The fish is no longer than 18 cm, and the life expectancy is about 14 years. They are not too demanding on the content, the main thing is to keep the balance of the feed. They are prone to overeating and intestinal diseases. For maintenance, you need a clean, spacious aquarium without nitrogen compounds.


How many breeds of goldfish are known, but still they do not cease to amaze. These are the same and at the same time different. Oranda differs from other members of the family in that it has a growth cap on its head. She is also called in common people a little red riding hood. The body is ovoid, swollen. Some lovers think she looks like a veil-tail. But others do not note this similarity.

Their selection in pet stores is huge. Each variety is unique and interesting in its own way. They are absolutely not demanding on the conditions of detention. Despite their exotic appearance, it is not difficult to breed them.

goldfish fish breed


This time the result of Japanese selection. The fish is just amazing. She has a round, short body. There is no dorsal fin, so the back seems even rounder and shorter. Many people confuse this species with Shibunkin. This is understandable, there are very few differences between them. But this is only at first glance. If you look closely, you will see that these are two different fish.

There are many variations of ranch color. Today, subspecies have already been bred: orange, chocolate, metal. The lion-headed ranch appeared recently, but has already managed to gain popularity among aquarists. The purity of water in the aquarium must be approached very strictly. It is best to arm yourself with special test strips, which you can buy in a large network of pet stores. Sometimes, at the initial stage, you need the advice of an experienced aquarist.

Lion head

Today it is already singled out as a separate breed. Lionhead is an unusual and very beautiful fish, like all breeds and species of goldfish. Description and photos will not convey its charm, but will add up the first impression. The fish is short and round. It should be noted that the fry look like ordinary goldfish, nothing special. But by about three months of age, bulging growths begin to form in the region of gill covers. They resemble the structure of raspberries or the lionโ€™s mane.

The growths resemble those that are located on the head of the oranda, but they are much larger and cover the already small eyes of the fish. The usual color of the fish is yellow, golden or orange. Sometimes there are white individuals.

how many breeds of goldfish

Goldfish - Shibunkin

Another guest from Japan, who has taken root among fish lovers in our country. In terms of body shape, it is an ordinary goldfish. It resembles a comet in its fins, which adds to its charm. But the bright color allows it to become a welcome find for connoisseurs of the underwater kingdom.

How many breeds of goldfish in the world, and those that combine the best features of other species of the unit. A distinctive feature is transparent scales. That is why it is called scaly. In addition, these fish have a fantastically bright color. It is dominated by red, yellow, black and blue. The most valuable specimens are those in which the color blue predominates. It is worth noting that these shades appear only in adults, not earlier than the second year of life.

Shibunkin fish

Fish telescope

He is sometimes confused with the astrologer. But there is a difference, and itโ€™s obvious. Their eyes are located very differently, and the color is most often black or chintz. The fish is very unusual and beautiful. It got its name for large convex eyes, which can be spherical, conical and cylindrical. The size of the fish is up to 12 cm. The body is egg-shaped, fins are long, anal and tail bifurcated. There are only two types. Some, like all fish, are dressed in scales. Others, on the contrary, do without it and at the same time look sometimes even more interesting.

The main rule that is important to observe is keeping in a separate aquarium or exclusively with peaceful individuals. But even in this case, those who want to attack the huge and very vulnerable eyes of the telescope may appear. Therefore, it is best to run a couple of beautiful fish in a large aquarium and watch them. A small flock of neon or a pair of ground catfish will not interfere. But you need to consider that catfish raise turbidity from the bottom, so you need to choose the right soil.

fish telescope

Ryukin, or Ryukyu gold

The last of the goldfish breed listed today. A photo of fish will allow you to navigate in all the diversity of this amazing family. Ryukyu - differs in a curved body with the formation of a hump. Their body is not only short, but also elongated in height.

Today, the efforts of breeders are aimed at further increasing the height of the body and the rigidity of the dorsal fin. They can carry accommodation in a small aquarium.

Instead of a conclusion

All dwarf breeds of goldfish are worthy of attention. Sometimes aquarists are so carried away by these amazing creatures that they forget about the other varieties of aquarium inhabitants. On the one hand, this is a good approach to business, because all these fish have similar needs. Having studied them, you will be able to provide optimal living conditions for your pets. Experts recommend starting with the most inexpensive varieties. If the fish live normally, then you can think about how to diversify your collection.


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