"Children of the Blue Flamingo": a summary. "Children of the Blue Flamingo", Krapivin

Krapivin Vladislav Petrovich was born in Tyumen in 1938, in a family of teachers. From an early age he discovered the ability to create entertaining stories and told them to his peers. The future writer began to create literary works when he studied at the university at the faculty of journalism. The first critic and reader of this author was his mother.

Summary of Blue Flamingo Kids

In this article, we will present one of the works of Krapivin Vladislav Petrovich, his summary. "Children of the Blue Flamingo" is a short story in the series "Flying Tales", created by the author in 1980. We’ll talk about her.

a story of children of blue flamingos

The main works of the author

The first book of Vladislav Petrovich appeared in 1962. It was called the “Orion Flight.” Two years later, in 1964, this author became one of the members of the USSR Writers Union.

The first tales of Krapivin Vladislav Petrovich appeared back in the 60s of the last century. Their main characters are knights and dreamers, loyal friends, older brothers, kind, sincere, sympathetic. In the 70-80s, Krapivin pushed the boundaries of the world of reality, turning to fairy tales and fiction. “Children of the Blue Flamingo” is a fairy tale. Note its main features.

"Children of the Blue Flamingo": what is this story about

nettle children blue flamingo

The work “Children of the Blue Flamingo” is a social tragedy, philosophical parable, dystopian book, grotesque ... This work takes approximately 130 pages in volume. The main question raised in the work is the following: "How can one defeat a terrible monster that keeps all the inhabitants of an island in fear, which is the law of existence?" Fear is the first foundation of our whole life. We are born with him, in fear the whole human existence passes. He has many names, from "global warming" to "terrorism."

Fear in the heart of man

In order for materialized fear to live as long as possible in the heart of a person, one should pull out some symbol as often as possible for a scarecrow: here again the village in Micronesia was washed away, the Alkaid house was again blown up ... Residents should be constantly afraid.

How to cross out the Lizard from human hearts? This book is about what kind of monsters some of the people are. And it’s so simple and easy for others to obey, look under their feet, and not toward the sky.

Keeps the "balance of order" octopus not only in public but also in the personal life of the islanders. He is a tool of intimidation. The motive of fear in this fairy tale has two planes: it is the fear of destroying the physical, punishment provoked by the existence of the terrible Lizard, but at the same time it is the fear of becoming, finally, free. The islanders living in a limited, enclosed space are devoid of the fearlessness inherent in youth. The call is clear to them: children should be kept in eternal fear.

Summary. "Children of the Blue Flamingo": the beginning of the story

The main character after playing with his friends returns home to his grandmother, as his parents are on a business trip. A man comes up to him on the road, who talks about one island, invisible, not drawn on any map of the world. It allegedly rules the terrible Lizard. The hero offers to go with him to the island in order to fight the villain and free the local population.

Zhenya Ushakov leaves for the island

We continue to describe the summary. "Children of the Blue Flamingo" is a story that will appeal to almost all readers. Eugene Ushakov (that was the name of the boy) agrees and swims to the island with a stranger called Ktor Echo. It turns out that the Lizard is a huge robot that is made in the form of an octopus. Eugene escapes, but he is caught, judged and about to be executed.

blue flamingo kids content

Suddenly, the boy is saved by one blue bird, whom he helped to save his chick during the flight from the monster. She takes Zhenya to an old fortress, in which several other children are hiding. It turns out that there are no girls and boys on the island, since the kids immediately become adults. Only a young man named Doug lives in the fortress.

children of blue flamingo heroes

Eugene meets Julia

We continue to describe the summary. The Blue Flamingo Kids continues these events. Soldiers find refuge in children. These are the servants of the Lizard who want to capture them, but the children with the help of the same bird manage to fly away. Only the Arc is killed, and then the Bluebird that saved them also perishes. Among the other children, Zhenya in the fortress recognizes the boy Yulka, whom he knew in the real world. Everyone thought that the boy drowned. In the story "Children of the Blue Flamingo" these heroes became friends. After the boys escaped from the fortress, they succeeded in finding the remote control that controls the Lizard and kill this monster.

Boys Find Out Who Ktor Echo Is

After that, they are also going to kill Tahomir Tycho, the ruler of the island. It turns out that Ktor Echo and Tahomir are the same person who invites the boys to fly away from here in a balloon. At the last moment, Yulka changed his mind and made Zhenya fly by cunning. In our world, after a certain time, another Blue Bird found him, who was a chick of the deceased.

The work that Krapivin created continues. "Children of the Blue Flamingo" further narrates about such events. With the help of this bird, a new friend of Zhenya Tolik, together with the main character, returns to the island in order to fight with the ruler and servants of the Lizard. They succeed, and together they go home, where Julia sees her parents prematurely aged from grief.

This ends the events of the work that Krapivin created. "Children of the Blue Flamingo" have an upbeat ending, and this is no accident. As in any fairy tale, good certainly conquers evil. The author also believed that works should teach the cooperation and friendship of adults and children.

"Legend of the island of Dvid"

In 2010, the story "Children of the Blue Flamingo" was filmed. On it, a film was made entitled "Legend of the Island of Dvid." The author himself, however, was skeptical about this picture, criticizing a number of key points in the film.

We told you about the story "Children of the Blue Flamingo." Its content is really very interesting, so we recommend that everyone read this work of Vladislav Petrovich Krapivin.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E23884/

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