Gas leak detector with alarm: types, characteristics

Almost every day there are explosions and various degrees of fires that occur when gas enters the room. To prevent such situations, it is necessary to use a gas leakage sensor. It serves to establish its content in the air. At critical rates, the device notifies surrounding personnel of a serious leak. The gas leakage sensor may have various shutoff valves in its configuration, which serves to shut off the flow of fuel. The simplest models determine the concentration of a specific gas. And if the permissible limit exceeds the norm, it signals this. Outwardly, it is a compact mobile equipment that can be installed anywhere. As a rule, it is used for safety in domestic conditions. But other models used in industrial premises are widely distributed on the market.

What are leakage sensors?

They come in two forms. Wired and wireless. Looking at their name, we can say that they differ among themselves the source of power. The first type is connected to a household electrical network, with a voltage of 200 V.

gas leak sensor
The second type works with the help of special batteries. The latter are located in the sensor itself.

Also, the gas leakage sensor is classified by the method of determining the concentration of fuel entering the environment. So, there are the following types. Semiconductor, infrared and catalytic.

The first type operates with the help of semiconductors, the principle of which is to absorb gas oxide, heated to a certain temperature. The devices of the following type resemble explosive lamps in their design.

installation of gas leak sensors
His work is based on the combustion of gas, while decomposing it into two components: water and carbon dioxide. The devices of the latter type determine the concentration of fuel, due to the absorption of the medium, which is within the infrared spectrum.

Leakage Sensor Features

As mentioned earlier, all sensors are divided into two types - wired and wireless. Now consider in detail their features. The wired gas leakage sensor operates from a conventional consumer electrical network, with a voltage of 220 V.

household gas leak sensor
Most people consider this species to be unsafe. With a high gas content in the environment, any short circuit will cause an explosion. But this thought is considered wrong. The device is assembled using special technologies. Therefore, the occurrence of an explosion due to a short circuit is not threatened. Gas leak detectors for a wired type home are low cost and also fairly easy to handle. Their negative side is the high energy consumption, which is required for the operation of various sensors.

The wireless gas leak detector works with a battery built directly into the housing. Thanks to him, you can install appliances anywhere. They also consume enough electricity. Therefore, they are not used in industrial fields. In addition, the cost of the devices is quite high.

Gas leakage sensor with valve

Currently, devices with a valve or other shutoff valves are used. A sensitive element is provided in their design. With a large gas content in the room, it transmits a signal to the electrical circuit, and it closes. Next, the valve closes, and the flow of fuel into the room stops. As a rule, the device is installed in front of any gas equipment, for example, a filter, a burner, a column, etc. Installation of such elements must be carried out by a special master. He installs stop valves in the pipe and checks its performance. The valve has a long service life and does not require an electrical connection. To return the valve to its original position, you must turn it manually. Thanks to automation, the household gas leakage sensor with valve has become the most popular.

Characteristics of a device with an alarm

In the current devices, wireless communication elements are installed, thanks to which signaling parts can be used. If the amount of gas has exceeded normal values, the sensing element is triggered. Next, the signal goes to the owner on a regular phone.

gas leakage sensor with valve
Therefore, the owner can independently make a decision to eliminate this problem. The gas leak sensor with an alarm has a special device. It can be used for security systems of other elements. For example, they are an important element of a cozy home.

How sensors work

They are divided into three types: semiconductor, catalytic and infrared. Elements work differently, so you should deal with each type.

  1. Catalytic. The principle of operation of this type is to split the gas into elements such as water and carbon dioxide during combustion. A small amount of air with a high fuel content passes through the sensor. There is a combustion process. In this case, the resistance in the coil changes. There is also another coil in the device, which serves to determine the temperature increase. The higher the gas content in the room, the higher the resistance. So that the coil is not exposed to any influences, thermal balls are placed at its ends. The latter are covered with a layer of glass. Such a device serves as a compensator. Information on the content of gas particles in the air arrives in a matter of milliseconds.
  2. Semiconductor sensors. Their principle of operation resembles the same as that used in the catalytic device. A silicon wafer is used as a sensitive element. Metal oxide is applied to its surface. This method is also used for the production of computer parts. In the event of particles of gas falling onto such a surface, a change in resistance occurs, which corresponds to the concentration of harmful substances in the surrounding air. Such devices are widely used in everyday life. They cannot be used for industrial purposes, since the concentration of certain types of fuel is rather difficult to determine. One of the negative qualities is a slow response, as well as a long recovery time, requiring staff control.
  3. Infrared They are used for industrial purposes to determine the gas content in a room. If we compare it with the catalytic species, then significant advantages stand out. Among them, you can highlight the fast turn-on time, as well as low power consumption. The principle of operation is to analyze gas particles using light. Lighting waves are located in the infrared range. So, the analysis uses two waves: the reference and the investigated. Two media pass through a specific light source and return. Further, the device analyzes the corresponding signals and shows the amount of fuel in the room.

Installing gas leakage sensors

Their location depends on the type of gas produced. For example, if its mass is more than air, then the devices are installed in the lower parts of the wall. If natural gas is used, then the location changes to the opposite, that is, the element is mounted under the ceiling.

gas leak detectors for home
When installing equipment, you must adhere to some rules:

  • Do not install sensors near various gas appliances;
  • they cannot be installed on gas appliances;
  • installation takes place in a room where air does not penetrate;
  • can not be installed near windows and doors;
  • Do not mount devices in rooms with high ammonia content.


When you purchase a household gas leak detector, it is already in the configured form. Therefore, during installation, no preparatory work is necessary. After installing it, you should watch it for some time.

In addition, you need to clean from dust and other contaminants in the immediate areas of the device. In this case, one should not overdo it so as not to damage the sensing element.

Another important point is a health check. To do this, apply gas to the sensor. This can be done using a conventional lighter. After the sensor has worked, you need to pay attention to the warning signal. It should be loud enough for all attendants to hear it. After weathering the gas, the device recovers on its own. If the devices are equipped with shutoff valves, then the performance is checked manually.


The price of the sensor depends on the concentration of which type of gas must be determined.

household gas leakage sensor with valve
Also on this indicator is the type of equipment. Wireless devices cost much higher than wired devices. The price for them ranges from eight hundred rubles to four thousand.

Customer reviews

Many users of these leakage sensors are happy with their work. They work quickly with a significant gas content in the room. A huge number of such devices are presented on the market, which differ in principle of operation and power source.

gas leak detector with alarm
Therefore, each person can choose the right kind.


Today, most fires are caused by gas leaks. Such situations must be prevented. Therefore, many people install leakage sensors. They inform the owner of the apartment or company about the high concentration of gas in the air. Such devices help to save not only property, but also human lives.

So, we found out what these devices are.


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