What is needed for a home aquarium? How to choose fish and equip them with a "house"

Many people dream of a beautiful aquarium that will not only attract fish with its variety, but also harmoniously fit into the overall interior design. Indeed, such a "reservoir" in the apartment not only fills the space with positive emotions, but also favorably affects the nervous system. If for some time, without breaking away, you watch through the glass the life of aquarium inhabitants: fish, snails and algae, then this will serve to some extent as relaxation for a person. But how to design a home aquarium? How do I get started?

what you need for a home aquarium

Which aquarium is preferable for aquatic domestic residents

It should be remembered that aquariums differ, firstly, in shape. Secondly, by the capacity of water (in liters). These criteria have their pros and cons.

Aquariums made in the form of a rectangle or square, it is very convenient to place on longitudinal surfaces. And glass vessels resembling glasses will look good on compact bedside tables.

The enclosed volume of water in the container also plays an important role when purchasing. In an aquarium with a large displacement, you can keep large fish. And it will become clogged much more slowly than shallow and small vessels in their parameters. Although it all depends on the person who cares for the silent aquatic inhabitants. Therefore, these facts are useful practical recommendations to help you understand what you need for a home aquarium.

When buying a container, it should be carefully inspected for leaks in the walls, which are fastened together using special glue. If desired, you can find glass vessels with a lid.

For the inhabitants of the aquarium, the choice of place is important - and this is no secret. When the "house" for fish has already been purchased, you should choose a permanent location for it.

what you need for a beautiful home aquarium

What you need to know

There are several rules to consider:

  • The surface must be stable.
  • The water level in the aquarium should be checked so that the liquid in no case presses on any one of the walls, that is, it is evenly distributed.
  • Avoid contact with direct sunlight. Otherwise, cleaning will become more frequent than usual, since such illumination provokes a rapid change in water and the decomposition of feed residues.
  • It is recommended to place the aquarium near the outlet so that you can connect the necessary equipment. In extreme cases, you can lay an extension cord.

Necessary equipment for the aquarium

All these tips are undoubtedly important when choosing this purchase. But this is far from all that will be required to realize an old dream. So what do you need for a home aquarium?

In order for the tank to have its own flora with enough air, usually buy aquarium plants, which some fish consume for food. But the main function of these plants is the release of oxygen. Experienced aquarists also purchase and install special filters for this. They vary in type, details, size and other criteria.

home aquarium where to start

The aquarium will need additional lighting. Thanks to this, the fish feel vigorously, develop well, are less likely to get sick, and the plants exhibit rapid growth and saturated color of leaves.

The temperature of the water must be monitored, so the heater must be included with the aquarium. The bottom of the aquarium is covered with a special soil - a substrate, which creates a favorable environment for the nutrition of plants and aquatic organisms.

They love all the beauty - even the fish in the pond!

Do not think that aquatic inhabitants do not care what is around them. Pet shops currently offer such a rich assortment of decor that you can sometimes get lost among these products.

You should not buy up all the items you like, because you need only a few elements for a beautiful home aquarium:

  • Stones and shells. They not only look original and attractive. Behind them you can also hide fish or snails.
  • Castle or some driftwood. They give the aquarium some mystery and mystery.
  • The back wall of the aquarium is usually decorated with a thematic background, which is performed on special surfaces. It not only decorates a transparent vessel, but also visually increases aqua space.

Thus, a correctly selected decor will not overload the small water world, but, on the contrary, will create a cozy atmosphere not only in it, but also in the living room.

how to choose fish for a home aquarium

Who lives in the aquarium

And, of course, the main thing you need for a home aquarium is the permanent residents. Until that time, as you let fish into the vessel, it is worth buying and planting algae in the ground. Snails perfectly clean the walls of the aquarium, so you should not forget about them. In addition, catfish also cope with this task perfectly.

How to choose fish for a home aquarium:

  • No need to buy too many residents, besides different types.
  • Remember that it is unacceptable to populate predators with other fish in one tank.
  • For beginner aquarists, you should first buy a guppy. They are not so finicky, moreover, they adapt well to the created conditions. Over time, swordsmen, neons, and other aquatic creatures can be lodged with them.

The main thing you need for a home aquarium is three main factors: cleanliness, fish care, and, of course, love from the owner.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E2390/

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