What if the ring is large in size?

What to do if your favorite ring has become great for you, and so do not want to say goodbye to it? There are several ways to solve this rather difficult problem. You can wear it on the other finger. So, they all have different sizes. This option is quite affordable for women and men.

Jeweler help

Also, if a ring of gold is important to you, then you can turn to a jeweler for help. This service does not cost quite a lot of money. Everyone can use it.

Big ring

The cost of this service is about 500 rubles. This amount is small. Often husbands mistakenly choose their wives inappropriate ring. And in order not to upset the partner, the girls manage to wear it on different fingers. You can also reduce the size. This mainly applies to simple products, without engraving and complex composition.

Three ways

What to do if the ring is large in size? Jewelers can reduce size in three ways: by adding, cutting, and shrinking. Addition is considered the rarest procedure. For the price more expensive. Another thin one is added inside the ring, and because of this, the size becomes smaller. Compression - This applies high temperature. During this procedure, the ring becomes smaller. Cutting is as follows: just part of the metal is removed, and the product becomes much smaller.

Reduce at home

So what if a big ring? What to do at home? Many people ask these questions. Of course, you can correct it yourself, but taking into account if this is ordinary jewelry.

What to do at home if the ring is large

Of course, you should not compress it with great force. You can come up with an oval shape. Then the product should suit you in size. It is worth taking this work seriously. Since with considerable effort, you can just ruin your favorite ring and, thereby, get upset.

Big engagement

What if the engagement ring is large? Yes, sometimes it happens. That is, it happens that the ring purchased for a wedding is not suitable in size. There is a sign, if the engagement turned out to be great, then love and happiness leave with it. But still, do not be upset. Since everything can be fixed, it is worth taking action quickly. You can move the jewelry to the middle finger, it is thicker than the ring finger. For women and men, this option is suitable. Maybe just hang the ring on a chain and wear around your neck. But this option does not suit everyone. Since many people prefer to wear it on the ring finger. If you put a ring on the other finger, other people will not perceive it. They will assume that you are not married, and can constantly ask questions on this subject. The most correct will be an appeal to a jeweler. He will measure everything and adjust the ring to the desired size, and you will be satisfied with the result. For the price it is not too expensive, and anyone who has encountered this problem can afford it.

Indian method

There is another great method to reduce the ring at home and it was developed in India. It turns out to be quite simple and quick, and there is no need to resort to a jewelry workshop for help. It is necessary to create a braid from black kapron thread, it must be tight. It is necessary to wrap the thread and methodically tie it on the rim. Reducing the ring will depend only on the thickness of the thread.

What to do if the ring is large in size

In the process, you can track the size. Further, the ring will take an unusual look or even a unique look. You can pick up the threads even by the color close to their ring. Also often choose a universal black thread. It should be noted that the thread is synthetic, since the natural one will be wiped, and also absorb not only dirt, but also sweat coming out of the skin. This method is not suitable for everyone. Since the ring takes on a different look and does not look as it would have been originally wanted.

Transparent enamel

What if the ring is large? There are situations when jewelers are unable to help and refuse to take up work. These can be rings with multiple pebbles, which after the alloy simply can either deteriorate or melt during operation. And then you have to try different methods at home. One of them is the purchase of transparent enamel for nails.

What to do if the engagement ring is large

It is necessary to paint the inside of the ring ten layers. Carefully remove the excess with a knife for cutting linoleum or ordinary stationery. This should all freeze. And then the product can be tried on, even if it remains great for you, you can apply a few more layers of enamel. Feedback on this method is positive and speaks of the popularity of the method. The duration of this method depends on external factors. If the product is often subjected to different chemical influences, the enamel can quickly fall off. And so it will last several years.


In general, there are many ways to fix this problem. In any case, you need to think everything over well, make the right decision. Many immediately resort to a jewelry workshop for help. They will not only prompt you, but also help you choose the right option for your ring. And if this is ordinary jewelry, but you have unusual stories associated with it, or just cherish it, then you can use different methods at home that are listed in this article.

What to do if the ring is large

An engagement ring will be more difficult to handle at home. But still, many are wondering what to do if the ring is large? Especially often it happens that a man bought and suggested a possible size. At the same time, the girl’s ring was not in size. At home, it is not recommended to bend it yourself and perform other methods to fix this problem. And it’s better to turn to specialists for help, they themselves will choose a method so that your ring fits in size. If you believe the signs, the ring should be worn on the ring finger. Some simply hang it around the neck with a chain or another finger. This is not entirely correct and will lead to unnecessary questions that are not entirely pleasant, as we said above.

Therefore, it is better to wear a wedding ring on the right finger, observe the sign and, most importantly, believe in it.

How to reduce a large ring

The choice

When buying any jewelry or gold products, you need to make sure that it is of high quality. And in the case of gold, you need to watch a sample of the product. After all, if the purchase is made of low-quality metal, then it will not last very long. Therefore, you need to take into account all the nuances, so that in the future there will be no problems.

Little conclusion

In case you notice that your ring has become great, what to do in such a situation, we have described above. In this case, you do not need to immediately run to the workshop and give money. It is worthwhile to carefully analyze why this happened. If you lost weight and it happened by accident, you can just make up and try to gain it if you need it without harming your health. And if you already bought it, then in some cases there are ways to exchange products in a jewelry store. Whatever method you choose, the main thing is that it brings the result.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E23904/

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