Where prostitution is legalized - features, law and interesting facts

The problem of decriminalization of prostitution torments the minds of many people: lawmakers and ordinary citizens. The experience of legalizing prostitution is both positive and negative. The world has actually divided into two warring parties: where prostitution is legalized and where it is under the strictest ban. Today we will talk about the legal regulation of commercial sex and countries where it is permitted by law.

Countries where prostitution is legalized

The field of commercial sex is quite ambiguous. Within the framework of regional communities, the European Union can be cited as an example, where in some countries prostitution is legalized, and in others it is strictly prohibited. Moreover, sometimes one state cannot figure out the decriminalization of commercial sex. The United States serves as an example: in Nevada, prostitution is licensed, the rest of the states abstained from such a measure. The same applies to the UK - prostitution is legalized in the whole country, but not regulated, and prohibited in Northern Ireland.

The following map shows where prostitution is legalized in Europe and not.

Map of Europe showing attitude to prostitution

The pink color indicates countries where commercial sex is prohibited, but the client is prosecuted for it. Dark red are countries where priestesses of love are directly punished for engaging in an ancient profession. The blue color informs about countries where prostitution is legalized, but has no legal regulation, brothels are outlawed here, as well as in countries of the light green zone. However, here commercial lovemaking is decriminalized and regulated by law. The dark green color gives the go-ahead to prostitution and the opening of brothels.

As can be judged from this map, legal prostitution and the countries of Europe, despite tolerance and liberalism, are quite far from each other. In many Western European countries, prostitution is tolerated and does not punish priestesses of love, but clients are prosecuted by law. This is rather strange, since the girls who perform commercial services act within the framework of the law, and their customers do not. From the point of view of legislation, this is not regulated in any way.

In the CIS countries, the situation is different. Here, girls are directly punished for prostitution; an administrative fine is imposed for such an offense. The size of the quota can be from 2000 to 10 000 rubles.

There are quite a few states in which prostitution is fully legalized in Europe. They can be counted on the fingers: the Netherlands, Switzerland, Germany and Turkey.

World map

Today, about 100 countries legally prohibit prostitution. Most other countries prefer not to regulate this process without prohibiting or permitting commercial sex.

A visual map shows in which countries of the world prostitution is legal, and in which it is banned. Each group of countries is painted in a specific color.

World map showing countries attitude to prostitution
  1. The Red Zone is a complete ban on commercial sex.
  2. Green - where prostitution is fully legalized.
  3. Yellow - allowed and regulated in the legal system, but brothels are prohibited.
  4. Blue - it is legal to be a priestess of love, but there is no legal regulation. In some countries in the area, clients are being prosecuted for using prostitution services. Brothels are prohibited.
  5. White - the lack of a legal framework for prostitutes.
  6. Violet - commercial sex is prohibited, but there are certain gaps in the legislation that allow us to say that prostitution in these regions is possible. Namely: in strip clubs, massage parlors, bathhouses.

Based on what was seen, it is safe to say that very few countries took the risk and legalized prostitution. The rest of the countries either chose to stay away or imposed a complete ban on sexual services.

Prostitution in different countries

The particularities of prostitution in countries where it is permitted vary widely. The attitude to the priestesses of love in these states is very different - somewhere it is honorable and respected, but somewhere it is severely punished and strongly condemned.


Here, prostitution is permitted, but not as a source of basic income. Women here may well work as teachers, paramedics, sellers, but be prostitutes as a secondary income. And here it is not condemned in any way.


Legal prostitution is also in Brazil. What is not so attractive, knowing about the HIV epidemic in the country. Recently, the state received a proposal for financial assistance from the international community to suppress the spread of infection. However, Brazil turned down $ 40 billion because it required a complete ban on commercial sex as a response to the HIV epidemic. To which she, of course, did not go.

Prostitution in Brazil


Bangladesh demonstrates sexism, calling prostitution a “female affair”. Commercial sex with a woman is legal in the country, but prohibited with a man. Despite the limitation of “male love,” prostitute guys are common here. What is much worse is generalized child prostitution. In the state, more than 10 thousand children are involved in the field of sexual services. Many assume that the whole point is the corruption of officials who turn a blind eye to what is happening. However, you should not think that you can go unpunished by using the sexual services of a child, because sex with children in this country provides for criminal prosecution.

Prostitution in Bangladesh


The country was one of the first to officially legalize prostitution and was able to overcome the domestic prejudices of its citizens. Being a priestess of love is honored here just like work in any other field. Prostitutes enjoy the full range of state labor law and even have the right to retirement benefits, regularly pay taxes and regularly undergo medical examinations.

Priestess of love in a brothel


At the end of the 20th century, more than half of the prostitutes in the state were involved in business through deception or threats. Today Ecuador has stepped far forward precisely thanks to the legalization of prostitution. The regulation of sex services in the country is quite strict - commercial sex can only be obtained in specially designated brothels, which are required to comply with legal requirements. Girls undergo regular medical examinations, pay taxes to the treasury and have a social security package.


Distinguished her opinion on the legalization of prostitution. In a country where a real breakthrough in the sex industry has only recently occurred, after a long examination of the problem, they decided to allow paid sexual services, but only on condition that the whole process is hidden from the public. Pimping is here explicitly prohibited in order to avoid possible coercion of girls into prostitution.

Coercion to prostitution

Legalize or not

So far, the problem of decriminalization of prostitution remains open. Opponents of legal commercial sex base their opinion on the fact that this will significantly affect the moral of society. However, as practice shows, in countries where prostitution remains illegal, there is no reduction in the use of escort girls.

It is not surprising, because for prostitution in the CIS countries they are punished with a fine of 2 to 10 thousand rubles, and the punishment for making a profit from such a business is from 2 to 5 thousand rubles. For the sex industry, these are ridiculous numbers.

In Arab countries, the punishment is more severe, and trafficking in bodies may be punishable up to criminal prosecution. Nevertheless, this does not prevent the organization of clandestine brothels in large cities of the Muslim part of the world. As a rule, women who are not Muslim work there, because the punishment for prostitution is much more serious for an Arab girl. However, in Europe, "Muslim prostitution" has become widespread, especially in France.

It is difficult to say why the legalization of prostitution is dangerous. It is much worse when many girls suffer violence from clients or law enforcement agencies and cannot go to court to defend their rights.

Many scientists believe that the full legalization of prostitution will help to defeat the HIV epidemic. Yes, we can say that this did not help Brazil at all, and on the contrary, worsened the situation. But it is worth noting that the country does not legislatively regulate commercial sex. The position of a prostitute is legal, but she does not pay taxes, does not undergo mandatory medical examinations, and brothels that organize the activities of priestesses of love are outside the law.

The fight for the legalization of prostitution

One of the most loyal countries to the oldest profession is Germany. Recently, a bill has been prepared here that regulates the activities of prostitutes in more detail. It is aimed at making mandatory registration of priestesses of love, regular medical checks and increasing the age of the possibility of prostitution up to 21 years. Nevertheless, no one says that the Germans are the most marginal nation. And speaking of HIV, Germany has stopped the spread of the epidemic and intends to completely cope with it by 2020. Impressive, isn't it?

Here is what countries in which prostitution has been fully legalized have been able to achieve:

  • virtually suppress HIV and the spread of other sexually transmitted diseases;
  • protect girls from violent acts of clients;
  • socially provide priestesses of love;
  • receive additional income for the state from paying taxes from brothels.
Priestesses of love

This is not the whole spectrum of how the state can only win on the legalization of prostitution. On the other side of the balance is marginalization and conservatism. People fear that if sex for money becomes legal, morality will suffer, the social situation in the country will worsen.

Now you know in which countries prostitution is legalized and what this legalization brought with it.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E23912/

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