Vyngapurovskoye field: where is it located and what are its reserves?

The Vyngapurovskoye deposit brings great benefits to our country. Today we’ll talk about it in more detail, find out how rich it is and what role it plays for the country's economy. It is worth noting that Russia is very rich in various minerals, on which economic well-being largely depends.

Vyngapurovskoye field


The Vyngapurovskoye oil and gas field is located in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, which is located 20 km southwest of the town of Tarko-Sale. According to the administrative division, the field is located in the Tyumen region in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District. A little more than 100 km from the field is the city of Noyabrsk. Directly near the field is a village of the same name.

The field was discovered in 1968. Initially, it was considered gas, but a number of geological studies that were regularly carried out on its territory showed that oil could also be extracted there. From that moment, the Vyngapurovskoye field was considered to be gas and oil. It was put into commercial operation only in 1982 due to preparatory and research work.

Vyngapurovskoye field


The field belongs to the West Siberian oil and gas province. It is confined to a local submeridional uplift, which measures 15x25 km. Lifting complicates the central part of the shaft and has a lifting amplitude of 200m. Deposits of the Lower Cretaceous and Jurassic are considered industrial oil deposits. Geographically, it is a lowland with frequent forests. The presence of oil and gas deposits in the Lower Cretaceous was discovered only in 1978. It is worth noting that no possible seismic activity was detected on the territory.

To date, the field has 27 productive formations. Of which 24 are used for oil production, which include 4 gas-oil and oil-gas condensate reservoirs. There are three gas reservoirs.


From the time the field started up to today, about 24 million tons of oil have been produced. This, in turn, is equal to 44% of the required amount of recoverable annually reserves with a present oil recovery factor of 0.21%.

The field has many layers and a complex structure. The oil-bearing floor is approximately 1600 m. It covers the thickness of rocks of the Middle Jurassic and Upper Cretaceous.

Vyngapurovskoye gas field


The Vyngapurovskoye field is owned by Gazpromneft. It is one of the largest among the holdings of the company. According to data for 2008, production amounted to more than 3 million tons. At the same time, 35% of the project fund is still not drilled reserves. The ground-based infrastructure includes an oil pre-treatment workshop, 5 pump booster stations and 5 pump cluster stations. The total length of the oil collection pipelines is approximately 600 km.

When setting up the field, the design was carried out by the Giprotyumenneftegaz Research Institute.

To date, gas reserves amount to 80 billion cubic meters.

GDI methods at the Vyngapurovskoye gas field

Current state

Today, the field has a well-developed infrastructure for the production of gas and oil for industrial purposes. This allows you to work on already identified areas of deposits and in the shortest possible time to open new areas with development prospects. Oil is being actively extracted from the Jurassic and Neocomian deposits, as well as gas from the Seoman deposits. A very dense network of threads of gas and oil pipelines through which the transfer of minerals occurs. The Urengoy-Vyngapur-Chelyabinsk-Novopolotsk gas pipeline was laid on the territory of the field. Just a few kilometers from the field there is the highway of the Kholmogorskoye-Fedorovskoye-Surgut-Omsk pipeline. The distance from Surgut to the Vyngapurovskoye field is approximately 400 km. There is a separate connection to the trunk.

The main line of work

At the moment, BV1, BV8 (south), BV8 strata are actively developing. The last layer is the main focus of work. Also, specialists are engaged in exploration and appraisal in single wells.

The main resources of the BV8 layer are located in the northern part of the territory. A regular decrease in strata occurs from the east and northwest. Work is ongoing until the reservoir is completely replaced with clay. The nature of the distribution of reservoirs in this layer is locally lenticular. The researchers also found that from the north-eastern part there is an expansion of the reservoir and its richness in oil. The main mining area is highly dissected. It is also characterized by a lenticular shape, a gas cap in the area of ​​uplifts, clay content of rocks in the western zone and incontinence of sandy-clay bodies.

Formation is carried out using a 9-point system, which has a mesh density of 25 ha / well. For the main stratum BV8, a 7-chipped system is used.

geological section of the Vyngapurovskoye field

Land characteristics

According to the conditionality of the reserves and their geological location, the BV8 stratum is divided into several sections: northern, main, southern, western, and the region of 50 r. The plot in the north is developed by specialists using a 3-row system. The territory is also subjected to additional drilling by pulling together. Used mesh density of 14.3 ha / well. A plot in the central part is developed using a 9-point system using a grid density of 12 ha / well. In the near future, a transition to a 5-point system is planned. The southern and western sections are also developed using a 9-point system, however, the grid density here reaches 25 ha / well. To develop a well 50r. Focal and near-surface flooding with a density of 12 ha / well is used.

The BV5, YuV1 formations are still being developed by single wells, therefore they are in pilot commercial operation.

GDI methods at the Vyngapurovskoye gas field

Since 1984, active injection of water into the reservoirs has been carried out. A total of 56,249.9 thousand m3 were pumped. Thanks to the use of modern oil recovery enhancement methods, an additional 5,000 tons of oil were extracted. In total, during the exploration of the GDI, 4 deposits were identified in the Upper Jurassic, Neocomian, and Cenomanian. At a depth of 985 m, a massive reservoir was established in the Cenomanian, the height of which is 90 m, GWK 945 m.

Surgut to Vyngapurovsky field

The geological section of the Vyngapurovskoye field has a gap. At the moment, it allows oil to be extracted by more intensive methods by developing surrounding fracturing layers. A single hydrodynamic system was formed in the reservoir, which brought a number of advantages: it was possible to increase the rate of extraction of minerals and increase oil recovery.

Summing up the article, I want to say that the Vyngapurovskoye gas field is one of the largest. Experts advise a series of measures to intensify the extraction of minerals. This includes water flooding, which should be carried out by hydrodynamic methods, drilling horizontal wells, treating injection wells, work on isolation and field repair, deepening and perforating methods, studying the water saturation of intervals, normalizing faces, using physicochemical methods. As you can see, there are opportunities to improve the efficiency of the field, the main thing is that there would be a desire. But even with the current level of service, the Vyngapurovskoye field remains one of the most powerful.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E23913/

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