Rules for passing inspection in Belarus

One of the prerequisites for the participation of vehicles in traffic is the timely passage of inspection. For his absence, the motorist has to pay a fine. To prevent this from happening, you need to send the car to the diagnostic station in time. The article describes how the inspection takes place in Belarus, what documents are needed for this and how much you will have to pay.

What is the inspection procedure for?

inspection belarus 2018

Technical inspection of the vehicle allows you to determine its suitability for participation in traffic. In a car it is checked:

  • operability of lighting devices, glass cleaning brushes, sound signal;
  • parking brake - handbrake (does it hold the car);
  • wheels, including tire wear;
  • body, glass - their integrity;
  • steering wheel;
  • front and rear brakes;
  • traffic fumes;
  • the presence of a first-aid kit, fire extinguisher, warning triangle.

If in front of each of these points you can put "+", then the car is safe to participate in traffic. A working vehicle is the ultimate goal of its technical diagnosis. If the machine does not pass inspection due to a malfunction of one or more elements, then it poses a danger to both its owner and other road users. You can’t drive such a car.

Timely passing inspection in Belarus is one of the first mandatory points that every car owner must fulfill. Otherwise, he will be punished with a fine. But the most dangerous thing is that a faulty car can create an emergency situation when participating in traffic.

When to pass

inspection in Belarus requirements

Inspection in Belarus is carried out annually or once every 2 years. The frequency of technical diagnostics of a car depends on its age. If the machine is older than 10 years, inspection should be done every year. A "young" car undergoes mandatory diagnostics 1 time in 2 years. But the car owner must consider some points:

  1. When a newly acquired car is registered with the State Automobile Inspectorate (GAI), 10 days are allotted to undergo a technical inspection. At the same time, the year of manufacture and the class of the vehicle are not taken into account for setting the term.
  2. New cars undergo mandatory diagnostics every 2 years. But at the same time, payment for inspection is made in double size, taking into account all 24 months.


Before you go to the diagnostic station, you must prepare the necessary documents. What kind of documentation is this?

  • Driving license with ticket. Inspection in Belarus does not have to go through the owner of the car. This may be another person who has Belarusian rights, a coupon and a valid medical certificate. The main thing is that the owner of the car does not forget to collect and transmit the documents necessary for technical diagnostics.
  • Vehicle registration certificate.
  • Insurance.
  • Medical certificate of suitability for driving in a fixed form.
  • Receipts of payment of state duty for the diagnosis and payment of road tax.

For what and how much to pay

inspection ticket in Belarus

Payment for the technical diagnostics of a car is influenced by factors such as the year of manufacture, class, specifications, body type. The rules for passing inspection in Belarus include the mandatory introduction of a state duty in three payments.

  1. For carrying out the car. For lekkovushka with a diesel, gasoline or gas engine, the amount will be about 19 BYN (this is about 600 Russian rubles)
  2. The fee for checking all documents is 6.90 BYN (220 rubles). The amount is credited to Beltekhosmotr (UP) account.
  3. Directly for issuing a sticker on the windshield, which will confirm the passage of the inspection. This so-called road tax. The amount will vary from 3 to 11 Belarusian rubles (or from 95 to 350 rubles), depending on age, weight, class of car.

Road tax

This is a sore subject for many motorists. From the moment the government established the mandatory payment of the road tax, the inspection in Belarus has become “unpopular”. Every year, traffic police fined tens of thousands of motorists for the lack of a mark on the passage of maintenance. And it's not about the technically poor condition of the vehicles. Just in this way, drivers save. Many admit that it is more profitable for them to pay a fine several times than to pay the full amount of tax. By the way, the fine for inspection in Belarus, or rather its absence, is from 2 BYN (about 64 rubles.). In case of repeated violation within one year - 5 BYN (approximately 160 rubles).

So that the car owner can calculate the amount of tax necessary for payment, he needs to know the mass of his car.

  • 1,5-2 tons - 6 BYN.
  • 2-3 tons - 7 BYN.
  • Over 3 tons - 11 BYN.

These are the numbers set for passenger cars owned by individuals. Individual entrepreneurs and legal entities pay more - 7-14 BYN (passenger cars) and 12-25 BYN (trucks).

For a motorcycle 2 BYN is paid.

When it is impossible to pass inspection

Inspection in Belarus, the requirements for which are set forth in this article, is mandatory. But there are a number of positions at which the car has no chance of getting the coveted sticker on the glass.

passing inspection in Belarus
  1. Drawings on the body. They will have to be removed to successfully complete maintenance. They are permissible only when the car belongs to a legal entity. But such stickers must meet certain requirements and be appropriate.
  2. Airbrushing. Any images on the hood, bodywork are not allowed. According to Belarusian laws, 30% of a car body may have a color different from the color specified in its data sheet. This possibility was provided at the legislative level to facilitate the restoration of cars after accidents for motorists. Suppose, during an accident, the wing of a passenger car was damaged. You can put a new one without taking into account the main color of the car. But this should be only one element and its combination with the main color of the machine should not reproduce the color of service vehicles (traffic police, emergency situations). For example, a red passenger car is not allowed to “decorate” with a white wing.
  3. If the vehicle has additional light sources. According to Belarusian law, a car can have a high beam, dipped beam, dimensions, foglights. Everything else will be asked to be removed.

Converted Car

Many want to make their "swallow" unique. Car owners in every possible way "decorate" and remake it to their taste. Such a car stands out from other vehicles and pleases its owner. But is it possible to fit an “improved” car to a technical diagnostic station? Let’s find out how a converted car can pass inspection in Belarus. Rules of the road and experts in the field of auto-diagnostics explain some points.

inspection in belarus rules
  1. Lowered suspension. Inspection of the elevated car will take place if there are no questions about its other elements and there will be no welding marks in the converted suspension, all bolts will remain in place, and the shock absorbers will not show leakage.
  2. LEDs They can be set and successfully pass maintenance.
  3. Xenon. If it is correctly installed, then questions to the car will not arise. But diagnostic experts will open the hood and check if the xenon headlight is marked. If it is indicated on it that a gas-discharge light source is acceptable, then there will be no problems. Otherwise, inspection can not be passed.
  4. Steering wheel, pedals. The steering wheel can be changed, but it must have a safety damper, which protects the driver when hit. The pedals must necessarily have pads that do not allow the soles to slip.
  5. Belts, seats. If the new belts are without signs of tears, and the locks do not spontaneously open, then no questions will arise. The new seat should be perfectly screwed. The back and forth mechanism should work well in it. If the chair staggers, then the sticker on the passage of MOT will not be issued.
  6. New motor. You can change as much as you like. The main thing is that it falls into environmental standards.
  7. Muffler. Diagnostic specialists are not interested in which muffler is on the car. The main thing is that it be holistic and comply with the standards for exhaust and noise.

2018 innovations

When changing the owner of a car, it is necessary to undergo a new inspection. In Belarus, new requirements in this part began to operate in January 2018. The changes affected the cases of transfer of the mark on the passage of TO. This procedure is performed in the following situations:

  • When making changes to the data sheet.
  • In case of providing a duplicate of the registration certificate.
  • When issuing a new certificate containing a mark on the passage of maintenance.
  • In the case of a change of car owner during the validity period of a document authorizing the vehicle to participate in traffic.
inspection in Belarus new requirements

Under the new rules, when buying a car and registering it with the traffic police, the owner can contact the diagnostic station to transfer the mark of the current technical inspection to a new certificate.

Inspection Photofixation

This is another innovation that ensures timely inspection in Belarus. 2018 can be safely called the year of change in the field of technical diagnostics of cars. The government was able to solve the problem of non-maintenance and tax evasion for motorists. For this, a scheme for identifying violators was invented: speed photo-detectors and a special base where you can check the maintenance of any car with one click. In order to catch road tax evaders and identify cases of technical inspection failure, you need to make the appropriate changes to the Code in the section of administrative offenses. After that, the electronic database for checking the maintenance can be put into action, and violators should be punished according to the law.


In order to undergo the first-time maintenance, you should listen to the recommendations of specialists:

  1. Before you go to the diagnostic station, you need to wash the car.
  2. Check the serviceability of the parking brake, all wipers, lighting devices and the sound signal.
  3. Take along a spare set of bulbs, fuses.
  4. Check for the presence of a fire extinguisher, a warning triangle and a first-aid kit (it must be equipped with the necessary medicines with an expired shelf life).

Checking the car for these items will help to avoid cash spending and save time.

inspection in Belarus 2018

Where in Minsk you can pass inspection

It is possible to register or deregister a car only in two Minsk traffic police departments - in Malinovka and Zhdanovichi. Inspection is much easier. Dozens of service stations provide diagnostic services for the technical condition of vehicles.

In every district of Minsk there is such a station. You just need to choose a convenient option, collect the necessary documents, check the car - and you can get a new one or extend the current inspection. In Belarus in 2018, it became possible to avoid unnecessary costs associated with the constant diagnosis of a car when changing its owner, which is good news for motorists.


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