"Golden Beach", Turgoyak: reviews, photos, location map

The famous Ural reservoir - Turgoyak - is included in the list of 100 unique lakes of our planet. The names of recreation areas on the coast also emphasize the unusual place: “Silver Sands”, “Golden Beach”. Turgoyak is a real jewel in the necklace of the Ural Mountains, one of the natural wonders of Russia. How is your holiday organized in this blessed place? The level of service of some guests is amazing, others are disappointed with the reception, because they counted on European quality of service. What really should be expected from a trip to the lake, the title of which immortalized the love of the young man of Tours for the girl Goiak?

Recreation area on the coast of Lake Turgoyak

golden turgoyak beach

The development of tourism is facilitated by the proximity of the reservoir to the settlements of the Chelyabinsk region. The lake lies in the eastern foothills of the Southern Urals, here is also located the upper reaches of the Miass River. A railway station is located 25 kilometers southeast . At the beginning of the XX century, on the shore from the village of Turgoyak, there were summer residences of wealthy residents of the neighboring industrial city of Miass. The climate in this part of the Southern Urals is transitional between continental and sharply continental. Winter is long and cold, summer is short.

Holidays on the Turgoyak lake of the Chelyabinsk region are useful at any time of the year. But it is especially nice to visit here in the summer, when the banks of the reservoir are covered with a carpet of forest herbs. The natural conditions here are very diverse, sandy beaches alternate with steep cliffs overgrown with forests, berry forest glades give way to high forest stand. A plot very convenient for swimming and relaxation in the north-east of the lake is a strip of shore covered with quartz sand and called the Golden Beach.

Turgoyak - the “younger brother” of Baikal

The deep body of water is located in the intermountain basin, sandwiched on both sides by ridges. According to scientists, the lake arose in a rounded tectonic fault (6.9 km by 6.3 km). In a huge natural bowl is 500 million cubic meters of pure fresh water, clear as crystal. The oxygen content in it is significant, there are mineral components, but the overgrowth processes are poorly developed. Such water, practically devoid of microorganisms, is healing. The healing properties are explained by the peculiarities of the lake nutrition . Radon sources at the bottom for 10 million years filled the natural depression in granite rocks.

rest on the lake turgoyak of the Chelyabinsk region

The coastline is 27 km long. The depth reaches its maximum value in the center of the lake - 32.5–34 m. There is practically no coastal shallow; when moving from land, the depth begins to increase sharply. At a distance of about 200 meters from the coast, it reaches an average value (19 m). Small rivers flow into Turgoyak, one flows out - the Source connecting the lake with the river. Miass The lake warms up well by the end of summer, when the temperature in the surface layer of water reaches 25 ° C. At a depth of more than 10 m, it does not exceed 9 ° .

Club Hotel "Golden Beach" (Turgoyak). How to get from Miass

The advantages of the landscape and the advantages of location will be appreciated by each guest who finds himself in the recreation area next to the most popular and favorite lake. People come here to enjoy the landscapes of the Urals, breathe clean air, swim in the legendary pond and take fascinating excursions in the surroundings. The territory of the recreation area of ​​the club-hotel "Golden Beach" (Turgoyak, Chelyabinsk region) is conveniently located in the north-east of the coast. Previously, a sanatorium worked here, so the road from the city of Miass is easy to find by signs.

You can get to the hotel through the territory of the village of Turgoyak, guided by the scheme presented in the article. Tourists' street of the village is connected with an asphalt road laid along the eastern and northeastern coast. The club hotel in Lake Inyshko is 7 km from Miass.

golden turgoyak beach how to get there

What is a Golden Beach?

Club-hotel is a hotel, cottages, Center for Oriental Medicine, equipped beaches, parking for yachts and boats. Located "Golden Beach" (Turgoyak) on the shore of a quiet and relatively shallow bay, which creates several advantages:

  • the water warms up well, it is possible to start the beach season earlier;
  • the lagoon is protected from strong winds;
  • the territory is large, which allows guests to feel free; there is a choice of accommodation options;
  • on spacious avenues you can ride a quad bike.

The Center for Oriental Medicine uses the healing powers of the natural environment of the Golden Beach recreation area of ​​the Turgoyak Forestry to treat various ailments. Patients with impaired functions of the spine, digestive system, and genitourinary sphere go to the Center. Methods of oriental medicine, healing possibilities of lake water and climatic factors are used to strengthen the body's defenses.

Accommodation and recreation on the lake

Accommodation in club-hotel rooms is twice as expensive in summer than in winter, which must be taken into account when planning a vacation on Lake Turgoyak. Golden Beach is a good option for corporate, family vacations, weekend trips with a group of friends. You can rent a cottage with a capacity of 6 people. Prices in the warm season for this type of accommodation are much higher than in winter.

rest on turgoyak lake golden beach

On the territory of the recreation area of ​​the club-hotel there is a restaurant, bars, barbecue facilities are equipped. Guests can swim in the pools, use the services of baths, saunas, jacuzzis. Other elements of infrastructure and service:

  • guarded car parking;
  • rental of ATVs, yachts, boats, catamarans;
  • club and playgrounds for children;
  • excursions;
  • fishing.

Reviews on the "Golden Beach"

The territory of the recreation area is closed, which is very important in terms of security. The beaches of the club-hotel are clean, equipped with everything you need. For children there are playgrounds and a center offering various types of leisure activities. Young people consider it an attractive moment to hold discos. Many vacationers like a wide range of services, their diversity in the recreation area of ​​the club-hotel "Golden Beach" (Turgoyak).

golden turgoyak beach reviews

Reviews about staying in these parts are diametrically opposite when it comes to meeting the declared and actual levels of service. Negative comments of vacationers most often relate to the behavior of staff and high food prices. Guests of the club-hotel and spa center note the numerous advantages of accommodation and relaxation. Among the advantages is the good quality of rooms in buildings and cottages equipped with new furniture. The modern interior and developed infrastructure of the club-hotel are its undoubted advantages, which are recognized even by the most demanding tourists.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E23921/

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