Deep quotes about girlfriend betrayal

Friendship is a very ambiguous concept, although it is significant for all people. Especially interesting is the moment of emotional attachment manifested in girls. If guys are somehow easier to communicate with their own kind, then about female friendships, there are many rumors and prejudices. Someone is convinced that girls are basically unable to understand each other, because they are held captive by their own emotions. Quotes about the betrayal of a friend are very common. They force a lot to rethink, to draw certain conclusions for themselves. Let's consider them in more detail.

Friendship value

Losing a girlfriend is worse than losing a boyfriend. Because there can be many guys, and the best friend is the one with whom all my life has been with me (Moliere).

It often happens that for some reason people cease to understand each other. There are quarrels, grievances, misunderstandings. An ex-girlfriend is such a sad thing. Memories of the time spent together inspire depression, drive into a sense of hopelessness. It seems that no one will ever understand you like it was before.

company of girls

If a friend behaved extremely ugly towards you, it will be very difficult to trust another person, once again believe that the interaction can be effective and useful. Quotes about the betrayal of a friend are sometimes very helpful. They show how suddenly people change.

Main differences

Men treat their male friendships as a soccer ball, which they throw anywhere and anyhow, but it does not break. Women, however, rush about with their feminine friendship, like with a crystal vase, and even if it falls, it breaks into smithereens, into small pieces (Ann Morrow Lindberg).

If we begin to compare how men are friends and how women do, some facts will become very obvious. It seems that the stronger sex does not particularly value their relations with friends. They easily enter into conflicts, then make peace, then again express dissatisfaction with each other, but at the same time are in no hurry to break off relations. Girls approach this issue very reverently.

girl crying

They put forward great demands on those whom they call their friends, but at the same time, in some cases, they are ready to start trusting literally the first person they meet. This quote about the betrayal of a friend shows how sometimes women are too keen on their own emotions and stop noticing objective reality. Girls have a strong need to share their revelations with someone. Sometimes this can lead to new disappointments, contribute to the fact that people are deceived again.

Conscious step

Choose a friend, slowly, hurry up to exchange it even less (Franklin).

Quotes about betraying a best friend are often bitter and overly depressing. It seems as if the person who turned away acted on purpose, wanted to hurt. In fact, this is not always the case. In reality, a situation may arise when people simply lose interest in each other. As a result, they diverge on the basis of changes in their hobbies and aspirations. Mutual reproaches and accusations in this case do not always have a place to be. But still, you should be more careful in choosing a candidate for a girlfriend. Find for yourself those criteria that turn out to be true exclusively for you.

girl in thought

A friend is not just a pleasant company, but something much more. It is a reflection of your own view of the world, your ambitions and aspirations. A true friend is one who shares both joys and sorrows. Some ladies do not understand this and try to rank in the circle of loved ones anyone who is in their field of vision.

Instead of a conclusion

Thus, quotes about the betrayal of a friend certainly deserve our attention. It is useful to re-read them at your leisure, trying to understand how life really works. If your female friend did not want to maintain a warm, sincere relationship, it is likely that she has some good reason. Friendship must be preserved as something valuable, but at the same time try not to limit your opponent in your choice.


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