Knitting mitts: tips for needlewomen

Mittens - an original product that does not allow the handles to freeze and looks very stylish at the same time. In addition, it is incredibly convenient, because if you need to answer a call on a touch-sensitive phone or dial a trifle on the road, you do not need to remove the mitts. Because they do not close their fingers. Unlike gloves and mittens. And perhaps this nuance is the most negative. It is this part of the brush that remains uncovered, and therefore freezes. However, in most modern models, a special part is provided, which is worn on the fingers like a hat. At the right time, you can simply remove it, and if it suddenly becomes cold again - return to its original place.

Thus, you can endlessly praise this wardrobe item. But often the desired model in stores is very difficult to find. You have to choose from what is. And such a thing is not always completely satisfied. That is why many beautiful people prefer to master the technology of knitting mittens with knitting needles, so that later they will execute the model that will fully comply with the wishes of the hostess.

So, in this article we will find out how to knit the mitts.

Important secrets and features of knitting

The most important thing to note is that the mitts are knitted much easier than gloves, but almost the same as mittens. With the exception of the upper part, the technology is almost identical, so beginners in the future can safely choose their favorite pattern, described for mittens. However, there are still some subtleties of the performance of the mitts. But to be scared and refuse the idea to please yourself with a wonderful new thing is also not worth it. After all, understanding the technology is not difficult at all. And only then will it not be difficult to execute any desired model.

DIY knitting needles

So, first we need to explain how the mittens fit nevertheless. In fact, their technology is similar to hosiery. After all, here we also use four main knitting needles and a fifth auxiliary. There are no special recommendations regarding threads. You just need to focus on what season the product is required. And then choose the thickness and warmth of the yarn. But when choosing a spoke, we recommend paying attention to iron. They will provide the necessary glide of the thread and, accordingly, greatly facilitate the process of knitting mittens for beginners.

Also, most experienced needlewomen advise beginners to knit the first product for themselves. And not because the training model may not be entirely successful. It’s just that at any moment you can try on mitts, evaluate how they look on your hand, how long it is better to make them, and many other important aspects.

It is also very important to mention that traditionally mitts have only a hole for the thumb. But among the abundance of models, you can see options that resemble gloves, only without fingers. In principle, both can be connected. But the former are much easier to execute. Therefore, for beginner needlewomen, we strongly recommend that you master the knitting of classic mitts.

How to take measurements from a hand

Knitting and knitting is not enough. It is difficult to start knitting products without knowing the parameters of your own hand. It is for this reason that we will talk later about how ideally suitable mitts are.

So, to understand how to take measurements from a hand, you should take a look at the picture below. Where letters indicate areas of the palm that need to be measured.

how to measure palm for mitts

The distance under the letter:

  • And - this is the girth of the wrist.
  • B - the length from the wrist to the notch between the thumb and forefinger.
  • B is the length of the palm from the wrist to the tip of the middle finger.
  • G - palm girth.
  • D is the length from the recess between the thumb and forefinger to the cone of the thumb.

Also, if desired, you can immediately determine the desired length of the mitts. Basically, they cover only the middle phalanx of the little finger. But if you really want to, you can make them longer. This is the advantage of knitting mitts with knitting needles with your own hands.

Basic knitting basics

This experienced knitters understand what actions are hidden, for example, behind the phrase "wrong loop". For beginners, it will not say absolutely nothing. That is why the idea of ​​linking the mitts may remain unfulfilled. and this is very sad. To help our reader in the development of an interesting science, we offer graphic instructions that will certainly help to understand the correctness of the action. And, accordingly, learn the basics of knitting.

knitting basics for beginners

Then you can prepare yarn and knitting needles, and then, finally, proceed to the most interesting part - research and performance of master classes.

Video tutorial for beginners

You can describe the technology of knitting mittens with knitting needles for quite some time and in incredibly detail. But this is not at all a guarantee that beginners will understand how to properly perform the necessary actions. But our instruction is written for beginners. Therefore, we suggest that the reader begin to master the technology of knitting an interesting product using detailed video instructions. In which the author clearly describes all the steps. We, in turn, will also give some simple workshops.

Simple mittens for beginners

This option is also very simple to execute. Especially considering that it is also based on the principle of knitting mitts (44 loops) with knitting needles, the video of which we presented above.

Simple technology consists of the following actions:

  1. You need to get forty-five stitches on the knitting needles.
  2. Then distribute them into four knitting needles.
  3. Knit the first and last, as one. Thus, holding them together.
  4. Next, we knit in a circle with an elastic band two by two, alternating the wrong and front loops.
  5. Knitting twenty rows, we knit not in a circle, but in a common fabric, not forgetting to follow the pattern.
  6. After about ten rows (depending on the thickness of the thumb) we begin to knit the product again in a circle. We continue this until we get the right length of the mitts.

Photos of the finished result and the gum scheme are presented below.

2-by-2 rubber mitts circuit

Ornate Mittens

Another great idea of ​​knitting mittens with knitting needles does not require a detailed description. Because the necessary actions become obvious, thanks to the diagram below.

knitting mittens

Making such mitts is very simple:

  1. We collect forty-four loops on the knitting needles and close them in a ring.
  2. Then we knit twenty-five rows of rubber band one on one.
  3. Then we proceed to the execution of the pattern, moving in a circle.
  4. After twenty rows we go on knitting a single fabric, denoting the hole for the thumb.
  5. After twelve rows, we again begin to move in a circle.
  6. The length of the mitts is determined independently. The main thing is not to forget at the end to knit four to five rows with an elastic band to make the product complete.
  7. We knit a finger at will.

Butterfly mittens on two knitting needles

If our reader the instructions described above seem too complicated, we offer him the following option knitting mitts with two knitting needles. It is carried out really elementary, moreover, it is knitted with a single canvas from the very beginning. And then it just sews together, excluding the thumb holes.

However, such mitts are best knitted in spring or fall. Because how to make them is recommended from thin threads, and use knitting needles under the number 1.5 or 2.

So, we get seventy-three loops and knit the elastic one on one. Then we knit according to the pattern, it can be seen at the end of the paragraph. We finish the product with an elastic band.

butterfly mitt scheme

Mittens with the symbol of 2018

If desired, knitting mitts on 2 knitting needles can be based on the following figure. In it, like in the previous ones, the wrong and front loops are used. But the one-on-one elastic band is preceded by an interesting part with the image of the seeds.

mittens with a symbol of the year

In 2018, such a drawing will be especially relevant. After all, according to the Chinese calendar, now we have a yellow dog. Therefore, many needlewomen will not have difficulties with the choice of color.

Owl Mitts

Surely any child and even some adults will be delighted with amazing and very unusual mitts. After all, they depict the wisest bird, which in this case looks very cute and funny.

Owl Mitts

This technology of knitting mitts with knitting needles does not require a description either. Because everything becomes clear, thanks to a simple scheme. Where the purl stitches are marked in blue and white, the front ones in brown. If desired, you can depict an owl using a yarn of a different color, but then the knitting process will be much more complicated. After all, the threads can get confused.

Openwork mittens

Very beautiful mitts are obtained by adding air loops. Then the product will be very elegant and original. In addition, it is perfect for the summer or spring season.

For the execution of unusual, but rather simple in terms of technology, mitts will need to carefully study the following scheme and the interpretation of the symbol presented to it.

openwork mitt knitting needles

Below we describe in more detail the technology of knitting.

Mittens for women knitting needles knit more than once described above steps:

  1. Performing gum one on one or two on two on two knitting needles.
  2. Following the pattern depicted in the diagram.
  3. Finishing the product with the selected gum.
  4. Staple the finished web leaving a thumb hole.

Mitts for the New Year

Another interesting idea of ​​the mitts is based on a simple pattern, which consists of air loops, front and back. Rapport - the basis of the figure is eighteen loops, there are no hem. Because in our case it is best to knit a product in a circle using four main knitting needles and one additional. But it is possible, as in previous versions, to execute the product on two knitting needles.

knitting needles patterns patterns

First, as usual, we collect forty-four loops, close them in a circle and knit with elastic band 20-25 rows. Or more if you want to make long mitts. Then we knit according to the presented scheme. Perhaps an attentive reader noticed that it is based on a triangle without a single vertex, and, therefore, repeating it, will help create an interesting openwork Christmas tree. That's why we called this drawing New Year.

So, focusing on the scheme, it is not difficult to complete the pattern. But if the reader perceives the information best of all visually, we offer further a detailed master class “Knitting mittens with knitting needles with the Fir-tree pattern.”

Thus, to please yourself and your loved ones with an original and very fashionable new thing is incredibly simple at the present time. Thanks to the presented instructions, diagrams and step-by-step descriptions of the necessary actions, even beginners will be able to cope with the task. The most important thing is that the desire to gain new knowledge and do an interesting thing with one's own hands is warm in the soul. And then the process of knitting the mitts will bring only pleasure.


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