Plant tobacco: cultivation and beneficial properties

Tobacco is a plant in the nightshade family. Its Latin name is nicotina. It is represented by various species: annual and perennial, growing in the form of grass or shrubs.

The leaves of tobacco are usually whole, and the flowers have a variety of colors. Their shape is five-pointed, and the fruits are similar to brown boxes, which distinguishes this type of plant. Tobacco seeds are inside these small formations.

tobacco plant

Types of tobacco

Nowadays, about 60 species of the named plant can be found on the planet. In most cases, they are localized in Australia and the American continents. In Russia, only two varieties are most popular: shag and smoking (cultural).

They are not included in the list of substances prohibited in circulation, although they contain many narcotic elements. It should be noted that these plants were obtained during cultivation, therefore, they are not found in the wild. In addition to them, other varieties are also grown in our country: gooey, four-leaved, winged and fragrant tobacco.

The height of the plant varies from 30 cm to 2.5 m, depending on the variety. For example, the largest size has a cultural appearance. What does tobacco look like? The plant is very similar to a tree: it is tall and strongly branched. Leaves are arranged in rows, and flowers can be of three shades: pink, red and white.

tobacco plant


Since the plant has seeds, it is bred with their help. For planting seeds need loose and perfectly plowed soil. Tobacco feels great both on the open ground and in the nursery. Therefore, only you decide where you want to plant a fragrant specimen. By the way, the seeds of this plant are so small that you will definitely need a special gun.

After the seeds are planted in the soil, it must be insulated with a layer of straw on top. If everything is done correctly, then strong young seedlings will appear after a month and a half. You need to wait until they reach 15 cm in height, and transplant the plant (fragrant tobacco) on the plantation.

By the way, this territory should be reliably protected from the wind. Best of all, if it is located on a small slope - in such a place the water does not stagnate: the soil will not be washed out under the influence of precipitation. In the soil itself, it is necessary to add roots from old plants that are available from previous plantings. In addition, it must be diluted with sand. In it, the roots will be easier to grow and move.

tobacco growing and beneficial properties


Tobacco plant, getting on the plantation, requires special care. Every day it needs to be watered, weed, loosen the soil around it, and also protect the shoots from a variety of pests. Many gardeners say that tobacco leaves can protect themselves from excessive evaporation. But they are so wide that additional irrigation of the soil is simply inevitable. If there is not enough moisture, the plant (tobacco) will stop its growth and lose its aroma.

By the way, many farmers make the so-called bait. Before planting seedlings on a plantation, they fertilize the earth with a bucket of compost or humus - this amount will be needed per square meter. After this, chicken droppings or infusion of green herbs are periodically added to the soil.

Two top dressings per season will be enough. Tobacco care also includes pinching. And so that it is fragrant and strong, and the leaves are fleshy and large, periodically pluck lateral shoots. This is done when they grow 5 cm. As for the inflorescences, they are removed as soon as they form the bud. If seeds are needed, you can leave one or two flowers - no more.

Collection and Harvesting

They begin to collect tobacco at the end of summer. Harvesting goes until mid-autumn. Start from the top of the plant. There, the leaves are cut off in the first place, since they received a maximum of light and moisture. After the upper tiers are assembled, the lower part has the opportunity to grow and get everything that it lacked - for example, more sunlight.

Cut leaves are placed in a drying chamber. Under the influence of temperature, they lose part of nicotine. Therefore, the length of stay in such a chamber has a direct impact on the fortress, which in the future can boast of tobacco. The plant is further dried in vivo. The leaves are laid out on cloth surfaces in the open air in the place where there is a lot of sunshine. They are covered at night to protect them from insects.

fragrant tobacco plant

Beneficial features

Nowadays, tobacco is used in everyday life. Hang his leaflets in the closet where the fur products are stored, and he will protect them from the greedy moth. If you have a dry plant, place it in a fur bag and hang it next to your favorite fur coat. By the way, tobacco, the cultivation and beneficial properties of which are described in this article, is widely used by gardeners and agronomists. This plant helps to rid the beds from annoying pests. To do this, you need to sprinkle a decoction of leaves from vegetables, fruits and flowers.

For humans, the benefits of tobacco as plants are undeniable. It has anthelmintic and analgesic properties. It is used to treat epilepsy, motion sickness, eye and skin ailments, and problems of the cardiovascular system. A paste of leaves helps to overcome tuberculosis of the lymph nodes. Also, the plant contributes to the healing of problem wounds. Paradoxically, it is with the help of tobacco that smokers help people get rid of bad habits.

what does tobacco plant look like

Tobacco treatment

To treat many diseases, you can use tobacco. A plant helps if a person is diagnosed with:

  1. Dermatological diseases. Decoctions of tobacco can destroy various bacteria, including those that provoke the development of skin ailments.
  2. Rhinitis. Inhaling the aromatic enzymes that exude the leaves of the plant, you can restore the normal condition of the nasal mucous membranes.
  3. Sore throat. Leaves have anti-inflammatory properties.
  4. Malaria. This disease has been treated with tobacco for decades. Positive cases are known to science.
  5. Digestive upset. Saliva, saturated with plant enzymes, improves the condition of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, enhances metabolism, and promotes normal metabolism.

They say that the plant prevents the separation of cells, their abnormal development. Therefore, there are cases when tobacco stopped the growth of malignant tumors.

plants tobacco seeds

Some useful recipes

The tobacco plant is actively used in folk medicine. For example, tincture from it, as has already been said, helps fight cancer. To prepare it, you need to take 30 g of dried, crushed leaves and pour 200 g of pure alcohol into them. The container is tightly closed and put in a cool dark place for 20 days. Then it is filtered and placed for another week in similar conditions. The finished tincture is used as follows: 1 drop is added to 100 g of boiled water. Drink the drink in the morning before breakfast. Every day, the number of drops is increased to fourteen. Then every three days you need to reduce it by one unit. When only one drop remains, the course is completed.

For the treatment of common cold and other diseases of the nasopharynx, it is enough to sniff tobacco leaves every day. In this case, aromatic particles should not fall on the mucous membrane. To get rid of a sore throat, just put a few pinches of the plant under the tongue. It is necessary to swallow saliva secreted in large quantities, but do this carefully so that parts of the plant do not fall on the mucous membrane.

fragrant tobacco plant height


They also have a plant. Tobacco, for example, is not recommended for the treatment of young children, pregnant women and young mothers. And alcohol tincture from it can adversely affect the health of even an adult strong man. By the way, the situation is aggravated when self-grown tobacco is used to make it.

The first signs of poisoning are as follows: headache, hallucinations, dizziness, fever. If you feel these symptoms, immediately call an ambulance. Even before the brigade arrives, you can try to rinse your stomach yourself. And remember the main thing - before using any alternative medicine, it is better to consult a doctor!


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