Tomato "Tyler" F1 description of a hybrid variety of tomatoes

Tomato "Tyler F1" - indeterminate hybrid variety. Let's talk in more detail about how to grow tomatoes and why gardeners and gardeners love them so much.

Tomato Description

The shape of the fruit is round. Appearance commodity with saturated red color. The pulp is homogeneous, without white veins, intense red color. The average weight of one fruit is 180 grams. Features of the variety - the ability to tie fruits under stressful conditions (up to 9 fruits on one brush) and friendly ripening. The root system is actively developed.

Tomato Tyler f1

Tomato "Tyler F1" is recommended to grow in greenhouse conditions.

Benefits of a hybrid tomato variety

Like a plant:

  • with early ripening;
  • indeterminantly;
  • vigorously growing, plentifully leafy;
  • forms large brushes;
  • grown in heated and unheated greenhouses.

Like the product:

  • forms rounded, shiny, hard fruits, characterized by quality;
  • with rich color and uniform texture;
  • reaches 200-230 grams;
  • transported over long distances;
  • has a pleasant taste;
  • It is popular with buyers due to the above advantages, they note this in the reviews about the tomato "Tyler F1".

Then plant tomatoes

How to culture:

  • the hybrid, which made a name for itself in Russia and Ukraine, earned respect due to its quality and unforgettable taste;
  • actively knits fruits and does not drop brushes in stressful conditions;
  • characterized by early yield and ripening;
  • tomato is resistant to most diseases affecting tomatoes;
  • lying;
  • vigorous tomato;
  • tomato "Tyler F1" is in stable high demand.

Useful properties of tomatoes

Useful properties of tomatoes are determined by the amount of vitamins, minerals and macrocells contained in them. The composition of the tomato "Tyler F1" contains nutrients:

  • potassium, magnesium, sodium, calcium, phosphoric salts - 0.65 mg%;
  • vitamin C (ascorbic acid) - 15.5 - 30 mg%;
  • B1 (thiamine) and B2 (riboflavin) - 0.65 - 0.75 mg%;
  • provitamins (nicotinic acid);
  • carbohydrates;
  • organic acids (citric and malic);
  • folic acid;
  • carotene, found in large quantities in ripe fruits of tomatoes;
  • iodine;
  • iron;
  • zinc;
  • fluorine.

Only 150-200 grams of tomatoes completely fill the daily human need for vitamins.

Growing Features

Tomato is a thermophilic culture. It is grown by seedlings or sowing on open beds. For seedlings, seeds are sown in nutrient soil with an interval of 10 x 10 mm in the first decade of March. Two months later, the seedlings from the cups are transplanted into the open ground. In this case, the scheme is different: tomatoes are planted with squares of 70 x 70 cm, the plant forms 1-2 stems. Landing is carried out in the first decade of April and covered with a film until warm.

Tomato tyler f1 reviews

Many ask, after which to plant tomatoes. The beds are suitable for growing tomatoes, where last year, legumes, pumpkin, and fodder crops grew; potatoes, peppers, eggplant, physalis.

A sunny bed protected from gusts of cold wind is diverted for landing. In the choice of soil, preference is given to loamy soil, in which it is recommended to add fertilizers.

The taste and presentation of tomatoes are not lost for a long time, because tomatoes are successfully transported over long distances and are suitable for trade.


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