False fungus fungus: where it lives and what is dangerous

Everyone knows that there are edible and inedible mushrooms. But there are those that even cause harm, causing rot in the trees. This mushroom that can live for about 80 years, being a permanent inhabitant of our forests, will be discussed in this article.

general characteristics

A long-lived mushroom lives where there are many trees. It is considered a mortal enemy for them, causing white rot on the wood. The infected tree begins to die quickly. This tinder fungus is a parasite whose age is easy to determine. The fungus annually grows a new layer below. It can be distinguished quite well on the cut. Separating these layers is almost impossible, but counting the number of layers is real.

The top layer of a real fungus mushroom has a smooth structure. If we are talking about a false tinder, then on its upper layer you can always find quite a lot of deep cracks.

false aspen tinder

Habitat and shape

Most often, the mushroom grows in the area where the trees were cut down or forest fires occurred. If the tree is strong and young, then most likely it will cope with the disease. But old, damaged, but still living trees are highly likely to be infected with a young fungus.

If a false tinder fungus settles on a living plant, then it will eat its juices until it dies. But even on a dead tree, the mushroom lives, decomposing dead wood. It can be seen on stumps, dead woods and even on outbuildings.

The fungus called tinder fungus belongs to the polypore family (from Lat. Polyporus). In other words, this family is called aphrodisiac basidial from a separate order (from Lat. Polyporales).

tinder fungus

The shape of such mushrooms is usually hoof-shaped or one-sided-cap. These are owners of a structure completely uncharacteristic of mushrooms. The peculiarity lies in the fact that the fruiting body and tubules of tinder fungi are relatively independent of each other in the process of formation of a fresh hymenial layer.

In general, the family of polypore fungi is very diverse. It unites more than sixty genera, each of which includes several dozen species.

The name tinder is derived from the fact that the fruiting body of such mushrooms has traditionally been used to make tinder, a highly flammable material from any spark. It is also interesting that in the old days they carried fire in trousers.

Most aphyllophore parasitize on branches, tree trunks, destroying valuable wood and causing significant harm to the national economy.

Pipers rarely grow on the soil. They have a tubular hymenophore, and fruiting bodies have an open, hat-cutaneous or sedentary shape. The consistency of the mushroom is fleshy and even tough, cork, woody.

The fruiting bodies of polypore fungi form in a few months and even a few years from the onset of mycelium. The bodies themselves are very diverse.

Of interest is the oak tinder, growing on oak bark. In Latin, it is phellinus igniarius, which means “smoking cork”. Most likely, this name is due to the fact that the method and form of attachment of the mushroom resembles a wooden cork in the hole of a trunk or branch. Its double is a false oak mushroom tinder fungus.

false tinder fungus on trees


Most often oak occurs in Ukrainian and Belarusian forests. It grows beautifully not only on oak bark, but even on deciduous trees (birch, willow). The color of the fungus is yellowish brown with white spots near the kernel. The fabric of the oak tinder is dark brown and fibrous. In places of fastening it is yellow.

False representatives of this species have a brown-rusty color with a tubular rusty layer. From above they can be endowed with a brown-red or grayish-brown shade. The shape of the fungus is kidney-shaped, and the flesh is quite fragile, both in false and real ones. In appearance, it consists of a large number of small tubes.

Phéllinus igniárius tinder fungus

Healing properties

The mushroom is inedible. But scientists, exploring this species, came to incredible discoveries. It is proved that a real oak tinder helps to suppress the growth of cells that cause cancerous tumors. In various Indian and African settlements, people with such diseases use it themselves. This is what made the fungus to be examined more thoroughly. So, it was found that a real oak tinder can be used to treat diabetes. This is quite a suitable remedy that does not allow blood clots to form and has anti-inflammatory properties.

Unlike the present, a false view does not possess such healing properties. It is a pure destroyer and parasite. But some craftsmen make quite durable and beautiful crafts from this pest.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E23952/

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