Semenov Ivan - the hero of the book of L. Davydychev

It is no secret that many children do not really want to learn. On a long and difficult path to knowledge, laziness often triumphs. And there are children naughty and restless. How to be here? To acquaint such a child with the hero of the book of Lev Davydychev, second-grader and second-year student Ivan Semenov.

Semen Ivan

That's who gets it at school, so much so that he even wrote a letter to the ministry and asked "to free him from his studies because of his health." There is no envy. He has something to tell about his “difficult, full of hardships and dangers” life.

book author

Before telling the story of the second year of Ivan Semenov, a few words should be said about the author of the book. Lev Ivanovich Davydychev is a bright, talented person and a wonderful children's writer. Born 01.01.1927 in the city of Solikamsk. In 1952 he graduated from the Faculty of Philology of Perm University. Since 1939 he lived and worked for his little readers in the city of Perm.

Summary of the life of Ivan Semenov

The popularity of the author’s children's books was amazing. It was printed abroad, and his books have been translated into many languages. The readers of Davydychev are very different, but everyone finds something very close to himself in his works. Having barely learned to read, children laugh at the adventures of his heroes. Adult readers re-read stories and return to distant childhood.

Instructive story

Lev Ivanovich amazingly accurately depicts the lives of children. Reading the story “The Life of Ivan Semenov”, you hear the deafening whine of school change. The story is riddled with childish laughter and din. No wonder young readers know whole passages by heart, because this is their life. They live like that. The author surprisingly found and combined in one hero - Ivan Semenov - features close to many children, and made him attractive. To do this, you need to be a psychologist and, of course, not to forget childhood.

life of Ivan Semenov

The idea of ​​the writer is simple - to expose laziness, to remind the children that under any circumstances it is necessary to remain primarily a man. But with all the edification, the story is characterized by fantastic, fiction-rich stories. And sooner or later, a task hidden in the subtext opens up for little readers - to ridicule and denounce laziness-mother, with whom everyone is familiar.


The life of Ivan Semenov, his ability to end up in all sorts of troubles forever, the author showed with an understanding of the child's soul, warmth and with good humor. The hero of the book is an ordinary, unremarkable child - large, with a big head. So the author externally displayed the main character. On the one hand, it is clear that the second-year-old Semenov is an ordinary idler and a slob. On the other hand, a tireless dreamer and dreamer, he instantly wins the hearts of readers.

Semenov Ivan is the most unhappy person in the whole world. All would be nothing, but Ivan does not like to go to school. Not that she doesn’t love. School is an obstacle to an interesting life. He will immediately become famous, if only to get rid of the school. What only he doesn’t go to, so as not to go to the hated school: and he stutters as a picture, he seems to be a lunatic and sick. Nothing helps.

Ivan Semenov book

Every day, Ivan dreams of how he learned all the textbooks in one day and in the diary there are solid fives. Only here is the bad luck - in order to receive them, one must do homework, but Ivan doesn’t get along with them. Parents curse, but he does not take them seriously - you will not hear anything new from them. Yes, and grandmother is right there: "Learn, time."

In the children's book I did not forget to mention the problems of excessive spoiling of L. Davydychev. The life of Ivan Semenov is a great example of the grandmother's excessive custody. Blind love for her grandson did not allow her to see how irresponsible he was growing.

Every day he is late for classes, managing to find himself in ridiculous situations, then he hunts for spies, but ends up in a strange apartment and almost dies, then he plays a white bear and catches a cold before pneumonia. Every day Ivan Semenov gives himself a promise to reform, but remains the last student in the class. Yes, what's in the classroom. At school! Ivan is given the last chance and a grief student is taken in tow.


Tug is a fourth-grade girl, tall as a seventh grader. Adelaide with all responsibility approaches the re-education of Semenov. The girl is so determined that she cannot be stopped by either laziness mother, the eternal companion of a second-grader, or the tricks of her grandmother Ivan Semenov, a wall that defends her grandson.

l Davydychev life ivna semenova

Adelaide tried many ways to reeducate her ward. In the end, he points out to Ivan that he is “a grandmother’s grandson” and sets a condition for him: either he does his homework or she announces to everyone that he is UO - mentally retarded. To pass for the mentally retarded and to go with shame "school for UO" - this prospect Semenov, of course, does not suit.

Fix path

As a result, Semenov commits a heroic act - he does homework. After three painful days running around with lessons, Semenov Ivan embarks on the path of correction - he wakes up to school on his own, and for the first time in his life he is not late. And one fine day the teacher puts him a figure eight. The second-year-old Semenov experienced amazing feelings - it turns out that it is a pleasure to go to classes with learned lessons.

Semenov Ivan 1

As a warning to young readers

The hero of the story realized his behavior and changed for the better. Even learned to peel potatoes restless and naughty Ivan Semenov. The book is read in one breath, as it is written in a simple accessible language. Without explicit notations and edifications, the author with humor talks about the school, about friendship and friends, about the relationship of children and parents, about laziness and its overcoming.

The chapters of the book, where the author talks about the grandmother of Ivan Semenov, make you think. From the position of young readers, there is nothing remarkable in her behavior and influence on her grandson. But an adult is aware of her manipulations and methods of education. The author gently pointed out what excessive custody of a spoiled child could lead to . And he led his hero to the decision to get rid of the manipulative oppression of his grandmother.

Fascinating and believable stories inspire confidence. Despite his difficult life, Ivan Semenov understands and finds his place in society. This story makes it clear to little readers that the fate of even the most inveterate bully and loser is only in his own hands. The book encourages young readers to independently think over the behavior and actions of the second year Semenov.

Based on the story of Lev Ivanovich Davydychev, a cartoon was shot in 1964. In 1966, a film about the life of Ivan Semenov was released. In 2007, the premiere of the opera Passion for Ivan Semenov took place on the stage of the Perm Orpheus Theater.


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