Interesting facts about dragonflies. Dragonfly Squad Stories

Everyone knows the unusually beautiful dragonfly insect. Moreover, the fastest, capable of speeds up to 60 km / h. And this is not the limit. She has many amazing abilities, which we will talk about in our article.

Briefly describe the insect

Refers to a dragonfly squad. Interesting facts, of course, will be, but a little later. Let's continue. So, this is an arthropod insect with six legs covered with bristles, which it presses against itself during flight. It has an oblong streamlined body, a large head, wings that it does not fold when landing, and a chest. They can be of different colors and even transparent.

They live up to ten months, and some species are only 6 weeks old. Others chew on the cold.

interesting facts about dragonflies for children

Now let's tell interesting facts about dragonflies.

She is very cruel. Kills his victim on the fly instantly. But the most amazing thing is that she calculates the speed and determines the exact location in the near future. Notice that the insect does not fly after it, but calculates the angle of attack. She is able to spot the victim at a distance of 8 meters. Moreover, it moves through the air absolutely silently.


She has an incredibly perfect, sharpest vision. Eyes pierced by thirty thousand faces. For comparison, we give an example with a fly, which also has exceptional vision. But she has only 6 thousand faces. Each of them creates a separate image. And thanks to neuron cells, an integral picture of what is seen is formed in the brain of the insect.

interesting dragonfly facts

We continue to talk about interesting facts about dragonflies. We humans perceive a certain color spectrum, and she is able to see not only it, but also to distinguish between objects in the ultraviolet. She is not afraid of even light polarization. When hovering over water, it is not blinded by water reflections. That allows you to keep a confident course when hunting. Although if it falls under water, it will die, because it will not be able to get out.

Another feature: circular eye movement

Huge faceted eyes can rotate 360˚. Thanks to this, she is able to see everything that happens around her. Therefore, getting to her unnoticed is almost impossible. During the hunt, its observed spatial canvas is divided into sectors. And the victim is held in one of them, which is why she manages to accurately calculate the attack time. The goal is overtaken in 95% of cases. This is a unique result that is better than that of a shark and a lion.

During the search for the victim, she starts the automatic selection process. Having chosen, he can keep all other objects in the field of his sharp vision, but at the same time he will maneuver between them and will not touch anyone. Moreover, dragonfly is not an easy hunter, she is also very voracious. With its gnawing strong upper jaws, it can swallow about thirty flies within one minute.

In general, they benefit people by eating midges and mosquitoes, as well as other pests. Moreover, spiders from their wicker canvases can grab right on the fly.

Flying also deserves special attention. It can suddenly change direction and suddenly hang in the air. Because the wings are connected to the body using different muscles. The insect has two pairs of wings, which can be different and of the same size. Their range can reach 18 cm. This does not end with interesting facts about dragonflies.

Dragonfly Beauty Facts


They have no mating season. The male simply selects, again in flight, the female and abruptly attacks her. He takes it by force, clasping its paws, biting in the neck. But she can mate with several males. But there is an interesting fact about dragonflies. Each new owner before fertilization pumps out the sperm of the previous male. It does this with the help of special cloves on the genitals. And everything happens in zero gravity.

Outputs up to two hundred eggs in one clutch, which is carried out on the foliage of trees growing above the surface of the water. Just larvae develop in it. Larvae - predators breathing with the help of gills, eat small fish, bloodworms and tadpoles. And they develop extremely long: sometimes up to five years.

There are also interesting facts about dragonflies for children . For example, did you know that this insect is very ancient and has been living on the planet since the time of the dinosaurs. It appeared about 300 million years ago. The dragonfly Meganevra wingspan reached eighty centimeters. They themselves were incredibly huge.

interesting facts about dragonflies

We will tell you about the dragonfly Beauty interesting facts

The second name is Beauty dark-winged. Belongs to the Beauty family. The average body length is about five centimeters, and the wingspan reaches seven. In males, the wings are bluish-blue, and the body is greenish-blue with a metallic tint. In female beauties, the wings are transparent, dotted with brown veins, and a bronze-greenish body. It lives in water bodies with a small current. The flight period starts in July and ends in September. They can be found in Europe, Siberia, Japan, Korea, as well as in China, Mongolia and the Far East. What other stories and interesting facts about the dragonfly squad?

Do you know that:

  • Dragonfly can live under water for up to two years, and in the developmental stage up to five or more.
  • To find a rainbow color, which she pleases our eyes, she has to molt 17 times.
  • With such sharp and accurate vision, she is hearing impaired.
  • Can toss your head in any direction.
  • Always hungry.
  • When killing a victim, an insect lets a trickle of water into it.
  • Hunting, thinks with the brain.
  • Notices the victim, even against a bright background.
  • A large dragonfly can swallow bees.
  • It can wait for prey for more than one hour.
  • In the world there are about 6650 species.
  • It can overcome several thousand kilometers.
  • Lays eggs one at a time.

Rockers - dragonflies are the largest. Their body reaches 7 cm, and the wingspan is up to 10 cm. In this case, females can fly several thousand kilometers to lay eggs.


And what is the difference between dragonflies with equal and different wings?

Dragonflies are divided into two types by scientists:

  1. Diptera.
  2. Versatile.

All dragonflies have two pairs of wings. But both species look different in the air. Different-winged insects are larger and their flight speed is much higher. Easily overcome distances from 10 to 20 km. The front wings are longer than the hind wings, hence the name.

In the case of damselfly, on the contrary, all 4 wings are of the same size, after the flight, which add up to the house. They are not so lightning fast, they hunt for not nimble insects near the locality where they live. Here's how many interesting facts are known about them.


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