Art therapy for preschoolers: goals, principle of action, exercises

Art therapy literally translated from English is “art treatment”. This is a unique method of natural disclosure of personality, which is successfully used by psychotherapists, psychologists, and teachers. A lot of attention is being paid to this today, and for good reason. Let's find out why art therapy is so necessary for preschoolers.

Art therapy for preschoolers

When does a child make its first attempt to create? That's right, as soon as he starts to sit and tries to independently hold a spoon. Porridge, mashed potatoes and other dishes fall not only in the mouth, but are necessarily spread on the table and clothes. This gives the child indescribable pleasure, because he not only eats, but also learns the world around him. The child grows up, this period passes, but the need to transfer all his thoughts and feelings to life remains. A preschooler begins to create with the help of everything that comes to hand, and does it on wallpaper, windows, doors, etc. Parents pull on the baby, and rightly so, he must know the norms. But what about the flight of fancy? And here art therapy is just necessary for preschoolers. The curriculum in some preschool institutions necessarily includes this method.

Art Therapy for Preschoolers - Activities

What are the goals of art therapy?

The main tasks that this method includes:

  • development of self-control;
  • facilitation of communication in society;
  • timely identification of psychological problems;
  • learning to focus on feelings and sensations;
  • complex psychotherapeutic treatment (auxiliary method);
  • identification of creative abilities, etc.

Art therapy for preschoolers: how the method works

It should be noted that there are several varieties of art therapy that are based on different types of art:

  • isotherapy (painting, drawing, modeling, etc.);
  • sand therapy;
  • color therapy;
  • bibliotherapy (composing poems, fairy tales);
  • music therapy;
  • dance therapy, etc.

Each species has its own methods. And professionals master them and successfully apply them in work with preschool children. All of the above species have one similarity - the principle of action. It consists in the fact that activity from one hemisphere of the brain "switches" to another. The left hemisphere is consciousness, a mind that does not always give vent to sincere feelings. The right hemisphere “includes” the processes of the unconscious, and we see real emotions. Art therapy for preschoolers is an activity that enables two hemispheres to work fruitfully. The work is aimed at realizing and correcting unconscious complexes and fears.

Art Therapy for Preschoolers Program

Art Therapy for Preschoolers: Exercises

  1. Sand work . Preschoolers are very fond of this exercise, namely it solves all of the above problems. Today already in many kindergartens there is the most ordinary box with sand. Building castles from it, drawing on it, creating various figures, the child expresses himself, liberates himself.
  2. Doodle . This exercise will require paper and a pen. The child, lost in thoughts, depicts various lines, shapes. Then he needs to consider the drawing and explain what kind of image it is. At this time, you can already consciously finish it, add additional touches.
  3. Monotype ("one print"). This is a very entertaining type of art therapy. To do this, use ink, ink or watercolor to draw a picture (line, stain, etc.) on a surface that does not absorb paint. Then you need to attach to this surface a sheet of paper on which the image is mirrored. The child considers the resulting image, describes it, draws it up.

Art therapy for preschoolers allows children to express themselves, contributes to the manifestation of internal problems and feelings.


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