Suburban drainage

Each owner of suburban real estate knows very well how many problems waterlogging brings, especially if the suburban area is located in a low place. In this case, a drainage device is simply necessary. What is the danger of excess moisture in the suburban area?

drainage device
Overmoistening of the soil as a result of a large amount of precipitation and snow melting creates a danger not only to the garden plot, but also to the structure located directly on its territory.

Long stagnation of moisture leads to the death of lawn grass, garden flowers and fruit trees, because for the normal development of their root system, oxygen is needed, which is practically absent in waterlogged soil. For buildings, excessive soil moisture also poses a threat to the destruction of the foundation structure, contributes to the manifestation of biological processes (mold, fungus, all kinds of microorganisms) in the basement. Often this leads to a loss of thermal properties, due to deformation processes occurring in the design of doors and windows.

site drainage device
What does the drainage device provide, and what are its types? Drainage is a system of pipelines and auxiliary facilities that provide the reduction of excessive groundwater or groundwater. To do this, under the estimated groundwater level, perforated pipes with holes of a certain diameter in their walls are laid. The drainage device on the site is performed in two main ways - surface (linear) and deep.

To quickly remove excess water that was formed from precipitation and snowmelt in springtime, a surface drainage device is used around the house . For drainage of groundwater, which are located at a depth of up to 1700 millimeters, a drainage device is used by the deep method. These two types of drainage can be combined into one system and work perfectly in a single complex. Before performing work on the installation of a drainage system, it is important to have the results of analyzes of the soil layer of the infield and measurements of the depth of groundwater. The technology of the device drainage systems involves two of its types: open and closed.

drainage device around the house
An open system of deep open drainage is distinguished by the simplicity of the device and minimal financial costs. It is performed in the form of excavated open trenches, in rare cases with reinforced concrete trays installed, which have a bias to the water intake device (drainage well). In other cases, a ravine, pond or swamp is used as a water intake device.

The greatest convenience and durability during operation is the closed drainage device. For its installation, you first need to dig trenches, the depth of which is from 700 to 1500 mm, and the width is not less than 500 mm. At the bottom of the trenches, sand or gravel preparation is arranged with a height of 100 mm, and only after that is the installation of perforated drainage pipes, which are usually made of ceramic, laid. Directly with their help, the collection and removal of groundwater to the drainage well is carried out.


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