Tomato "Dubrava": reviews. Grade Features

Of the many modern varieties of tomatoes, gardeners often like tomatoes for open ground, unpretentious in care, not requiring pinching and garters to supports.

tomato oak grove reviews
It is these species that include the Dubrava tomato, a description of which is proposed in the article.

Grade Features

Tomato Dubrava is a culture with limited stalk growth, reaching a height of 40 to 70 cm, slightly branched, well leafy. The plant lives up to its name: dense foliage covers the bush completely, and the fruits are decoratively woven into the green mass. Variety of tomatoes Dubrava has excellent qualities. Its main features are:

precocity . The fruits ripen on 85-110 days from seed germination.

Resistance to sharp weather changes. Tomato confidently tolerates short-term cooling.

High yield. From 1 square meter in temperate latitudes, up to 5 kg of fruits are harvested.

Does not require pinching .

Can be grown without support and tying.

Resistance to diseases , in particular, nightshade scourge - late blight.

Tomato Dubrava: fruit description

The early ripeness of the variety and high productivity, coupled with minimal care, resistance to cold and viral diseases significantly increase the popularity of the culture.

Tomato Dubrava Description
The compact and decorative tomato of Dubrava (reviews of gardeners are unanimous in this) can be grown on the balcony or wide windowsill. The fruits are bright red, roundish with barely visible ribbing, of medium size, reaching a mass of 55-110 g with a dense fleshy wall and a small amount of seeds. The excellent consistency makes the fruits universal: they are suitable for processing (canning, juices, vegetable purees and ketchups) and for fresh salads.

Tomato Dubrava: cultivation reviews

Tomatoes are sown for seedlings in March, choosing the timing of sowing, depending on the climatic zone. The unpretentiousness of the culture makes it possible to grow it on the open ground of temperate latitudes. Seedlings are planted in ridges in May - June, after the threat of spring frost has passed.

For seedlings use plastic containers with drainage holes. It is possible to use soil purchased in a store as a substrate. Seeds before sowing need to be pickled, having stood for 1-2 hours in a solution of manganese or a stimulant drug. Then the seeds, having dried slightly, are sown in a moist substrate, deepened by 1 cm. The containers are covered with a protective film and placed in a warm and bright room.

After the emergence of sprouts, the film is removed from the container. Gardeners planting this variety speak of the unanimous germination of seedlings, which can also be regarded as another feature of the tomato culture of Dubrava. Seed customer reviews confirm this. At first, instead of watering, the sprouts are sprayed from the spray gun. Growing seedlings must be hardened, maintaining night temperatures at 10-12 ° C, and during the day - 12-17 ° C.

variety of tomatoes oak

When the sprouts of the 3-5th true leaves appear, the seedlings are dived into separate containers or cassettes. After a week , the transplanted seedlings are fed with fertilizers for seedlings, for example, "Agricola". As a stimulator, humic fertilizers are periodically used .

The subtleties of cultivation

For planting tomatoes in the open ground, choose the southern areas. The advantage of tomatoes is the ability to grow them in one place for several years, of course, with the introduction of high-quality organics. It is preferable to plant tomatoes on the beds where zucchini, cabbage, cucumbers or onions used to grow. The soil on the site is prepared in the fall: reduce excessive acidity (if any) by adding lime or dolomite flour during digging. Then, for each square meter, 8 kg of humus, 50 g of superphosphate are added. In the spring of 1 square. m add 20 grams of nitrogen and potassium fertilizers.

Landing and care

Tomato Dubrava, the characteristic of which is given in the article, has a good survival rate. Bushes are planted in holes with an interval between them of 40-50 cm, between rows - 50-60 cm. Plants closer than the specified distance can oppress each other, and this threatens with a loss of yield.

tomato oak grove characteristic

The care of the plant is greatly facilitated by the fact that the bush does not require formation. Tomato Dubrava, reviews about the care of which confirm the simplicity of growing, does not cause a gardener trouble. High varietal properties allow it to easily take root and develop qualitatively in the future, bringing closer the harvest time of excellent fruits.


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