Cullet - what is it? How to glue glass? Glass paint

Cullet - what is it? This is the name of the special roll coating applied to the walls. This wallpaper is made by weaving. This means that, like a fabric, a material made of fiberglass with different densities and thicknesses is knitted. Then the canvas is given a stable shape, impregnating it in a composition specially designed for this. Fiberglass wallpaper is a popular new decoration material. They compare favorably with other types of wall coverings.

cullet what is it

"Spider Web": a type of glass

Painting spider webs is not created on a loom. Glass fiber threads are interconnected by pressing. Paper is also produced. Fiberglass "web" has the appearance of translucent thin sheets. By their appearance they resemble a blotter. If you touch the "cobweb", you can feel the smoothness and taunt of the canvas. Such cullets are sold in the form of rolls, which most often have a width of 1 meter and a length of 50 times more.

Cobwebs do not absorb water, do not succumb to the action of fire, chemical reagents, mechanical stress. They do not cause allergic reactions and are not able to accumulate static electricity. Such cullets are an effective tool that is used to prevent the occurrence of cracks. But they do not serve for the finishing of surfaces (structures made of drywall, ceilings, walls), but only for their reinforcement.


Cullet "Gunny" are considered one of the most environmentally friendly coatings for surfaces. They are highly durable. When glued, this roll coating does not lose shape, its size and decor are not changed when wet. It is made of fiberglass, which is created from a natural material - sand. Using the β€œGunny” wallpaper, you can reinforce the walls and close most of the cracks on them. These materials are completely non-toxic, do not undergo decay processes and, importantly, have a low cost.

cullet matting

Cullet: characteristics

The advantages of fiberglass wallpaper include the following qualities:

1. Durability and strength.

2. Environmental friendliness.

3. Fire safety.

4. Air tightness.

5. Hygiene.

6. The possibility of repainting.

The fact that cullet is not amenable to burning and does not have the ability to maintain fire makes them a unique coating. These qualities make it possible to use the material for gluing not only residential premises. Also, cullet can be used for decoration in places designed to evacuate people in case of fire. When ignited in a room, this material does not emit toxic substances.


Always along with the question: "Cullet - what is it?" another one arises. What are they made of? This material does not contain vinyl and other harmful substances. Such wallpapers consist exclusively of components of natural origin - soda, limestone, quartz sand, clay. After the fiberglass yarns are woven, the fabric is impregnated with a special composition based on starch. Thanks to this, it is quite possible to maintain a natural microclimate in any room. This favorably affects the well-being and health of people in rooms decorated with glass.

how to glue glass

Fiberglass features

The main advantage of fiberglass is the high level of its strength. Materials made on its basis are used in many areas of human life, even in the process of building aircraft. Fiberglass has the ability to reinforce and protect various surfaces from all kinds of shock and damage. Wallpaper based on this material is not afraid of scratches, dents, or even claws and beaks of pets. To inflict any damage to the fiberglass coating, you need to try very hard, and on purpose.

How are the reinforcing properties of glass?

Due to heating or shrinkage of the walls in the plaster, different crack sizes and depths can occur. It is precisely from such and other deformations that the walls of glass are protected and strengthened. At the same time, they serve up to thirty years without replacement. At the same time, cullets for such a period of time can β€œsurvive” twenty paints in various colors without consequences. Neither quality, nor texture, nor material design will change.

Easy care

Any housewife can doubt if you offer her for gluing the kitchen glass. "What it is?" she will ask. All doubts disappear when it becomes known that this roll coating can be washed in any, even the most stringent, chemical or mechanical way. And the ability of glass to tear away dust helps the walls to "breathe". This prevents mold or mildew under the wallpaper . The inability to accumulate static electricity accounts for this characteristic of such a coating.

Cloths of glass are available in the form of rolls, as mentioned above, which have a width of one and a length of fifty meters. Drawings of the material are quite diverse. The most popular among consumers are cullet "Rogozhka", "Herringbone" and "Rhombus". You can also pick up another coating that has an original design drawing.

spider web

The use of glass in the interior

When answering the question: β€œCullet - what is it?”, It is worth mentioning that the initial appearance of the material in the interior always depends on many factors. First of all, they include:

  1. The method of applying glue to the material. Its excessive or insufficient quantity is inadmissible.
  2. Technology for gluing glass. It is absolutely necessary to correctly combine the pattern, correctly cut the canvas, and join the seams.
  3. The choice of color, texture and consistency of paint. It should be such that the structure of the pattern does not clog when applied.

In most cases, the appearance in the interior of cullet is influenced by their pattern. In the case of a small room size during the choice of this roll coating, it is recommended to give preference to a fine texture and small pattern.

Glue selection

Choosing a glue for cullet, it is necessary to study its composition. If one of its components is PVA, it is not recommended to purchase such a substance connecting the surface. What qualities glue should have, manufacturers of glassmaking know. Therefore, you need to buy it of the same brand as the coating itself.

Paint selection

The best paint for cullet is one that has a water base and high wear resistance. If the suspension is glossy, it can advantageously emphasize the texture of the coating. The main thing is to understand what kind of result is required in the end. Based on this, and you need to select the paint for glass. It is imperative that you take into account what effects can be expected to subsequently occur on the coating surface. If you plan, for example, washing glass, frequent touching them, it is preferable to buy acrylic matte paints.

glass adhesive

Glass Wallpaper Rules

Do not know how to glue the glass? Then just stick to some simple rules:

1. Use glue designed exclusively for heavy wallpapers. It is made in the form of a suspension or dry powder, which is diluted with water.

2. Apply glue only to the wall surface. In the process of decal of conventional wallpaper, the joint suspension is distributed on the canvas. This can not be done when working with cullet.

3. After the material is applied to the surface, you need to wait until it dries completely (about a day). In this case, it is necessary to exclude the occurrence of drafts in the room and the ingress of sunlight on the glass.

4. Previously, before decal of this type of coating, it is necessary to correctly determine where the front side of the canvas and where is the reverse side (they practically do not differ externally). The first is always turned inside the roll. For accurate identification of the necessary should find a gray or blue mark. So manufacturers help to accurately determine the front side of the wallpaper.

Surface preparation

It is recommended to prepare the surface for gluing fiberglass wallpaper in the same way as for their paper version. The difference is that small cracks can not be repaired. Cullets with reinforcing properties can be glued directly to them. A specially designed adhesive for gluing this roll coating is applied to the surface. It should be borne in mind that in this case the connecting suspension will require much more than for paper wallpaper. Therefore, it is recommended to buy glue with a margin. Windows before applying glass to the surface must be tightly closed.

glass painting

Sticking fiberglass wallpaper

How to glue the cullet correctly? Cloths in the form of rolls need to be cut into ribbons having a length comparable to the height of the surface on which they will be applied. It is necessary to slightly admit the material and glue the strips joint to joint. Textured wallpaper that does not have a picture can be glued to the surface in an arbitrary direction and order - in this case, joints will not be visible after drying. If there is a chaotic pattern on them (or there is none at all), then you can not make allowances. In such cases, if the roll is cut incorrectly or the strips are mechanically damaged during gluing, this feature of the material will become an advantage. It will also help to save the canvas if there are cut tapes from the previous roll.

Sticking Features

When gluing glass, caution is required. In the process of applying them to the surface, it is recommended to use a plastic spatula to remove excess air and adhesive from under the material. The joints of the wallpaper after work should be wiped on top with a damp clean sponge or rag. Before completing the painting phase of fiberglass wallpaper, you need to wait until they dry completely (about a day). In this case, drafts should be avoided.

cullet on the ceiling

Cullets for ceiling

Not everyone can afford to decorate the interior with beautiful stretch ceilings. Therefore, a variety of finishing materials and methods are used. One of them is to stick the cullet on the ceiling. The strength and texture of the fibers of this material allows you to close cracks, if necessary, it can even be applied to foam. This does not require the application of a layer of putty. If glued on the ceiling cullet, then after drying and subsequent painting, it will acquire a very, very attractive appearance.

Glass painting

Paint on glass can be applied with a spray, brush or roller. The result will be equally good, since the suspensions are very firmly bonded to the fibers of such a material.


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