Russian science fiction writer Beletskaya Ekaterina Vitalievna: biography, creativity, books

Among the many suspiciously similar books and authors writing so that a week after reading it is difficult to remember what the story was all about, it is difficult to find something unusual. Especially among female authors. Against the backdrop of the popular love stories of a teacher-master and a student-unskillful, half-educated, but beauties and clever women with the same happy end and a slight admixture of fantasy, everything that differs from this already stands out and deserves attention.

Author Biography

Beletskaya Ekaterina is not the most famous Russian author. She does not write punching books about unearthly love and sorcery, does not fall in love with vampires in the "little man", even a seedy dragon or necromancer can not be found in her books. Nevertheless, she confidently occupies her niche in literature and has devoted fans of creativity, waiting for each book as a miracle. The author works in the genre of science fiction, and all of her books have a rather informal style, which is preserved in all works. A good syllable catches from the first pages, just for the sake of this I want to read.

beletskaya catherine

Beletskaya Ekaterina Vitalievna was born on November 27, 1973 in Moscow. The girl graduated from high school, has an incomplete higher education. From childhood she was fond of music, even played in a group, worked as a teacher, designer in the printing industry. All this did not stop her from creating "for herself." According to Catherine herself, she wrote all the time, not striving for publication and fame. Then she began to lay out books on Samizdat, and they found their readers. One of them was Angela Chenina - the future co-author of the cycle “Violators”. The authors published three joint books (2006-2007), although Beletskaya herself considers only the first one successful.

Now Catherine writes herself or in collaboration with Iar Elterrus.

The cycle "Violators"

After meeting with Chenina and viewing the logs of the verbal game, which Angela was fond of, the girls decided to combine their characters and write a book about their adventures. As a result, the books turned out not one, but three. Genre - magic, fantasy.

fantasy magic


The strange, unusual world of Theoct-Eorn, doomed to death. Time is distorted here, the laws of physics are violated. The two races that inhabit the planet cannot exist simultaneously. And it seems like a catastrophe is about to come. But by the will of fate in this world are the elf werewolf and two Sefes - creatures that can change the universe. They can help a dying planet, it remains only to decide how. After all, it is impossible to make a mistake - not only the disappearance of Theoct-Eorn, but also other worlds and the life of the rescuers themselves are at stake.


Radalu Scari began to have strange dreams in which he sees people killed by him several years ago. In these same dreams, he meets a friend who helps bury the dead. Is it weird? Perhaps. Although with the appearance of shadows it gets even worse, because the changes may affect Radal himself. And you have to go all the way to the very end so that you yourself do not forever remain in the Autumn Forest a vague shadow.

The Trap for Safes

The third book, Violators, is also written in a style that can be denoted by the words “magic”, “fantasy”. Here it becomes more or less clear who the Sefes are, what the Network and Controllers are.

The main character is one of Safes: he can change the universe, control the fate of many worlds. But what if he is faced with a choice: to save friends or the world? What would he prefer?

The cycle "Black Stars"

The most popular books Catherine Beletskaya wrote in collaboration with Iar Elterrus. The world they created combines the Safes system invented by Beletskaya and the Aarn Order created by Elterrus.

Five books were published in the series, united by common characters and plot. In each subsequent work you can find answers to questions from the previous one.

"Morning of the Black Stars"

The catastrophe unites people and creatures, the union of which was previously difficult to think of. However, now people, Mad Bard and Safes are forced to become one team to prevent the impending doom of the worlds. They need to come and warn Control and Aarn about the blackies, the “cleaners,” who destroy the universes. At all costs, because there are many lives at stake.

beletskaya catherine books

"Day of the Black Stars"

Miraculously, the sectoral station team that survived the crash on their way home is captured on the planet Madang. Now the heroes have to get out of the isolated world and preferably quickly. After all, the mysterious enemy is not going to sit back.

"Evening of the Black Stars"

To save themselves from destruction, the team had to pay a high price - the life of a friend. The violinist managed to do the impossible and pulled the sectoral station out of the trap, and at the same time he got the mysterious "key" - a formula that can help stop blackouts. No one else would have succeeded.

Now Ri, It, Bard and Sefes must help the friend and deliver him to the base world of Control as quickly as possible. And at the same time, we ourselves won’t get hit and do not bring “cleaners” behind us.

morning of black stars

"Night of the Black Stars"

Who are blacks and what did they need in the open spaces? What guided them, practically unleashing a new galactic war? The admiral of the Order of Aarn has a difficult task: to understand the logic of the cleaners and try to stop the disaster.

"The best place on Earth"

It and Violinist find themselves in an unusual place, a world that is not theoretically, due to a quarrel. But in practice, here it is - Terra Zero. There is practically no Control; the planet itself threatens the familiar system with the fact of its existence. But "the house is where the heart is," and the heroes are not going to lose it.

best place on earth

The cycle "Russian Host"

In the new series, consisting of two books (“Fire and Wind” and “Games of Hassle”), Beletskaya Ekaterina and Iar Elterrus continue to talk about the adventures of their favorite heroes.

It, Violinist, Berta and Ri are once again in the center of events. Being hostages of the closed Terra Zero, friends did not particularly delve into what was happening around, busy solving more pressing issues. Until they themselves became participants in the experiment.

fire and wind

It turned out that someone wants to destroy the Russian Host - planets similar to each other in culture and language. Now, the former agents of the Official Service will have to figure out who needed to destroy the planet Hosta, because of what, and how this can be prevented.

“Bitter Herbs” (Iar Elterrus and Beletskaya Catherine)

The books “Moon Glass” and “The Sacred Method” continue the series “Russian Host” and introduce the reader to the planet-shards of the Host. What awaits the heroes and will they be able to fulfill their plan?

"Moon Glass"

The official service is ready to put on a new experiment on the inhabitants of Earth-n, but those who call themselves Free oppose this.

Is it really bad for ourselves to choose our fate and live the way we want? For this, you can go into open conflict and try to interfere with the global experiment.

"Bitter Herbs"

The official service has developed a new project, "Azimut", which assumes full control over the center of the Russian Host. And to resist the next experiment will have old friends. Although, at first glance, the situation is absolutely hopeless, and only a mysterious weapon can change the balance of power - the Holy Method.


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