What kind of firewood is best for the stove? Calorific value of firewood from different species of wood

Almost every country house has such a necessary attribute as a stove. You can cook on it, it also heats the home, thereby contributing to the creation of a favorable atmosphere in the winter. But sometimes boilers that use different types of fuel are used for heating. In this case, a logical question often arises: what kind of firewood is better for the stove?

Each owner of private real estate tries to look for fuel at the best price. Gas in this regard is a good alternative, but it was not carried out in all areas. Electricity is everywhere, but it is not suitable for the heating system due to the low power of the equipment and the high final cost.

Therefore, wood stoves have been and remain a profitable solution with many advantages. A high degree of heat transfer, ease of operation and firewood, the cost of which is relatively low. When the water heating system is not used, it is necessary to carry out its conservation, and this process is not so simple. There are simply no such problems with the stove.

Types of firewood

Even if the heating system includes equipment running on gas or coal, it is impossible to do completely without firewood. Some connoisseurs of comfort and coziness have a fireplace at home. And to maintain health there is one good and proven tool - a bath!

What kind of firewood is best for the stove

But, returning to the question, what kind of firewood is better for a stove, bath or fireplace, it is worth knowing about their varieties. The amount of heat that is released during combustion depends on how dense and hard the logs are. Knowing which firewood is more effective for heating a house, you can significantly save on fuel.

For a long time, people have been using wood to produce fire, which has served different purposes since ancient times: it provided warmth, helped prepare food, and scared away uninvited guests. Some trees burn better, giving a lot of heat, while others are poorly suited for heating and emit soot during combustion. For this reason, there are types of firewood that are ideal for heating a house or kindling a bath. Others are better placed in the fireplace.

The most popular tree species are:

  • coniferous (pine, spruce, larch);
  • Birch;
  • alder;
  • oak;
  • fruit
  • Linden;
  • aspen;
  • willow.

All firewood is different, and it’s not that some species are better than all the others. Advantages and disadvantages of each of them. Let us consider them in more detail, but first a few words about the calorific value of firewood from different species of wood.

A couple of phrases about calorific value

In its chemical composition, wood is a rather complex material. It includes the main components - this is lignin and cellulose. But besides them in the tree there are:

  • resins;
  • proteins;
  • tannins and other ingredients.

When burning logs in the stove (or just when a tree ignites in a forest), these components interact with air at a chemical level. The calorific value of a tree (as well as any fuel), or thermal conductivity, is the amount of thermal energy that a unit of weight of fuel material (in our case, 1 kg of wood) gives out during combustion. Kilocalories are used to measure magnitude.

Firewood heating at home

The chemical composition among most varieties of trees has minimal fluctuations, which leads to differences in the number of calories emitted. That is, the calorific value of some types of firewood can be this:

  • in hardwoods, the indicator is 4460 kcal / kg;
  • in conifers - 4560 kcal / kg;
  • in mixed breeds - 4510 kcal / kg.

As you can see, the differences are minimal. It’s easy to understand that it’s better to use conifers for the stove due to their greater thermal conductivity. Only firewood is delivered to the market depending on volume, not weight. That is, the main criterion for choosing firewood is cubic meters. Density plays an important role here, because the higher it is, the heavier the wood.

For example, take 1 cubic meter of birch logs as a reference point. Then the volume ratio of different rocks will look like this:

  • oak logs - 0.75 cubic meters. m;
  • alder logs - 1.1 cubic meters. m;
  • pine logs - 1.2 cubic meters. m;
  • spruce logs - 1.3 cubic meters. m;
  • aspen logs - 1.5 cubic meters. m

That is 1 cubic meter of birch and 0.75 cubic meters. m of oak logs, 1.1 cubic meters m of alder wood (and so on) will give out the same amount of heat. Knowing this, now depending on how much firewood costs, you can get profitable savings for yourself.

Softwood: pine, spruce, larch

By the characteristic cracking of logs, which literally caresses the hearing, and bright flying sparks, the burning of coniferous logs can be determined. They give a lot of heat, but burn out quite quickly. But many flaws are quickly forgotten due to the unique resinous aroma that comes from combustible pine or spruce wood. Only in this case one should be extremely vigilant, since sparks firing from time to time can cause a lot of trouble. Therefore, safety precautions must be observed.

It is worth noting that pine logs give more heat than spruce. Largely due to the high content of resinous substances, due to which the aroma mentioned above is released. Pine and spruce, it equally produces an invigorating effect. In addition, it can have a tonic effect on the organs of the upper respiratory tract. In addition, spruce logs have the “shooting” effect, while pine firewood has smoke. But the wood of both species is easily chopped and melted, although it smokes a lot.

Wood burning

As for larch, such firewood is rarely used to light a firebox because of its low prevalence. It should be borne in mind that when burning logs in large quantities, carbon monoxide is released. For this reason, do not immediately close the shutter, and in the country house or country cottage should be high-quality ventilation.

Birch - do not break traditions

Most people are inclined to believe that such firewood is the best fuel for lighting a fire in a fireplace, stove or bathhouse. And all because of the invaluable benefits:

  • easy to kindle;
  • burn for a long time;
  • the flame is beautiful and even;
  • no sparks;
  • copious heat.

But the advantages do not end there. From ancient times, the healing properties of birch were familiar. The pleasant aroma has a beneficial effect on the human body, protecting it from colds and chronic diseases. In other words, birch firewood has a disinfecting effect, which causes approval among fans to take a steam bath.

When burning logs emit a small amount of carbon dioxide, and this is certainly a plus. But there is also a minus - a high concentration of tar. And this burning product is no longer beneficial to health. In addition, soot and soot form on the walls of the furnace and in the chimney. As a result, over time, not only traction is lost, but the risk of fire or carbon monoxide poisoning increases. Therefore, when choosing these firewood, it is still worthwhile to master the profession of a chimney sweep, as well as observe safety.

But, despite the shortcomings, birch is the most popular, cheapest and practical fuel.

Alder - royal gift

If you want to feel a bit like a member of the royal family, you should get hold of logs from alder, because it is not for nothing that they are called royal. They flare up quickly, they simply emit a huge amount of heat, practically no smoke is formed, which also eliminates the appearance of soot and soot. In addition, logs burn for a very long time. That is, the question of what kind of firewood is best to heat the stove in the house, as it were already resolved!

Birch firewood

But the most important highlight is the unique aroma, which has a healing effect. It has long been accepted that it is worth drowning a bathhouse on alder wood, as soon as you can forget about colds. In addition, back in ancient times, the alder logs were laid in the royal furnaces, as well as the furnaces of other estates of wealthy peasants or nobles.

Fresh cut alder red-orange hue, due to which the woodpile has an unusual and bright appearance. There is one interesting feature that everyone should know about. All described benefits relate to trees that have grown in dry terrain. If the plants bloomed in the swamp, then there will be soot and unbearable heat.

Alder is especially popular among fans of smoking meat or fish. Under ordinary conditions, wood dries quickly, and it retains its healing natural properties for 3 years.

Oak - fortress of the spirit

What kind of firewood burn longer? Of course, oak! They are characterized by high strength and density. It is no accident that experts jokingly attribute this breed to elite varieties, and only then it is valued as a type of fuel. Due to these characteristics, oak logs maintain heat at the right level, give a strong fever, and the negative impact of various external factors in no way affects them.

The aroma emanating from firewood is so pleasant, astringent and soft that you can feel the breath of the woods. Like birch, oak is able to beneficially affect the human body, in particular the nervous system. It also helps to relax and strengthen the immune system.

The tree is a long-liver, and it is not so easy to find wood suitable for kindling. Not all logs are suitable for this. Firewood from young plants will not give a lot of heat, and when the old ones burn, a large amount of ash is formed, the air becomes too heavy - not every visitor to the bath will be able to withstand it.

It turns out good heating the house with firewood from middle-aged trees - they give heat just as much as needed, or even more. Only finding them is not so easy, therefore, as fuel, oak is used infrequently, moreover, it grows very slowly.

How much are firewood

For reference: once good and strong ships were built from oak. Now it is believed that you can cook a truly delicious and juicy pizza only on oak wood. They are also ideal for kindling a fireplace, the only difficulty is that it is not easy to chop such wood.

Fruit trees for flavor

Of course, no one will specially grow fruit trees for the sole purpose of letting them go for firewood later. However, an apple tree, a pear, a plum or a cherry is still present on the site. Over time, you can collect a lot of branches and twigs, which are put into the furnace. Some immediately make bonfires, but it would be much more correct to carefully cut them and put them in a woodpile. They are ideal for kindling a bath, as along with a good and even heat, the combustion of firewood gives light steam accompanied by a pleasant, delicate aroma.

Sawing and chopping wood does not cost anything, the leader in terms of heat generation is the apple tree, and there is practically no smoke. But such a choice is more aesthetic in nature.

Linden - for heat and soul

In many cities, trees are often found, but this can not be said about the middle lane. Such firewood is good for kindling a bath. Strong persistent heat, honey aroma and healing power - all this is about linden logs! Each trip to the bath will be healing: the skin condition is improving, and the common cold and various diseases of the respiratory tract recede to the side. Although it takes a long time for firewood to flare up, they retain heat for a long time.

Aspen - Cleansing Firewood

Aspen is also kindled for a long time and burns quickly. Therefore, such firewood should not be used to melt the stove, as they say, “from scratch”. At the same time, the flames are long and bright. There are also some more valuable properties. In addition to the fact that firewood does not form soot on their own, they are able to remove carbon deposits formed from other logs. However, when compared with birch firewood, aspen logs during combustion produce much less heat.

What kind of firewood is better to heat the stove in the house

But they can be used to "clean" the chimney. For this purpose, it is recommended at the final stage of the furnace to throw a few aspen firewood. And the chimney will be “cleaned”. Although they themselves do not give heat, they are able to maintain heat for a long time.

Light willow logs

If willow firewood comes into view, do not refuse them. The heat from them is standing, the flame is even, and in addition there is no soot. The only drawback is that they burn out too quickly. However, this is easily compensated if there are a sufficient number of willow trees in the area of ​​residence. Many landscapers do not give them much time to develop. Old trunks are cut down, and branches of young trees are removed. So do not miss any opportunity to profit from such fuel for your home, bathhouse or fireplace.


As you know, there are a lot of tree species, and to list all their species, you can write a thick book, or even more than one.

Therefore, in addition to the listed varieties, it is worth touching at least a few more:

  • Elm. It emits a lot of smoke, is difficult to crack and requires a lot of time to ignite.
  • Poplar. Like firewood for the stove, it’s even nothing. They are easily pricked, only scattered by sparks and quickly burn out.
  • Beech. It is also difficult to ignite and crack, but it can be used in raw form.
  • Fir. Like poplar, it is easily pricked and kindled, but not without a lot of smoke and sparks.
  • Sycamore. The tree is simply kindled, but difficult to split.

Can they be used for furnace furnaces? Everyone can find the answer to this question. But on the other hand, why not ?!

This is important to know!

Regardless of the variety of trees that go for firewood, you need to know about some features:

  1. Dates. Of course, those logs that have already spent their “due” time will also burn (provided that they are dry and there is no mold on them). However, most trees retain their aroma for only two years. Alder and aspen in this regard are a pleasant exception - 3 years.
  2. Everything has its time. In winter, the humidity of the trees is at a minimum level. In this regard, the preparation of firewood must be engaged precisely in this period. It usually takes about 12 months to dry. However, the timing depends on the type of forest, harvesting time, storage conditions and a number of other factors. Moreover, the duration can significantly increase or, conversely, be reduced.
  3. Dimensions What kind of firewood is more profitable? Of course, those with optimal sizes. And this is 40-50 cm long and 8-10 cm thick. So they are convenient to store and suitable for any firebox.
  4. Rot. In no case should rotten wood be used. A long stay of logs on the earth ends with the accumulation of toxic substances released during combustion, which does not benefit the person. For this reason, when cutting branches, you should immediately take the right measures to store them. Choosing the raw materials for the furnace among the deadwood, one should not take into account the long-fallen branches.
  5. Storage Issues. Logs should be stacked with the bark facing up. This will protect the firewood from accidentally ingested moisture, which evaporates faster from the surface of the bark. And if you show imagination, you can build an original woodpile for the joy and surprise of guests.

As you can see from this material, it’s not enough to know which firewood is best for the stove. It is equally important to observe the correct storage.

Pine firewood

Regarding the arrangement of woodpiles, you can always come up with a lot of different ideas: from the most creative and crazy to easy to implement.

Folk tales

Superstitions and superstitions walk around the people. For example, it is believed that it is better to make firewood for the bath on a waning moon. Moreover, the thinner the sickle, the stronger the logs are endowed with healing power. Once upon a time, the Slavs believed that people who had left the world turned into maple in their lives. The appearance of its leaves is akin to open palms, and the branches represent hands raised to heaven. For this reason, they never stoked stoves with maple.

In the old days, the inhabitants of the Tambov province heated stoves exclusively with apple trees to keep the house warm throughout the winter, including especially frosty days. To believe all this or not, everyone’s business, but what was - was. And what do you, dear readers, think: what kind of firewood is better for a stove, bath or fireplace?

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E23974/

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