How much to walk with a newborn in winter? Recommendations of specialists

Winter walks with a child. What could be nicer for a newly mummy? During the walk, a woman can relax and rest, while the baby usually sleeps peacefully in a stroller. However, parents often have the question: how much to walk with the newborn in winter? It is to this that this article will answer. You will learn about the features of this process. You can also find out how long you can walk with a newborn in the winter after discharge from the maternity hospital.

how much to walk with a newborn in winter

The benefits of walking for young children

The question of how many walks with a newborn in the winter, many couples do not even ask. They are sure that such walks are dangerous for the baby. That is why they prefer to sit out at home until they reach a tiny age of 3 months. By that time, spring is already coming. However, this tactic is incorrect.

Experts say that walks for children are needed at any time of the year. After all, on the street, the kids breathe fresh air. In winter frosty time, it is especially useful, as it is devoid of any viruses and bacteria. Do not worry about the child getting sick. Just the opposite. With such walks, you can increase the crumb immunity. However, you always need to remember how and how much to walk with the newborn in the winter. If this question bothers you, be sure to ask the pediatrician. The doctor will dispel your doubts and give the necessary recommendations.

First walk

How much can you walk with a newborn in winter? If the baby was born in the cold season, then your first walk will take place upon discharge from the maternity hospital. Usually the baby does not stay on the street for long. While mommy gets to the car and enters the house, only a couple of minutes will pass. This is quite enough for a weekly baby.

This walk does not take into account air temperature. Indeed, in any weather you need to somehow leave the hospital. That is why it is worth taking care of warm clothes for crumbs. It should fit your climate. If winters are severe and outside the window the temperature drops to -30 degrees, then you should not choose thin envelopes with ruffles. Prepare a thick blanket, plaid and some flanne diapers. Do not forget about socks and a hat for crumbs.

how much can you walk with a newborn in winter

When and how much to leave home?

How long can I walk with a newborn baby in winter? After discharge from the maternity hospital, doctors advise immediately to start walking, while gradually increasing their duration. The first exit to the street can last from 5 to 10 minutes. After this, it is advisable to go into the room and not walk again that day. Carefully monitor the condition of the child. If everything went well, then the next day, the time spent on the street can be increased.

The next walk may be longer by 10 minutes. In other words, you are allowed to walk for 15 to 20 minutes. This time, it is advisable to take a stroller with you, because every mommy wants to drive her baby in her as soon as possible.

what time is it to walk with a newborn in winter

Premature babies and features of walking with them

How much to walk with a newborn in winter if he was born with a small weight? In this situation, the situation is somewhat different. Specialists give other recommendations. There is a big difference in whether your baby was born prematurely or if it just has little weight. Children with a body weight of less than 3 kilograms are not recommended to go out at a temperature below 5 degrees. If the baby is premature, then it is worth starting walks only at plus temperature. In this case, the first time just go to the balcony.

How do doctors explain such limitations? The fact is that young children have poor thermoregulation. The smaller the mass and fat layer of the baby, the easier it is to freeze. If you do not want hypothermia, then it is better to sit at home for several weeks until the moment when the baby becomes stronger.

how much you can walk with a newborn in winter

Baby clothes for a walk in the cold season

What is the time to walk with the newborn in the winter? Much depends on how you dress your child. At a temperature of 0 to minus 5 degrees, a walk duration of no more than 60 minutes is recommended (given that this is not the first exit from the house). At the same time, it is worth dressing the child in warm flannel or flannelette fabrics. The second layer of clothing should definitely go above - warmer. The kit ends with a windproof jumpsuit or blanket.

When the temperature outside the window is below 10 degrees, make sure that the baby does not stay on the street for more than 30 minutes. His clothes should have 4 layers. First comes a lightweight cotton cloth, then a warmer diaper (flannel or flannel). Next, put on a jumpsuit or envelope, and complete this whole blanket.

When the street is colder than minus 15 degrees, you should not go out with the baby at all. Stay home and ventilate more often. If you have a glazed balcony, you can take the crumbs there. Remember the relationship of clothing and air temperature.

how much to walk with a newborn in winter

Walking after vaccinations

How much can you walk with a newborn in winter if the child has been vaccinated? The first vaccination of babies is usually done at the age of one month. After vaccination, the immunity of the crumbs is greatly reduced. That is why doctors sometimes do not recommend mothers to take the kids out.

If the child was vaccinated, then on this day your walk should be limited to the way home from the clinic. More is not recommended. After vaccination, carefully monitor the condition of the baby. If you feel unwell or your body temperature rises, you should stay at home for another three days. Call a doctor if necessary. As soon as the consequences of vaccination are over, you can safely go out. There is no need for a phased increase in time. If you have already walked with crumbs up to one hour, then continue to do so. Consider temperature conditions.

After illness

How much does it take to walk with a newborn in winter if the baby suffered ARVI? During the period of the disease, you should completely abandon walking. When it comes to a commonplace cold without additional symptoms, you can go out. However, the air temperature should not be minus.

If the child has a fever, cough and other symptoms, then it is worth staying at home until full recovery. After eliminating all the signs of the disease, do without walking for a few more days. After this, the newborn can be taken out with a gradual increase in time, as described above.

how much to walk with a newborn in winter

What do the doctors say?

How long does it take to walk with a newborn in winter, according to neonatologists and experienced pediatricians? Doctors say that walks are very useful for crumbs and contribute to its proper development. After the street, the baby’s appetite rises, his mood improves, sleep normalizes. During a stay in the sun, vitamin D is actively produced, which helps to fully absorb calcium. Also, this substance prevents the appearance of rickets.

Doctors advise starting a walk with a newborn baby immediately after discharge from the maternity hospital (provided that there are no restrictions and the baby feels well). If the street has a positive temperature, then in a few days you can bring your stay with the baby in the fresh air up to two hours. Divide this time into several parts or take one big walk.

Experts recommend monitoring not only the baby during the walk. Nursing mother also needs special attention. In winter, you should hide your chest very well. Otherwise, you can catch it. If mastitis develops, then it is better for mom and baby to stay at home. After the woman has fully recovered, you can continue walking in the usual mode.

Reviews of parents about winter walks for newborns

How many minutes to walk with a newborn in winter? What do experienced mothers and fathers say about this? Parents disagree on this issue. As you know, some relatives of the baby do not want to go out with him in the first months of life because of a desire to protect. Other mothers and fathers do not agree with this point of view.

Most parents report that they went out with the baby in the winter already a week after discharge from the maternity hospital. At the same time, the baby felt great and slept soundly in the fresh frosty air. Such walks could take several hours, despite the recommendations of doctors.

Parents say that the main thing is to dress the baby well. The child should not be cold or hot. With hypothermia, the newborn's nose turns red and becomes cold. If you overheat the baby, then you can understand this by his wet back. It is necessary to select clothes crumbs strictly in accordance with air temperature. Otherwise, the walk will not benefit, but only harm. After all, thermoregulation in newborns still does not work well.

how much can you walk with a newborn baby in winter

Short conclusion

If you are preparing to become parents in the winter, then be sure to worry about upcoming walks in advance. Get clothes suitable for your climate for the baby. Also arm yourself with cosmetics. The skin of newborn babies is very delicate. It must be protected from wind and frost. Modern manufacturers produce creams and ointments for children, which can be used from the first days of life. Before walking, be sure to apply these medications.

If the baby’s skin is rough and weathered after a walk, then it must be softened. To do this, you can use the Bepanten or Panthenol formulations. If you have questions about a winter walk or if unusual situations arise, you should definitely consult a doctor. The pediatrician will help you resolve all issues and tell you the intricacies of air procedures. I wish you success!


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