Japanese euonymus: planting, care, features and reproduction

An evergreen shrub called Japanese euonymus can be grown as a container culture or in open ground. In other words, this spectacular shrub that looks like a small tree can decorate someone's window sill or garden. In addition, it reduces the level of microbes in the air by half.


Japanese euonymus - a spectacular garden plant

Japanese euonymus leaves are oval. They are hard leathery to the touch. Their color depends on the variety of the plant. Its fruits are very bright. But in residential conditions, the bush blooms extremely rarely.

In the natural environment, the plant reaches a height of seven meters. At home, the euonymus grows twenty centimeters per year. It is poisonous, therefore it requires caution in handling.


Japanese euonymus leaves can change color

Japanese euonymus grows in the form of a bush or a tree. There are several types close to him:

  • Pseudo-laur - the height reaches one hundred and fifty centimeters, shoots are brown-green. Flowering occurs in June. Inflorescences are small yellow-green. It can grow in a shady place with polluted air, but does not tolerate cold.
  • Microfillus - a height of up to fifty centimeters, the color is yellow-green. Small leaves, white inflorescences.
  • Dwarf - up to a hundred centimeters high. Shoots take root easily. The leaves are leathery bright green in color, have a bluish tint from the bottom. Inflorescences are reddish-brown, small.
  • Fortune - is a close relative of the euonymus japanese. The height of the creeping shrub is small, up to forty centimeters. It tolerates the European winter.

There are many varieties of Fortune euonymus. They have a different color of leaves. For example, bright green leaves have a yellow or white border. There is a view with yellow leaves, in the middle of which there is a green stripe. Some bushes in the warm season have green leaves, but in the fall they become bronze or purple.


Japan is considered the birthplace of the plant, although it is no less common in China and Korea. It can also be found in other countries with a subtropical climate. In its homeland, the euonymus often has the appearance of a miniature tree. From it you can create a bonsai. It all depends on the appropriate care.

Japanese euonymus: planting and care

Japanese euonymus is planted in pots

The shrub is picky, so it does not need to look for a special place for planting. He feels equally good both in the shade and in the sun. In the shaded area, the foliage acquires a blue-green tone with white patches. In the sun, the leaves turn green with a slight pink tint.

Landing of the euonymus of Japanese should be carried out in moist soil. A hole is dug that size so that it is twice as large as the root of the seedling. At the bottom should be laid drainage. For this, broken brick, expanded clay and so on is suitable. Then fertilizers are placed. You can use rotted humus or compost. After planting, the earth around the plant is compacted. It is important to regularly water the seedling the first time after planting.


Japanese euonymus is a plant that prefers moderate hydration. Between watering the soil should have time to dry out. From time to time (no more than three times a week), leaves can be sprayed. On hot days, watering is intensified. Moisturizing water should be left to stand at room temperature.


A kind of euonymus with green leaves and a yellow border

The shrub feels good in the most ordinary soil. A mixture of turf with leafy soil, peat and sand is suitable. You can do with garden soil or greenhouse land.

For growing euonymus, acidic soil with lime and neutral soil are suitable. All of these species can be used to plant plants in them. It is important to carry out timely top dressing.

Top dressing

It is advisable to fertilize a houseplant euonymus Japanese periodically. A calendar might look like this:

  • top dressing from March to July;
  • break;
  • top dressing from September to the end of November;
  • long pause.

Before the winter break, you should double the amount of fertilizer. Usually, top dressing is performed once a month. Slowly decomposing fertilizers that are used for indoor plants are suitable.


Japanese euonymus is clipped in spring. It is at this time that you can begin to form a crown. To give the green pet a certain shape, use a wire that should be removed by autumn.

In summer, pruning is also carried out, especially for very long shoots. Several young shoots appear on the cut area. Crohn, due to this, becomes much thicker.


For proper care at home, a Japanese euonymus must be provided with good lighting. Then the plant will develop. It tolerates dimming better than scorching sunlight.

The pet feels good in the apartment, because for him the ideal temperature is +25 Β° C. If the temperature in the room drops to twelve degrees, the bush will survive. However, sudden changes in temperature can lead to a complete discharge of leaves.


The fruit of the euonymus

Ornamental trees and shrubs (including Japanese euonymus) can reproduce in various ways. Each has its own characteristics.

The method of propagation by cuttings involves the preparation of material from plants that are not yet five years old. Cutting of cuttings is carried out in June - July. Their length should be six to eight centimeters. The lower sections must be treated with heteroauxin and planted in a greenhouse. The soil should be soft and fertile. Sprinkle it on top with sand (a layer of three to four centimeters). Cuttings take root within a month and a half. After that, they are planted in constant soil.

Reproduction by root offspring is carried out in early spring, as soon as the snow melts. Root offspring should have a length of twenty to thirty centimeters and thick, thick roots. They are neatly transferred with a lump of earth to a new permanent place or into a container. Cuttings will go from the root. When they reach fifty centimeters, they should be cut off.

In spring, you can split the bush with the rhizome. Usually, the division of the bush occurs without problems, and the plant takes root well. The transplanted bush needs to be slightly trimmed.

You can grow euonymus with seeds. But for this, the plants must bloom. Obtained seeds need to create natural conditions. To do this, they are placed in coarse sand and stored in the refrigerator for three to four months. After this period, the peel will burst in most seeds. Then they need to be cleaned and kept in the sand for another two months at a temperature of from zero to four degrees of heat. Then the seeds are aged in a weak solution of potassium permanganate. They are sown in seedlings to a depth of two centimeters. The soil consists of sheet land, humus, coarse sand, turf. For planting in a permanent place, the plants will be ready for the third year of life.


In general, the plant is resistant to disease. But due to improper care, the following problems are possible:

  • The ends of the leaves dry and curl due to the large amount of light. From this, their color also pales.
  • The leaves fall partially or completely if the plant hibernates in a hot room, which is characterized by low humidity.
  • Growth slows, lower leaves fly around due to overflow.

The plant can be attacked by scale insects, whiteflies, aphids, spider mites, mealybugs. To get rid of uninvited guests, you should treat the bush with a special chemical agent.

Outdoor Care

A kind of euonymus with green leaves and a white border

In open ground, the plant should also be looked after. Then its appearance will please the eye. By care is meant regular watering, timely top dressing. The soil should not be waterlogged, the soil must be given time to dry.

By spring, it is required to carry out fertilizer with nitrogen, and in the warmer months - with magnesium mixtures. By autumn, it is advisable to dig and bring ash and lime into the ground. To keep the bush neat, you need to pinch the tips of the twigs in a timely manner. If this is not done, the shrub will grow in breadth. Those branches that touch the ground will begin to take root. The plant may become loose.

By winter, young plants that are no more than two years old are harbored. Adult shrubs do not need shelter, but the soil around them can be covered with peat, stale sawdust or ordinary leaves. A similar procedure is called mulching. It is considered a very effective way to maintain plant health. In warm time, mulching will allow you to get rid of weeds and drying out the root system, in the autumn it will not allow the soil to erode, and in winter it will freeze.

Use in landscape design

The use of Japanese euonymus in landscape design

In the garden, a Japanese euonymus can serve not only as an ornament, but also become a full-fledged hedge. When the bush reaches a good height and density, it makes a wonderful topiary. So called shrub sculpture, which is created by curly cutting a plant. In the garden you can create your own "living" pyramid, animal and any other figure.

Real masters can create a β€œlive” labyrinth from a series of bushes on which to walk. In Japan, euonymus is used to grow bonsai, and in Europe to create topiary. Both of these concepts relate to landscape gardening art.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E2398/

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