The smartest people in Russia - who are they?

Of course, we are used to determining how smart a person is, only on the basis of our own considerations. Often, after a tricky arithmetic problem or solving an outstanding household problem, we say the only one: “How smart you are!” Everyone is pleased with these words, although not everyone bothers with thoughts about what meaning they really have. However, human genius can be determined by several criteria. One of the main, of course, is the level of intelligence. About 50% of individuals inhabiting the planet Earth have an IQ level of 90 to 110 units. In 2.5% of people, this figure exceeds 130, and only 0.5% can boast that their IQ is greater than 140.

Of course, discussions about who is the smartest person on Earth will last a long time. Each year, Einsteins and Lomonosov are born on the planet, whose genius in decades will be the subject of heated debate.

Russia is the homeland of smart people

Naturally, many are interested in the question of who are the smartest people in Russia today?

The smartest people in Russia

Our country, as before, gives birth to geniuses and geeks. Why, then, do we know little about people who belong to the category “The most intelligent people in Russia”? The thing is that they do not like to tell the general public about themselves, prefer not to give interviews to the media and not become participants in television programs. One way or another, but each person has a certain pool of knowledge, and not so much its volume as the percentage of the application of its elements matters.

So, who are they - the smartest people in Russia? Before considering this issue, let us dwell on what geniuses are from a psychological point of view.

Psychological picture

A huge part of geeks and intellectuals leads a secluded lifestyle, avoiding appearing in the general public. They are not attracted by fame and recognition. They do not consider themselves outstanding personalities, stating that each individual is endowed with a certain level of intelligence and the success depends on the ability to properly manage them.

What is the name of the smartest person

One way or another, but the debate over whether even the smartest people in Russia have transferred has still not subsided. Who can be attributed to the "domestic geniuses" of today?

Grigory Perelman

A huge number of people in our country believe that the most intelligent Russian is Grigory Perelman. He was able to justify the famous Poincare theorem. While still a schoolboy, he was seriously interested in the exact sciences, comprehending them in the mathematical center for gifted children. Only the four in physical fitness prevented him from receiving a gold medal at the end of school. His scientific career was crowned with two large-scale monetary awards, which he publicly refused (the Millennium Prize and the European Mathematical Society Prize). It should be noted that the photo of the most intelligent person is not remarkable in anything special. The picture shows a man with a beard and long hair, dressed in modest clothes.

Photo of the smartest person

He himself prefers not to appear in public and does not like to communicate with journalists.

Anatoly Wasserman

Another part of people will answer the question about the name of the smartest person in our country without hesitation: Anatoly Wasserman. Already someone, but he won an unimaginable number of victories in various intellectual games on television. The broadest horizons, intuition and a high degree of erudition - these are the main components of his success. He also achieved high results in the field of television presenter of cognitive programs.

Intellectual women in Russia

Some women in our country also boast a high level of IQ. In the ranking of the most intelligent women, the first positions, according to opinion polls, are occupied by the well-known official Valentina Matvienko. According to Russian respondents, women-intellectuals can also be attributed to Irina Khakamada, but if we take historical characters, this list would not be complete without Empress Catherine II.

Geniuses of the universe

One way or another, but the question of who is the most intelligent person in the history of society remains open.

The smartest man in history

Everyone has their own point of view regarding who has the highest intelligence. It should also be understood that in trying to figure out which people are the smartest, you cannot rely on the results of one particular test. There is a huge arsenal of ways in which you can determine the mental potential of a person, however, they can not guarantee accuracy. That is why it is impossible to clearly determine the level of intelligence without error.

William Sidis

If we take the IQ coefficient as the basis, then the palm belongs to the resident of the USA - William James Sidis. His level of intelligence reaches 250 units. This unique possesses an unusual ability for mathematical thinking and knows a huge number of foreign languages. Sidis lived only 46 years, but during this period of time he was able to achieve a lot: already in the second year of his life he learned to write, and by the age of eight he was the author of four books. At age 11, William was enrolled in Harvard University, who graduated with honors.

The smartest people on the planet

After 6 years, he began to engage in teaching activities on a professional basis. Sidis was well versed in issues of history, psychology, cosmology.

Marilyn Vos Savant

The level of intelligence of Marilyn Vos Savant is not much different from the above genius. Even at the age of ten, she agreed to take an IQ test, and the result was shocking - 228 units. Her name was immortalized in the Guinness Book of Records. According to Marilyn, in most cases geeks are born from parents with a high level of intelligence.

Stephen Hawking

However, who else can be noted in the list entitled: “The smartest people on the planet”? Naturally, this is about Stevin Hawking. Its IQ level reaches 160 units. Hawking is considered one of the leading experts in the field of theoretical physics.

Kim Ung Yong

And of course, it is necessary to emphasize the unique intellectual abilities of the Korean scientist Kim Ung-yong. Already in the third year of his life, he mastered two languages, and six years later he was invited to the United States to "gnaw at the granite of science."


Remember that not a single test gives an objective answer to the question of how smart a person is.

What are the smartest people

It is important to consider not only the IQ level, but also social, racial origin, degree of education and other factors. The human brain is still considered an undisclosed book, and its potential has not been fully understood. Therefore, it is too early to talk about the boundaries of intellectual abilities. What does it mean? Just what you need to train your own brain.


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