Riddles about the summer - find out what it is

Riddles - one of the best elements of folklore! Tricky questions are useful for developing savvy and quick wits. This genre is loved by all, without exception, both small and adult. Riddles about summer, about animals, about nature and about everything that surrounds us are fascinating and fun. It is so interesting to smash one’s head over a difficult task, to turn on logic and intelligence. And calling the correct guess, you can feel like a winner.

Sun, fruit and water

In our country, puzzles take pride of place among the genres of folklore. Our ancestors came up with a variety of questions with a trick and had fun from the heart. Not a single feast was complete without such entertainment, and for the correct answer one could get a candy or a carrot! This tradition has not evaporated; at weddings, children's parties, anniversaries, the presenters make riddles about summer, winter, family, children, nature, and everything else. Happy guests receive prizes for the correct answers and are proud of their ingenuity! On holidays, the following options usually sound:

puzzles about summer

  • The sun is baking, the cherry is ripening, when does this happen?
  • A painter without brushes walks through the sky, paints people’s skin in golden color, what time of year does his skin “keep up” and is it hot?
  • Flowers everywhere bloomed, birds fledged again, heat and stuffiness around, what time of year, friend?
  • Adults and children are happy that the street is warm! You can swim in the river, eat ice cream. What season is it when the weather is hot?
  • Guys shouting "Hurray!", Joy around the yard, what kind of happiness is this? It has come ...!

Blooming flower bed

In the hottest and most beloved season, many colors delight the eye. Red, yellow, violet, pink, like carefree butterflies placed flowers on a flower bed. Not a single person will pass by such beauty. But do everyone know their names? Interesting puzzles about the summer with answers on the topic of flora will appeal to both children and adults!

riddles about summer with answers

  • Cleverly yellow heads were placed in the field. Pretty little boys, simple ... (dandelions).
  • A yellow and white shirt, a very beautiful slim woman, she lives in every yard, calls herself ... (with a chamomile).
  • The purple ears were placed at the edge of the forest, even a daw would not touch them, because - this is ... (violet).
  • Fragrant, slender, white, hung his head down like an offended kid (lily of the valley).

Such puzzles will bring memories of summer on a cold winter evening. Present to those who guessed as a gift the flower that they immediately recognized. Even if it is artificial, the impression of this will not deteriorate. After all, puzzles about the summer are pleasant to guess in any season. I immediately remember the warm sun, a gentle breeze and the scent of flowers!

92 days

Every month of summer has its own charm. In June we enjoy waking up nature, July pleases with hot and warm ponds, in August we eat delicious ripe fruits. Each month is good in its own way.

  1. Everything blooms and smells, there is still no heat, and the streets of the city are full of children! Happy faces, in ice cream cheeks, they do not need to memorize lines at school. Summer is just beginning, what is all this called?
  2. The sun bites, from the heat all people toil. What month is it in the middle of summer? What is it called? Everyone likes this time!
  3. Fruit, warm water, rested the kids. It is necessary to prepare for school, the lineup will soon be built! Summer quickly flashed, but everyone managed to relax. The berries ripen in the bushes, this is the summer of the third brother!
    summer riddle for children

Mysteries about the months of summer are not so easy to guess, you will have to think carefully before giving an answer.

School soon

When summer comes to an end, it becomes a little sad. But the hot days of August are encouraging by the opportunity to go to the sea coast and dispel the bad mood. In September, having come to school, the teacher sets the topic for an essay on how the children spent the summer. You can arrange a marathon of puzzles, the guys will like this idea. Instead of points, you can get the first mark for the correct answer.

Summer riddles for schoolchildren must be handicapped so that they are not easy to guess.

  • At this time, everything is growing, the garden is ripening. Just the time to swim in the river, wallow in the sand.
  • This is a wonderful time! It's time for everyone to go out! Have fun and play, fruit pop, sunbathe!
  • Warm water from heaven pours on us like a curtain! All the people are happy! Water the garden (summer rain).
  • Old men and kids from the grass are barely visible, they all put on their hats and squatted down. You look for them and you won’t find them or pick up a basket (mushrooms).

The last mystery about summer is for young children.

riddles about the months of summer

Mother nature

The theme of nature is always relevant. Poems, stories, tales of the world of flora work well on the human psyche, give peace and tranquility. Riddles are no exception. The sun, rain, flowers, rainbow, thunderstorm - even the smallest ones know these natural phenomena. Therefore, to solve such puzzles about the summer will be very simple!

  • Crystal beads on the green grass. They can be seen only in the morning at dawn (dew).
  • Like the most tender flower in the world, like a huge moth, its wings flutter gracefully, what is its name, who will say it? (Butterfly).
  • A beautiful arc after the rain is visible (rainbow).
  • Flowers grow under the window, ants scurry everywhere. The room is full of warmth and light! What is this? This summer).

Well suited to the quiz puzzles about the summer with answers. Make a list more impressive, and let the company strain their brains. This is useful to everyone, because you need to do exercises not only physical, but also mental.

riddle about summer for schoolchildren


Try to entertain your family after dinner with folklore in the form of puzzles. The evening will fly by imperceptibly and very sincerely. Prepare easy questions for the smallest, but adults can be tortured.

An interesting mystery about summer for students:

  • It will stop above the gardens, the garden will be filled with fruits. What a miracle these drops? And do children grow from them? (Rain).

Have a real brainstorming session, it will benefit even geniuses!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E24586/

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