Spitz estrus: phase, duration, abnormalities

If there is a Spitz in your house, especially a bitch, then you definitely need to know about all the features of caring for her - only in this case she will delight you with a beautiful view and well-being for many years. First of all, you need to learn about such a thing as estrus in a spitz.

Features of the first estrus

As with any other animal, the first estrus on the Spitz suggests that the puppy turns into an adult dog, which can already give birth. True, experienced dog breeders do not recommend bringing Spitz, like any other pets, with members of the opposite sex at this time. It is necessary that the pet grow stronger, finally formed. Only in this case, the birth will be quick and easy, the puppies will be strong and healthy. Best for the first time is 3 estrus.

Pomeranian Spitz

For the first time, estrus in the Spitz occurs at the age of 8-12 months. You can find out more precisely when to wait for such a "surprise" from the owners of the mother of your pet. This is usually transmitted genetically. And this applies to both estrus and childbirth, the course of pregnancy.

The main feature of the first estrus is a small number of secretions. Be prepared that the next will be more plentiful.

How long is the estrus

Most often, estrus in Spitz dogs lasts from 18 to 25 days. If you are a happy owner of a healthy, strong animal, then you will have to go through this stage about twice a year. Most often, a break between estrus is from 5 to 8 months.

German Spitz

However, if this period is increased to 9 months, while the dog feels great, and this sequence has not been violated for several years, then do not worry. Again, you should find out how this was with the mother of your pet.

How to identify estrus

An experienced breeder, with whom the dog has been living for several years, can accurately determine when the Spitz begins to estrus. A newbie should very carefully monitor your pet. Only in this case, he will be able to choose the right time for mating or in a timely manner to protect the dog from contact with males.

Maternity Happiness

The following symptoms should alert the breeder:

  • Increased urination.
  • Increased attention from the males - they try to sniff the bitch.
  • Changes in behavior occur - the dog becomes very excitable, naughty, often ignores commands.
  • Appetite improves significantly.
  • Moult is activated.
  • The genitals change externally: the loop swells, when pressed, discharge appears - unclear or pinkish.

At this time, the dog especially needs care, because it becomes as vulnerable as possible.

Main phases

Like other dog breeds, Pomeranian estrus heat is divided into four stages:

  1. Proestrus takes the first 5-12 days. The mucous membrane of the uterus increases, follicles mature. The bitch becomes especially aggressive and does not allow males to come to her.
  2. Estrus is the second phase, lasting 2-14 days. This is the most important stage - a mature egg comes out of the ovaries and moves to the uterus through the fallopian tubes. Ovulation takes from 3 to 5 days, most often in the middle of the cycle. If you are interested in knitting, then this is the most suitable time.
  3. Metestrus lasts approximately 2-2.5 months. During this time, hormones are produced that support pregnancy, prepare the body for childbirth and subsequent lactation. The bitch does not allow males, behaves quite aggressively in their presence.
  4. Anestus is the final and longest phase, taking from 3 to 5 months. The eggs do not mature at this time, respectively, and fertilization becomes impossible.

By remembering the main phases and the approximate length for a particular dog, it is possible to accurately calculate the optimal time for breeding to get a healthy, strong litter.

Possible deviations

However, estrus on a spitz is not a precisely verified program. The phase flow time can vary (individually for each dog), as well as many signs of estrus. However, this does not mean at all that you should immediately grab your pet in an armful and rush to the veterinarian in the middle of the night. Many deviations are completely harmless - it’s worthwhile to inform the specialist during the next visit, but in most cases you don’t have to worry about them.

Happy parents

We list the main deviations that should not bother the owner:

  • throughout the estrus, bright and plentiful discharge is observed;
  • some signs are highlighted very clearly, while others are almost invisible;
  • there is a "bloodless" void, almost not accompanied by discharge;
  • throughout the estrus the size of the loop does not change - it remains rigid;
  • the bitch does not allow the male to come even with ovulation.

All points, except the last, in most cases are not even deviations, but simply features of a particular dog. The latter is usually observed in cases where the bitch feels uncomfortable. Perhaps she is under stress or the wrong diet is chosen.

At the reception at the veterinarian

But there are alarming symptoms, having noticed which, you need to notify the veterinarian as soon as possible:

  • the entire length of estrus is less than 12 days or more than 30;
  • the cycle is severely knocked down, it is not possible to accurately determine the time of ovulation;
  • the first estrus in the female started earlier than 7 or later than 15 months;
  • too small or large intervals between estrus - less than 3 months or more than 9.

Remember - the health of the dog is in your hands. Only you are responsible for ensuring that the pet is cheerful, feels great, and lives a long, happy life.

How to care for a dog during estrus

If a German Spitz lives in your house, estrus should be the moment in his life when it is necessary to pay maximum attention to your pet. You should also remember and observe certain conditions - both for the benefit of the dog, and for yours.

Briefly tell about them:

  • It is necessary to walk the Spitz exclusively on a leash, in no case letting go even for a few minutes - during estrus even the most obedient bitch may well escape from the owner.
  • Avoid long walks in bad weather (in the wind, during rain or snow), as the dog can catch a cold easily.
  • Do not let her swim in rivers and lakes, not to mention streams and puddles. Even ordinary washing in the bathroom should be discarded.
  • Refuse to compete.
  • Wear special underwear for small dogs. This will protect the pet from infections and assault by dogs. In addition, thanks to this, it will be easier to maintain cleanliness in the house.
Eyes glowing with happiness

As you can see, the rules for caring for Spitz during estrus are as simple as possible. Their observance does not require much time and effort. Just give your pet a little attention to help him maintain good health.


Now you know how the estrus flows in estrus, as well as all about its features, possible deviations. This means that no problems will arise in this problematic moment of the dog’s life.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E24587/

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