Godezia: planting and caring for garden flowers

Godetia, planting and care of which is carried out on a personal plot, is an annual garden flower with green leaves that have the correct shape and are covered with small cloves along the edges. Flowers are simple, double and can even look like a bell. As for their colors, it is found bright red or mottled. If for a plant such as godetia, planting and care are carried out correctly, then it grows to a height of sixty centimeters. There are two types of these garden flowers: large-flowered and pleasant. In addition, there are six of their varieties. Their representatives differ from each other not only in their appearance, but also in some features in the care. In this regard, it is very important to clarify their variety before breeding these flowers.

godetia planting and care

In most cases, for a plant such as godetia, planting and care are carried out in gardens or flower beds near houses. Despite this, these garden flowers are well adapted to the conditions of the premises. Their cultivation is very simple, so even beginner gardeners will not have problems with this process. Plant n

how to grow godetia
fickle to the type of soil on which it grows, and prefers bright sunlight. Humidity should be moderate, and the soil from time to time should be weeded, loosened and fed. An important feature in the question of how to grow a year is the order of its transplantation. It should be remembered that for this plant it is allowed only in the early stages of development. Otherwise, the flowers will not take root. In open space, godetia must be protected from diseases and pests. The latter are most often caterpillars.

garden flowers godetia

Annual garden flowers of godetia can be propagated by only one method - seeds. As practice shows, it is advisable to sow them immediately in the open ground, because when transplanting seedlings behaves rather capriciously. The expected result is difficult to guarantee even if the dive is made from a greenhouse with its own lump of soil. At the same time, one can not fail to note the nuance that sown godets begin to bloom much later, compared to seedlings. In addition, flowering can be accelerated if planted in the fall. This also makes the plant more resistant to all kinds of diseases and pests.

In order for a plant such as godetia, planting and care to be successful, you must not forget, first of all, about timely and proper watering. Most of all, it affects the density of flowering, which, due to excess or lack of water, can significantly decrease. Plant pruning is optional. It is quite timely to remove inflorescences that have died out, because this allows you to free up space for new flowers. Godetia is a plant that can grow on its own, resulting in original shrubs that have a pyramidal shape. By using ordinary garden shears, you can create original compositions. It is natural that during this experiment some specimens may die, however, given the plant's high density, the result is often quite original.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E24589/

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