Female and male Slavic names

Pregnant women have quite a few different concerns. In addition to the fact that they are obliged to carefully monitor their health and condition of the body, expectant mothers also need to choose a name for the baby. And to do this is not as easy as it seems at first glance.

What to consider?

You can choose a name for your baby according to various criteria. Today there is nothing strange and surprising in the fact that children are called even by the most unusual names, and no one condemns this. First of all, it all depends on what the parents themselves like. But, choosing how to name a child, you should think about how the name will sound along with the surname and patronymic. Well, of course, you can choose nicknames as familiar to the hearing - domestic, Slavic, as well as foreign, which are usually called "exotic."

A bit of history

When considering female or male Slavic names, you should remember that the history of the people began long before the adoption of Christianity in Russia. So, most of the Old Slavonic names during baptism were forbidden to use, because they partially or completely consisted of the names of pagan deities. An example would be such nicknames as Lada or Yarilo, which corresponded to certain gods. Also in Russia, it was customary to give names to children, which consisted of two words - Lyubomir, Yaropolk, Vladislav. Today, such nicknames, which were considered common in pre-Christian times, can be called exotic, strange, although this is not at all true. Therefore, some parents are trying to change the situation and revive the female and male Slavic names, calling them their children.

What to do?

Often, choosing how to name their child, parents share speculation with relatives. Having said what one wants to name the baby, mom and dad can often hear criticism addressed to them, consisting of approximately the following phrases: “Do not spoil the life of the child by that name!”, “You have nothing to do, call the peanut ok!” etc. This situation can also be dealt with. Everyone knows that a child can have two names - one worldly, the other - given at baptism and known to a small circle of people. Here you can take into account your wishes and preferences of relatives. In addition, choosing female and male Slavic names, you may find yourself in a situation where the church simply does not provide the appropriate nickname by the name of the saint. Here is also useful another, church name, which the father and will name the child.

The choice

When choosing female or male rare Slavic names, you should consider that not only children, but also some adults, may inadequately respond to a child with such a nickname. Therefore, it is better to think carefully before you name the baby, for example, by such an Old Slavonic name as Mecheslav, Ratibor or Velizar. Male Slavic names can be familiar to the ear: Bogdan, Boris, Miroslav, Yaroslav. No less popular today are such Slavic female nicknames as Snezhana, Milan, Zlata, Yarina. Feminine or Slavic masculine names, a list of which will help to understand what exactly is dear to the hearing and parents like it, will always be original and pleasant in sound.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E24590/

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