The rarest species of animals. The rarest species of animals

Animal Protection Day, which aims to unite people in their conservation, as well as protecting their rights, is usually celebrated on October 4. On Earth, dozens of different representatives of fauna and flora disappear every day. Today, many rare species of animals are protected at the state level.

rarest species of animals

Amur tiger

Some rare species of animals of the Red Book are representatives well-known to many. Among them is the Amur tiger. This is one of the rarest predators of the Earth, the largest tiger in the world, in addition, the only representative of this species that lives in the snow. In Russia, these animals live only in the Khabarovsk and Primorsky territories. In the Russian Federation, the population of a rare beast totals approximately 450 individuals.

Snow Leopard

This is a small, rare species listed in the Red Book of the Russian Federation. The conservation of rare species of animals of this species is currently being carried out at the state level. Their total number in our country, according to general estimates of WWF (Wildlife Fund) experts , is about 100 individuals.

Far Eastern Leopard

These rarest species of animals are a subspecies of leopards belonging to the class of mammals, the cat family, and the order of carnivores. This is one of the rarest representatives of the cat family on the planet. Some experts consider the Far Eastern leopard the most beautiful among all species and often compare it with a snow leopard.

the rarest species of animals

It is worth noting that the south of Primorsky Krai is the only habitat in our country. According to the census, about fifty individuals of this leopard currently live in the Ussuri taiga. Scientists from different countries are concerned that the extinction of rare species of animals is very difficult to stop.


Manul is a rare predator of the semi-steppes and steppes of Eurasia. It is listed in the Russian and international Red Books. This wild cat received a status close to the threat of extinction. Scientists argue that the number of these animals is rapidly declining. In addition, poachers threaten him, so rare species of animals are being protected. Our country has the northernmost habitat of the Pallas, here it is mainly found in the desert-steppe and mountain-steppe landscapes of Altai, in Buryatia, Tuva, in addition, in the south-east of the Trans-Baikal Territory.

Sumatran rhino

The number of Sumatran rhinos over the past twenty years has decreased by almost 50%, which was due to deforestation and poaching. At present, about 200 representatives of this species live in southeast Asia.

rare species of red book animals

Only 5 species of rhinos are known in the world: 2 - in Africa, and 3 - in Southeast and South Asia. These rare species of animals are included in the Red Book. In October last year, WWF reported that the Javanese rhino in Vietnam was completely destroyed.

Komodo lizard

A species that belongs to the family of monitor lizards, the largest lizard. There is a hypothesis that the lizards of Komodo Island are the prototype of a real Chinese dragon: Varanus Komodoensis in adulthood can exceed three meters in length and weigh about 1.5 centners. This is the largest pangolin on the planet that kills a deer with a single tail punch. It is found exclusively in Indonesia, while it belongs to the category of endangered animals.


Speaking about which rare species of animals exist, one cannot but mention the loghead. This is a species of sea turtles, which belongs to the only representative of loggerheads, which are also called sea-headed skulls. This species is common in the waters of the Indian, Pacific and Atlantic oceans, as well as in the Mediterranean Sea. In addition, it can be found in Peter the Great Bay in the Far East and in the Murmansk region in the Barents Sea.

rare animal protection

The meat of this turtle is not the most delicious, while it is eaten exclusively by local tribes. Interestingly, while her eggs have long been considered a delicacy. Speaking about which is the rarest species of animals, it should be mentioned that the unlimited collection of loggerhead eggs has led to a significant reduction in the number of this species of turtles over the past 100 years. It is listed in the Red Book and in the Convention on International Trade in Various Species of Wild Fauna and Flora; in addition, it is protected by the laws of Greece, Cyprus, Italy, and the USA.

Sea otter

Sea otter, or sea otter, is a marine predatory mammal belonging to the family of marten. This is a view very close to otters. It has a number of interesting ways to adapt to living in a marine environment, in addition, it is one of the rare non-primate animals that use tools. Sea otter lives in the northern part of the Pacific Ocean in our country, Canada, USA and Japan. In the XVIII-XIX centuries, sea otters underwent predatory extermination due to valuable fur, due to which this species approached the verge of almost complete extinction.

rare species of animals of Russia

These rare species of animals of Russia in the twentieth century were included in the Red Book, as well as in the protective documents of different countries. Hunting them in 2009 was virtually banned in many regions of the world. Separately, it is worth noting that sea otters can be hunted only by the indigenous inhabitants of Alaska - the Eskimos and Aleuts, while solely to maintain the diet and folk crafts that have developed historically in this region.


The bison is the largest and heaviest land mammal of the entire European continent, in addition, the last of the representatives of wild bulls in Europe. The length of his body is 330 cm, the height at the withers is up to 2 meters, while the weight reaches a ton. The high density of human settlements, the destruction of forests, in addition, intensive hunting exterminated the bison in almost all European countries. At the beginning of the 19th century, wild bison remained only in 2 regions: in Belovezhskaya Pushcha and in the Caucasus. The number of animals at that time was about five hundred representatives and decreased over the course of a century, despite the constant protection by the authorities.

extinction of rare species of animals

In 1921, due to the anarchy of the First World War, animals were poachers finally destroyed. Thanks to the focused activities of various specialists in 1997, in the conditions of captivity in the world (nurseries, zoos and other reserves), there were 1,096 bison, with 1829 individuals in the wild. This species is classified as vulnerable in the IUCN Red List, while in our country it was the rarest animal species that is under threat of extinction.

African wild dog

A hyena-like or African wild dog was once ubiquitous in the African savannahs and steppes - from Sudan and southern Algeria to the southern extreme tip of the continent.

conservation of rare species of animals

This animal was included in the Red Book as a small species that is endangered.


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