Rat Terrier: breed description

The rat terrier is a type of hunting terrier. This breed of dog was bred in the UK by crossing the Fox Terrier and the Manchester Terrier in 1820. The name of this breed is associated with its purpose, since it was bred for a specific purpose: for catching rodents (rats).

rat terrier breed description

Breeding History

In the XIX century, in the UK, competitions were held in catching rats. Dogs took part in them, on which the audience made big bets. Fans of this entertainment and dog handlers began to breed such a breed of dogs, which could be the undisputed leader in these competitions. Over time, hounds and greyhounds were added to the hybrid of the Fox Terrier and the Manchester Terrier, which reinforced the characteristics that were significant in dogs: speed, power and agility.

The bred breed gave such a specimen, which, having compact dimensions, very cleverly tracks down prey and deals with rats. This rat-dog has become very popular in America, especially in its southern states. It is used on farms where the dog relieves the owners of rodents.

To breed smaller individuals, toy terriers were later crossed. Since many genetic impurities were mixed in breeding dogs of this breed, these individuals sometimes do not have the characteristic features of terrier behavior. Future owners should consider this when training. The description of the breed of the rat terrier gives an idea of ​​the nature and appearance of these dogs.

rat terrier reviews


Representatives of the rat terrier breed are small, which is of three types - standard (up to 15 kg), medium (up to 5 kg) and miniature (up to 3 kg). They have a strong sinewy body. The chest is oval. Ribs long, well bent. The back is medium length, straight. The stomach is picked up. Head and muzzle are not large. The limbs are muscular and straight. Long shoulder blades laid back. The shoulders should not appear too high set and massive.

The hips are powerful and long. The front legs are set straight, and the hind legs are turned outward, which gives additional stability when fishing. Claws are strong, pillows are stiff. Head elongated, muzzle pointed, straight. Cheeks are well developed. The jaws are strong. Scissor bite. Lips tightly pressed. The nose can be black or match the color.

Ears are triangular erect, spiky. Their tail is of various lengths - both long and short, but preferably docked. It is located low and continues the line of the body, slightly raised. In an excited state, the dog lifts it almost vertically.

shortcomings rat terrier


The rat terriers have a short, shiny, smooth coat that fits tightly to the body. There are individuals with slightly wavy hair on the back, which is quite acceptable. But the wavy coat on the whole body or its absence (baldness) is considered a breed defect. It should be noted that the mustache of these dogs never cut.


The most common colors of this breed is considered one-color black, red, yellow. May be tricolor. Often found black with brown spots, black with tan and white spots.


These dogs are very hardy, active, inquisitive. They are funny and playful. Energetic owners often start them as companion dogs. The rat terrier learns quickly, but is stubborn. It reacts poorly to physical effects. Training must be positive and based on the development of a conditioned reflex.

One of the features of dogs of this breed is a sharp sense of smell and hunting instincts, which is very evident on walks.

It treats strangers incredulously. With other dogs does not come into conflict. Friendly It gets along well with children, it can be a great guard for them. They have a heightened sense of danger, barking, they warn the owners about this. Sometimes this signal bark of a troubled dog goes wild.

About the rat terrier, the feedback from the owners is very positive. Dogs are constantly striving to please the owner and be close to him. They are distinguished by great devotion. Humility is not considered a disadvantage of a rat terrier.

rat terrier

Conditions of detention

Due to the fact that dogs of this breed are quite compact in size, they can be kept in the apartment. However, their instincts require mandatory physical exertion and long walks with jogging. Long walks are a feature of keeping dogs of this breed. They need training, intellectual games.

In cold weather, it can freeze, as it has a short coat, so you need to wear these dogs for a walk. The nutrition of these animals must be balanced. Feeding with specialized dry food is possible. Rat terriers are unpretentious in leaving. Hygienic procedures are uncomplicated, as these dogs only require brushing and occasional bathing.



These dogs have the ability to adapt to different climatic conditions and landscapes.

The breed of rat terriers is not prone to any disease. But some individuals may have hip dysplasia. Possible allergies.

With proper care, the lifespan of such dogs is about eighteen years.

For those who decide to have a puppy of a rat terrier breed, its maintenance will not be particularly troublesome. In order to buy a healthy puppy and to be sure of the purebred origin, it is necessary to do this in specialized kennels or at dog shows, where they will be examined by a veterinarian.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E24592/

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