How to castrate a cat in modern conditions?

How to castrate a cat? This question arises with most pet owners. This is a seamless operation, necessary in cases where the content of the pet is not aimed at breeding kittens.

How to castrate a cat yourself? There is only one answer to it - no way. This should be done by competent doctors.

How to bone a cat at home, you can find out in a veterinary clinic, where a doctor's visit is possible. The vet will come home and carry out the procedure.

how to castrate a cat
Many are interested in not only the answer to the question of how to castrate a cat, but at what age should this be done?

It is best to carry out this operation when the cat is 8-10 months old, but as practice shows, this can be successfully done at any age.

This procedure is carried out under general anesthesia and lasts about 30 minutes. In the scrotum, a small incision is made through which the testes are removed. The hardest cats suffer anesthesia. Before the operation, the doctor should examine the cat and assess the state of his health.

Special care after the procedure is not required, so leaving the cat in a veterinary hospital is not necessary. The only thing that needs to be done after castration is not to leave the pet alone when it leaves the anesthesia.

There is an opinion that cats after castration become lazy and sleepy. It should be noted that this opinion is erroneous. Cats after castration remain cheerful and cheerful.

castrate a cat or not

After castration, animals begin to gain weight, and this is true. After surgery, cats have a slower metabolic rate, so they don’t run at night, but prefer to sleep, which leads to excess weight. This problem is solved with the help of special feeds and proper nutrition. A diet menu is recommended .

If in doubt whether to castrate a cat or not, it is best to consult a competent veterinarian. He will look at your pet and draw the appropriate conclusions. If the cat is healthy, you can not be afraid to castrate him. This operation has long been successfully done in all veterinary clinics. As practice has shown, castration of cats solves many problems, especially when keeping animals in city apartments.

Many male owners refuse to castrate their cats, expressing male solidarity. But only then they understand and feel all the flaws. An unpleasant smell appears in the apartment, in addition, with the onset of the mating season, animals behave uneasily.

castration and sterilization
If the cat has reached the age of maturity, the owners will not be bored. She will arrange constant concerts, wallow on the floor and purr, inviting gentlemen. Any owner grab his head. There are three ways out: let the cat out on the street, take her to the groom or caste her. The first method is not suitable for large cities: almost all animals that walk on their own die in the street. The second way entails taking care of the kittens: they need to be attached. The third option remains.

Castration and sterilization are in great demand at present. Some mistakenly believe that the first concept refers to cats, and the second to cats. But in fact, this is not entirely true. Only females are truly sterilized. In this case, the organs are not removed, but only violate the reproductive function. With castration, the gonads (testes) are removed in cats and the uterus and ovaries in cats. The second operation is more in demand, since sterilized cats cannot have offspring, but they need a mating.

As you can see, in our time the question of how to castrate a cat is solved elementarily, the main thing is to decide for yourself whether it should be done.


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