How the turtle breathes underwater

All reptiles breathe oxygen, like all living things on Earth. But most people are interested in how the turtle breathes underwater. The opinion that the process is the same as in fish is erroneous. Land and sea inhabitants breathe the same way - through the lungs.

Features of the turtle’s breathing underwater

how sea turtles breathe

In order for reptiles to exist under water, an oxygen supply must be made. To do this, they crawl out to land. Beautiful creatures breathe with the help of two types of muscles located on the stomach. The first type of muscle moves the organs away from the lungs, and the second - leads to its original form, while air is produced. Having made just one good breath of fresh air, the turtle will be able to stay in water for many hours.

Reptiles have gaskets in the throat and in the anus through which unnecessary substances exit. In the same way, oxygen enters the body from water. But this amount is sorely lacking for turtles, so they often need to go on land. Those who wish to breed these amazing creatures at home should know how the tortoise breathes.

Some freshwater animals may be under water for more than one day. This is because, without moving, turtles consume a small amount of oxygen. The softer shells of freshwater creatures do not always go to land to replenish the lungs with oxygen. Some species just stick their heads out of the water.

Types of turtles

how the turtle breathes underwater

Ancient reptiles have many varieties, species and subspecies. All have one thing in common - the presence of a durable shell, where the turtle hides its head. Freshwater species live all their lives in fresh water, populating swamps, ponds and rivers. They creep out only when you need to lay eggs and gain oxygen.

Land representatives live on land. Compared to their counterparts, they are slower, in case of danger they do not flee, but drag their heads into a protective shell. There are no questions about how the tortoise that lives on earth breathes. Sea turtles live in salt water and differ in some features.

Freshwater reptiles

the turtle is breathing

This type of turtles feels great in bodies of water with a weak current. Reptiles feed mainly on plant and animal food, which is obtained in the habitat. Fans of exotic reptiles often turn them on at home. For this, an aquarium must be purchased. One of the most popular species in our country for breeding is the red-eared turtle. If a person decided to have such a beauty at home, he needs to know how the red-eared turtles breathe, otherwise improper care can lead to the death of the reptile.

Land and land turtles

This type of reptile eats only plant foods. Terrestrial species live near freshwater bodies. Feel great both on land and in water. Land and terrestrial species of turtles are distinguished by longevity. Some individuals survive to 150 years, they can do without water and food for quite a long time, and they feel great.

If you wanted to have a land-based beauty at home, then you need to know all the features of the animal: how the turtle breathes, how to feed the pet, where to keep it right. For example, a land individual needs freedom of movement, you can not keep it in a confined space for a long time. If you often restrict the movement of the pet, then this can lead to the death of the turtle. In captivity, turtles are not likely to hibernate. Yes, this is not necessary, many individuals can die in a dream.

Sea turtles

turtle under water

The inhabitants of the seas differ from their relatives in larger sizes. They feel great in water, live mainly in warm tropical waters. Many are interested in how sea turtles breathe. Reptiles do not have to leave their usual aquatic environment in order to stock up on air to maintain their vital functions. Many species have a fairly long neck. Just put your head out of the water and make a vital supply. Some species of sea turtles are completely missing the shell.

All types of very ancient and amazing turtles are characterized by slow movement on land and excellent vitality. If you decide to have a freshwater turtle, you just need to find out how to properly feed the animal, how the turtle breathes underwater, what needs to be added to the aquarium to ensure the full life of the pet. Proper and thorough care will allow reptiles to live for many years.


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