Mink fur coat from pieces: how to choose

A fur coat made of natural fur is a worthy decoration for any woman. The most popular mink fur. And this is not surprising, because the skins of this animal are very attractive and look simply gorgeous in the finished product. A mink fur coat made of pieces is valued in many respects above some other types of fur.

Bit of history

In the old days, when furs acted as money, mink skins were not particularly valued. Their cost increased only with the beginning of the manufacture of fur clothes. Brown color was considered unattractive, but when fur coats were sewn from mink, everything changed radically. Such products have risen significantly in price, eclipsing many other furs.

For the first time, mink was brought to America, and already in the last century it was bred in artificial conditions. Each socialite had a fur coat from this animal in her wardrobe. This was considered a sign of wealth and high position in society.

mink fur coat from pieces

What is the difference between a mink coat from pieces and a whole

By and large, all mink coats are sewn from pieces, since this animal is very small. Sewing one fur coat of medium length and size requires more than 50 skins. Therefore, it is all about the size of the pieces.

A whole mink fur coat is sewn from pieces 15x15cm. Such products are the highest quality and most expensive. The fewer the seams, the longer the coat will last.

If the size is significantly smaller - it is already considered a mink coat of pieces. They will need much more, and the cost will be lower.

Which is better: the skin of a female or male

fur coat from mink pieces photo

Both of these options are good if they are of high quality and are used depending on the style of the product.

  • The skins of males are larger, therefore the fur is thicker and fluffy. They are more often used for short products that look simply luxurious due to the length of the pile.
  • The skins of females are usually taken for long and flared fur coats, since such fur is a little thinner, and the products are light and flowing.

What to choose? Natural or dyed fur coat?

The desire to check whether the fur was dyed does not always satisfy. Modern technology allows you to get a stain that is difficult to distinguish from a natural color.

Dyeing of fur with bleaching of leather fabric creates the effect of naturalness. And 99% of the black mink dots are tinted; they are popularly called the “black diamond”. Toned mink is much more popular, as it has a rich black color, while natural has the color of oil.

By and large, this is not the main selection criterion; it does not affect the quality of the product. Therefore, choose a color that you prefer.

mink fur coat reviews

How to choose a fur coat from pieces

If the budget does not allow you to purchase a whole product, and you really want a fur coat, the best option would be a fur coat made from mink pieces. The reviews of the owners of such luxury are very impressive. The most important thing is to choose the right product.

Most often, such fur coats are made from pieces taken from the tails, legs, abdomen and foreheads. They look decent, but they will not be able to serve for a long time. Therefore, it is better to pay attention to patterns sewn from pieces from the back. The pieces thus obtained are larger in area, have thick fur, so the fur coat is warmer.

An Italian coat made of mink pieces will look best. Photos of such products look great. These coats are very difficult to distinguish from solid. And all this is due to the fact that it is in Italy that computer selection is used. Thin stripes are stitched so skillfully that there is a desire to certainly replenish your wardrobe with such perfection.

Particular attention should be paid to the seams. They should be thick, without missing lines and other defects. Choose only stitched coats. Even if sellers give you a 100% quality guarantee for products where seams are glued together - do not believe it. You can’t carry such a thing for a long time. Very soon you will be disappointed in the purchase, but you will not return the money.

alter a mink coat

Fashionable styles

Long coats on the floor have lost their relevance. Today, Greek and Italian manufacturers offer all kinds of short fur coats with long sleeves or up to the elbows, vests and mantles. You can choose original knee-length flyers that look good with a belt. A classic option is a straight coat to the middle of the calf.

In addition to styles, new trends in colors have appeared. So, a mink coat made of pieces of light tones became very relevant. Just chic look models in white and blue.

It is worth giving preference to products where pieces are laid out in the form of thin horizontal or diagonal stripes.

Fur coats from pieces - this is a good solution with a lack of savings for the purchase of an integral model. Such a product looks great. The only drawback is that it is quite difficult to alter a fur coat from mink pieces. But if you liked the model, feel free to buy. In such clothes you will be warm and comfortable.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E24609/

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