Strawberry Garland: variety description, cultivation, care

Strawberries are considered to be a garden decoration. It is tasty, fragrant, beautiful and pleases the gardener with a large crop. Of all the berries, strawberry garland deserves special attention. Why? The secret lies in the description of the characteristics of the berry.

Varietal features of strawberries

Strawberry Garland has the following characteristics of the variety, which make it a welcome guest in the garden:

  1. The bush is spherical, neat, small in size.
  2. Removable strawberries Garland in one season can give a crop twice.
  3. The bush is spherical, neat, small in size.
  4. The mustache is a berry of a green-pink hue, their number is moderate.
  5. The leaves are medium sized, oval in shape with serrated edges. Color ranges from bright green to greenish blue.
  6. Flowers of both sexes, which facilitates pollination.
  7. Berries are conical in shape, weighing from 26 to 32 grams, red.
  8. The pulp is sweet and juicy, pink.
  9. High productivity - on average, up to 1 kg of berries can be collected from one bush per season.
  10. Resistance to frost is average.
  11. He does not like waterlogging of the soil, in which case the development of fungal diseases is possible.

strawberry garland

In addition, the Strawberry variety Garland tolerates transportation well and retains an attractive appearance for a long time.

Selection and purchase of planting material

Before you start cultivating strawberries in your area, you need to decide. Is the climate suitable for this variety? Strawberry Garland gives a good harvest in moderate climatic conditions.

strawberry garland grade description photo reviews

The ideal time to purchase planting material is spring. In this case, a purchase in the summer is acceptable. How to choose a quality seedling that is guaranteed to yield a crop:

  • seedlings must be sorted;
  • on plants there are at least three leaves on short petioles and a developed root system;
  • do not get seedlings that have a pale, painful appearance - such plants will be unviable.

In addition to seedlings, strawberries Garland is well propagated by seeds. To do this, lay the seeds on moist soil and leave in a dark place until germination. Then they land in a box and cleaned in a cold place for a month. After that, the boxes are exposed to light before germination. The grown seedlings can be dived in separate containers or transplanted into the open ground.

strawberry garland growing

The choice of soil for planting

The berry is able to grow in almost any type of soil. Preference is given to chernozems and ash soils, while a high content of peat should be avoided. On the eve of planting a berry culture, it is required to produce harrowing the soil, with a depth of 15 cm.

It is advisable to choose a plot of land that is located away from a forest belt or planting, as this increases the risk of plant destruction by pests. If there are perennial weeds on the site, they should be etched before planting strawberries.

removable strawberry garland

Preparatory work before landing

To guarantee a good harvest, preparatory work should be done before planting:

  1. With a high groundwater location, the height of the beds should be raised to 40 cm. The distance between the bushes should be less than 30 cm.
  2. Before planting, it is recommended to dig the soil to the depth of one bayonet shovel. When digging, fertilizers are applied - compost or humus.
  3. The topsoil can be sprinkled with sawdust to prevent rotting of berries dropped to the ground.

Strawberry Garland, the cultivation of which does not require special skills, with correctly carried out pre-planting work, will please gardeners with large berries and a rich taste.

Strawberry Growing

Strawberry variety Garland, which requires minimal care, is an easy crop for growing on a personal plot.

strawberry garland care
Standard measures for berry life support:

  1. Watering. In hot weather, particular attention should be paid to this item. At the same time, about 2 liters of water are poured under the bush. During rains, additional soil moisture is not required.
  2. Fertilizing is carried out by fertilizers such as ash, humus, nitrogen materials. It is performed to improve the quality and quantity of the crop. Top dressing is carried out during the period of active spring bush growth, during flowering and the formation of berries.
  3. Regular destruction of insect pests and weeds, as well as loosening the soil.

These simple measures can significantly increase the yield and improve the taste of berries.

Plant propagation

About strawberries Garland variety description, photos, reviews - all testify to the ease of cultivation and reproduction. The most common ways to increase the population of a plant on a site:

  1. Dividing the uterine bush is the least preferred method of reproduction. At the same time, the new bush gives a small crop and transfers the diseases of the old.
  2. Growing from seeds perfectly preserves the varietal characteristics of this berry. The nuance is that this is a rather painstaking task, requiring a lot of time.
  3. Propagation with the help of a mustache is considered the most natural, since no special measures are required. To do this, just one mustache is left on the uterine bush, which will subsequently take root and give offspring.

About strawberries Garland variety description, photos, reviews speak of excellent taste characteristics, ease of reproduction and undemanding care.

Fragrant strawberry berries are suitable not only for raw consumption, but also for making jam, jams, juices, compotes, fruit drinks. In this case, the taste is not lost even with prolonged heat treatment of the berry. Thus, even in the cold winter you can please yourself with a piece of summer.


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