Pen for a first grader - how to choose?

With the approach of September 1, the parents of future first-graders begin to pretty worry. Their concern is a logical explanation: you need to purchase a lot of school supplies and all the necessary items. A pen for a first grader is a necessary and significant thing that cannot be dispensed with. This type of stationery is useful to the student in almost all lessons, excluding physical education only. What pen to choose for a first grader, what details should I pay attention to, so that the process of mastering writing goes in the most productive way? This will be discussed in this article.

General characteristics

Choosing a pen is a responsible and troublesome business. It would seem that there is nothing easier than to go to the store and buy everything that is useful to the baby in the process of learning. However, today there is a wide variety in the choice of pens and stationery, so that abundance creates an additional headache and a bunch of unresolved issues.

pen for first grader

It should be remembered that a pen for a first grader is an element necessary for study, so it should be easier and more intuitive to use. Now on sale you can find writing accessories with different pins, so to speak, “four in one”, but it will be inconvenient for a first-grader to use them. Yes and there is no need to have in one set the option with blue, green, black and red paste. The elementary school student does not need all this.

The most important thing is that it is convenient to hold the pen in the palm of your hand, because excessive cumbersomeness is completely inappropriate here. Better if the writing device itself will be more subtle and simple.

Age features

A child of seven is a relentless explorer. He wants to know everything that is hidden from his prying eyes. Entering school, the kid firmly believes that he will study there for one five and becomes a round honors pupil. A pen for a first grader is of great interest: it can not only be written, but also viewed in between classes. Do you think your son or daughter is not interested? Still how important! The child always wants to have all the most beautiful.

ballpoint pens for first graders

The seven-year plan is ready to learn emotionally, the level of development of motivation corresponds to that. That is why sending a child to school before this age is highly discouraged.

Ballpoint pens for first graders

They can be called the most comfortable and worthy of your parental attention. Ballpoint pens leave the thinnest and most accurate mark on paper, do not get dirty, practically do not leak and do not smear. For first graders, this is the best option. Younger schoolchildren are just learning how to hold a pen and display their first letters, so additional accuracy will not hurt them.

grader handle stabilo

Choosing the right model for your child is a simple matter. Ballpoint pens practically all lie comfortably in the hand and are of high quality writing. You should not just buy copies with a snap effect, as they will create additional noise during the lesson, distract both the child and his classmates. It is quite possible to buy simple ball pens for the first class. As a rule, they are very convenient and inexpensive.

Handle for first grader Stabilo

This is a new generation of ballpoint pens that are designed for maximum convenience. Many parents who have purchased this accessory note its usefulness and ease of use. The “Stabilized” pen for a first grader is a great option. It is ideal for getting to know the letter. Children really love beautiful things. The handle itself is made of high quality materials, equipped with a special recess for proper finger fixing.

handle stable for first grader

It is very convenient to hold such a handle: it does not create a feeling of heaviness, the child’s palm does not sweat, and the fingers do not rub. Thanks to the quality basis and special design, the effect of soft writing is achieved. Admittedly, driving such a device on paper is very nice already at the tactile level. And a child’s letters with such a pen will be neat and even, because the paste will not be smeared. The only negative - the model is not as cheap as other ball counterparts.

Gel pens

They appeared about twenty years ago and immediately gained immense popularity among students of all classes. Distinctive features of this product: soft writing quality, water resistance and a wide variety of bright colors. It seems that they could even replace felt-tip pens, because they can easily be painted and painted.

what pen to choose for a first grader

Gel pens are ideal in order to prescribe some complex element, to form a beautiful, calligraphic handwriting in a child. True, it is worth noting that the teacher usually does not allow them to be used in elementary school. But no one bothers to use them at home.

Instead of a conclusion

Thus, a pen for a first grader is a daily necessity. Without this important element, it becomes impossible to master literate spelling writing. Parents should approach the choice of this stationery with all responsibility and seriousness. In many ways, the achievement of a good result in studies is facilitated by the education of internal discipline, in which the choice of a writing pen plays an important role.


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