Maria Duval: reviews of the predictions. Find out who Maria Duvall really is

People always wanted to know their future: what awaits humanity and the planet, what the world will be like in a hundred years, what will be the fate of each individual person. The prophecies of the sages of the ancient Mayan tribe, Nostradamus, Wolf Messing, Wanga, Paul Globa and Maria Duval are constantly causing interest in the public. Scientists scour the answer for their mysterious predictions, and the public compares modern incidents with what has been told by great clairvoyants. Each of the prophets predicted something significant. So, for example, Michel Nostradamus predicted World War II as early as the 16th century, and Wolf Messing after it started said who would win the greatest confrontation and when. What did Maria Duvall tell the world, whose prophecy reviews are rarely negative?

maria duval reviews

Where did the gift come from?

Maria Duvall, in the world of Carolina Maria Gambia, was born in France in 1938. Despite the fact that a woman appeared in the country where the Eiffel Tower is located, Maria is Italian by birth. She is like from an aristocratic family. The clairvoyant girl knew about her talent as a child. But she did not consider this gift special, as she thought that all people have similar abilities. Carolina's parents, on the contrary, were sure that their daughter was gifted with superpowers and treated this with great respect. Nobody knew who Maria Duval was then, but everyone was sure that an extraordinary person would grow out of this young person. At school, Carolina, Maria studied quite well, and her teachers did not understand how to get answers to complex questions, closing her eyes for a few seconds.

In Italy, Guido Vassalin, the uncle of Madame Duval, lived in a small village. He was a clergyman and a great connoisseur of esotericism. The gift of this man served as the talisman of the village, so his inhabitants became more successful than their neighbors. Maria Duvall, whose talent reviews are mostly positive, inherited an even more powerful gift. According to experts, Carolina received a magical concentrated power that was accumulated by all previous generations of her ancestors. This is an extremely rare occurrence that does not occur so often.

In addition to extraordinary abilities, Maria got notes and studies of her relative Guido. These books helped the prophetess to improve her skills in many ways, they were a kind of guide to magical life.

maria duval predictions

Selected people

Maria Duval, whose reviews are the most diverse, helped many people achieve love, health and success thanks to her astrological forecasts, telepathic contacts and medium consultations. Clairvoyant lives near French Nice, in Provence. The doors of her monastery are always open to those who need her help.

Madame Duval is visited by people from all over the Earth. These are noble persons who rule the planet. Among such persons there are influential businessmen, politicians, stars and others. All of them are the Chosen. They know what success is and how to use the laws of the universe. The circle of such people includes all of Mary’s clients. She gives them her advice, talismans, consultations. Also, the Elect has been given the right to read books, unique in nature, which are regularly sent to their wards by the soothsayer.

Her predictions

Duval is extremely popular among oligarchs, politicians, famous TV stars, and among those who are representatives of the monarchies. Once the famous actress Bridget Bardot lost her beloved dog, and the seer easily found her. This clairvoyant was honored by John Paul II himself, having received Mary in the papal chambers.

maria duval clairvoyant reviews

Maria Duval makes predictions not only for specific individuals, but also regarding entire states. So, it was she who informed the United States that a black man would become their president. And here you are - the African-American Barack Obama won the election. However, the clairvoyant predicts the collapse of the currency of this country. True, until it came true. When Vladimir Putin served as prime minister of Russia, she said that he would become its president in the next election, and so it happened.

Astroforce and the Kalas Institute of Parapsychological Research

Previously, Maria Duvall formed Astroforce. Here she, along with her subordinates, was engaged in commercial projects. These people created predictions for each individual client.

It happened that Maria Duvall (reviews can be found below) informed her clients who came to her with requests for help that an evil eye was imposed on their families. Women quarreled with husbands, their children hurt, after the clairvoyant's recommendations everything was getting better. Therefore, they speak only positively of the seer.

There is also information about cases when people came to Mary with complaints of eternal malaise and chronic fatigue, while official medicine did not find any explanation for their condition. The seer succeeded, she clearly saw that some life circumstances interfered with all of them, which did not allow them to receive additional energy through special channels. In the late 1990s, Maria Duvall sold Astroforce and became the head of the Calas Institute of Parapsychological Research.

letters from mary duval reviews

Astroforce - a scam

Emails from Maria Duvall, whose reviews are often negative, began to come to many people after the Hong Kong corporation Helth Tips Ltd. became the owner of Astroforce. From this moment Astroforce becomes a real scam who uses the name of the famous clairvoyant. Newly made owners of the company began to shower people with electronic and paper letters, in which they told how to improve their lives. The usual content of such leaflets is a laconic review of the advertising nature of all the virtues of Maria Duval, offers of personal assistance from the prophetess, if the needy pays for the entire procedure.

What did the client get

Each person who pecked at the bait of scammers received some unnecessary paper talismans, the simplest crystals and the like trinkets. Many users write that they became hostages of such a scam, they paid for services, received a response letter and unnecessary, inactive things. They claim that the circuit works on the principle of a conveyor. Therefore, those who really need help must decide for themselves: Maria Duval is a deception or clairvoyance. But you should contact Maria personally, and not to companies that are not related to her.

Maria Duvall is a deception or clairvoyance

What awaits us in the future

Clairvoyant Maria Duvall (reviews of her work are different), predicts that thirty years later centers of new religious trends will flare up in Russia. This will lead to the disappearance of a single religion. The prophetess claims that in the near future, the majority of the world's population will prefer the remote form of earnings. And each worker will take a vacation of one year every three years.

Who is Maria Duvall?

Beat death

Duval is also confident that medicine will soon reach its peak, and people will be able to find out their diagnosis online. And the average life expectancy on the planet will reach 140 years, as a cure for aging will be found. An illness such as blindness will be defeated, and a microscopic chip will be connected to the brain.


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