Which toilet is better to choose: reviews. Plumbing for home

The life of modern man is highly technological. Devices that provide convenience and comfort can be found today almost anywhere. According to statistics, a person spends more than five years of his life in the toilet room, so it is not surprising that many people are concerned about the question of which toilet bowl to choose. Reviews will help you with this. Indeed, it is the opinion of consumers that is the most objective, which sometimes can not be said about the promises of suppliers of products.

The choice of toilet bowl for the material in the base

which toilet is better to choose reviews

If you want to save money, it is best to prefer the earthenware toilet, which during the production process is fired according to a special method and is covered with an additional layer that increases strength and reduces the porosity of the structure. If it weren’t for such protection, then the pores would absorb odors and impurities, so very great efforts would have to be made to clean the surface. But even the described manufacturing technology did not allow to fully make faience products completely smooth. Owners of apartments where such equipment is installed have to exert a lot of effort to restore its original shine and cleanliness during operation.

Inexpensive toilets are not only those for which you will have to pay less, but also those that will last longer, eliminating the need to update the plumbing fixture. As such an example, we can distinguish porcelain products that are incredibly durable and durable. If you handle them carefully, they will be ready to serve for decades. In this case, the surface will have an attractive appearance.

Reviews of steel toilets

toilet bowls

If you are thinking about which toilet to choose, it is recommended that you read the reviews from the article. They will allow you to understand that consumers advise using steel devices, which are an example of a non-standard solution, when designing a bathroom according to modern canons. According to users, the equipment is easy to maintain, has mechanical stability, durability and strength. However, for all this splendor you have to pay a decent amount.

Reviews of products from artificial and natural stone

toilet flush tank

Having visited the toilet shop, you can find there products from artificial stone, which are made by the casting method, which provides high strength to the material. The special coating gives the surface resistance to mechanical stress and hygiene. For lovers of all natural, but wishing to save money, this option is suitable, as it looks presentable, but is inexpensive. Buyers who choose toilets made of natural stone, note that their cost is high. If you have a question about which toilet is best to choose, you need to read the reviews. They sometimes help to decide.

Thus, devices made of natural stone are suitable for lovers of luxury. If you choose such products, you will get decent and attractive equipment. The surface during the manufacturing process is polished to the ideal state, which ensures ease of maintenance. But the base is not resistant to mechanical damage, and the heavy weight makes the products not very practical.

Should I choose a toilet bowl made of plastic

toilet gustavsberg

If you are interested in inexpensive toilets, then you can choose the one that is made of plastic. By production, acrylic is used, which is coated with a special mixture of resins and fiberglass. The surface is smooth, therefore, pollution does not linger on it. Such plumbing fixtures are lightweight, which simplifies the installation process. Among the shortcomings can be identified low resistance to temperature effects and damage of a mechanical nature.

Reviews about the toilet by the way of fastening

inexpensive toilets

According to users, the mount for the toilet can be located at the base of the device or in its back. The most common models are suspended and floor. The last variety is a classic, it is installed on the leg, which smoothly passes into the expanded bowl. Buyers emphasize that the installation of the base is carried out with the help of clamping nuts and anchor bolts to the screed. Having visited the plumbing store, you can find on sale models that are equipped with extension skirts that completely cover the lower base. They protect the plumbing from dirt and simplify wet cleaning. A toilet mount that is fixed to the wall is less common. In such devices, the leg is completely absent, and during installation, a metal frame is used, which is fixed by welding.

Reviews of toilets by design features

Sanita toilet

An integral part of the toilet is the drain tank, where water accumulates for flushing. By the method of fastening it can be classified into joint and separate fastening. Thus, the toilet flush cistern can be positioned higher than the plumbing fixture itself. According to users, the main drawback in this case is the complexity of installation and noise during operation. Among other things, the maintenance of such equipment is difficult due to the highly located water tank.

Joint devices include mounting the tank directly on the toilet. On sale you can find varieties with a hidden drainage system, when the tank is installed in the wall, and only the control lever will be visible from the outside. As practice shows, it is more convenient when the toilet flush tank is in close proximity to the device itself.

Grohe toilet bowl reviews

toilet cersanit

Grohe toilets are popular with many consumers. If you are also interested in this manufacturer, then you can pay attention to the Solido 37446 model, which will cost 25 500 rubles. This wall- hung toilet has a wall-mounted design and the tank is not included. Sanitary porcelain is used in the manufacturing process. Users quite often choose a horizontal outlet, which allows you to flush all sewage.

According to customers, as a positive feature, they see the presence of a seat in the kit. Home masters really like that the installation diagram comes with the main plumbing fixture. Before purchasing equipment, you must calculate the dimensions of the structure in order to know how much free space it will occupy. In this case, the dimensions are 36.1x57 centimeters.

No less popular model, according to users, is the Lixil Solido 37442000, which costs slightly more, the price is 32,600 rubles. This is due to more outstanding technical characteristics, among them a dual flushing mode should be distinguished. Users choose this model for the reason that it provides for a hidden installation of the tank. This allows you to design a toilet room in a modern style, more ergonomic.

Grohe toilets have gained high popularity among consumers for the reason that these plumbing fixtures come with first-class installation systems, which are available in three different heights. Installation work will not take much time, since the fixtures for plumbing fixtures are already installed, during the production process they undergo rigorous strength tests. Thus, the frames for toilets are able to withstand loads of up to 400 kilograms.

Gustavsberg toilet seat reviews

The Gustavsberg toilet will cost significantly less than the above models. For example, the Nordic 2310 model has a price equal to 10,200 rubles. This compact toilet has a floor-mounted layout and a horizontal exhaust system. Customers like the impressive volume of the drain tank, which is 6 liters. Among the opportunities should be highlighted the function of half drain. You may be interested in the options for this brand with its unusual Scandinavian design and convenient technological solution.

According to users, in the manufacturing process, special attention is paid to surface coating. It has water-repellent characteristics and allows for easy care. You do not have to use aggressive chemical detergents for this. Choosing a hanging model, you can provide access under the device for cleaning. A dual drain mode will guarantee water savings. The Gustavsberg toilet bowl has a unique shape, and smooth smooth lines do not allow dirt to accumulate. This sins Soviet-made devices.

Among the shortcomings, users distinguish not too low cost. But recently, the manufacturer has been paying more attention to this issue. On the market you can find fakes, from the acquisition of which it is recommended to refrain. Users sometimes refuse to buy the original, as not all service centers undertake to service this plumbing. This indicates that it will take some time to find a specialist.

Reviews about the toilet "Sanita"

If you decide to choose a Sanita toilet, you should know about its main positive features, namely that the manufacturer is among the leaders in its field. Those buyers who have been using these devices for several years highlight some of the shortcomings, which, however, overlap with the advantages. For example, the equipment has an anti-splash function, which allows these devices to be one step ahead. Users note that the package includes everything you need, including a tank with a float, as well as a flush button and a plastic seat. For one of the models you will have to pay about 2000 rubles, low cost pays for all the shortcomings. As the latter, buyers identify traces formed during operation from rusty water.

The Sanita toilet must be considered by you before purchasing. This is because some consumers find dark spots on the surface of the bowl after purchase. In some cases, the tank is installed with some displacement, and the micro-lift works less time than the manufacturer guarantees. Choosing a white toilet bowl from this supplier, you should be prepared for the fact that it may have a poor flush. However, the appearance of the device looks attractive, the surface is glossy, and the cover with a microlift ensures comfortable use.

Toilet bowl Cersanit. Reviews

Surely, you have heard that you can find a Cersanit toilet on sale. These plumbing products are manufactured in Poland, but are very popular in Russia. The manufacturer guarantees excellent product quality. The average cost of this equipment is slightly higher than the above option, it is 3,200 rubles. Many users emphasize that compact devices fit well in small-sized apartments and are distinguished by their convenience and comfort of use. If you purchase a white plumbing fixture, the enamel will be snow-white, and it will be pleasant and smooth to the touch.

Casting, as a rule, does not have cracks and flaws. If the flush button in a single copy is your minus, then it is best to choose a model that will satisfy your requirements. The Cersanit toilet has a micro-lift, which allows you to conveniently close the lid. But some users note that its operation is not too good.

About the toilet "Lux"

The "Lux" toilets have many advantages, among them it is necessary to highlight the noiselessness when filling the tank with water. Having visited the store, you can choose for yourself an installation that will make the room more attractive. Drain provides high-quality cleaning of the entire bowl. As for the design, you can choose for yourself a device in a white version or in any other color. The advantage is accessibility in terms of cost and prevalence in Russia. After all, if you have chosen a model of another manufacturer for yourself, then it may simply not be at the point of sale. The supplier company gives a guarantee for earthenware for 25 years and for fittings for 7 years. Specialists in this field praised the reliability and quality of valves.


If you still have not decided which toilet bowl to choose, it is recommended that you read the reviews. They sometimes allow you to make the right choice. For example, some users like vertical or horizontal outlets. It can be oblique. Vertical outlet equipment is great for rooms where the sewer pipe goes to the floor. This saves space. If you choose a device with a horizontal outlet, you can adapt it to a vertically located sewer pipe.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E24626/

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