DIY tree of happiness: choice of materials, workshop

You probably saw such trees on the windowsills of cafes or at friends' houses, but you hardly attached importance to the decor. Topiary, the so-called given tree, is a talisman that can attract happiness, prosperity and positive emotions into your home. We cannot promise that a small craft will bring happiness to the house, but it will definitely provide positive emotions. Even if you do not believe in “miracles”, create a small, unusual decoration for your interior, because this is an incredibly exciting creative process.

Creating a Topiary

To create a new home decoration, you may need different materials: stones, shells, beads, paper, flowers, ribbons, fabric and much more. It all depends on your imagination. The tree of happiness is a figurine of a crown ball on the trunk, which is fixed in an ordinary flower pot.

Wonderful color!

A ball is often made of paper, crumpled leaves, a sponge, a ball wrapped in thread. In general, from any material that can easily be given the necessary shape. The trunk can also be made from anything: a tree branch, wire, ballpoint pen. Decor ideas are endless, as are materials that may come in handy. Beads, buttons, bows and grains of aromatic coffee will help to decorate your personal topiary.

But before diving into a master class on the tree of happiness, let's talk about the history of its origin.

Historical reference

In history, topiary refers to gardens with decoratively trimmed trees, bushes, living sculptures. There are infinitely many examples, but the most famous of all were the hanging gardens in Babylon.

In Europe, the first figuratively trimmed shrubs and trees are mentioned during the period of the Roman Empire. A striking European example of topiary is Versailles.

Decoratively trimmed trees.

To date, the topiary has also spread throughout Russia. This is not only a beautifully and neatly trimmed bush, but also a masterfully decorated decorative tree.

A beautiful tree of happiness made with your own hands is a whole art, chic in the interior, a special note in the atmosphere. Most often, a topiary 10-50 cm in size is made of different materials and attracts curious looks.

Materials for the manufacture

Whatever you do with your own hands, the most difficult part in the process is the choice of material from which the bulk of the work will be made. Speaking about the tree of happiness with your own hands, it is a very difficult task to choose material for the crown. But if you include fantasy, then you can come up with dozens of options. And who said that there should definitely be one topiary, you can make several beautiful crafts from completely different materials.

In creating the crown, stones, beads, artificial grass or snow, threads, shells, coffee grains, cones and needles of needles, artificial flowers and coins are most often used.

See what an incredible tree of happiness from stones and shells can be made.

Marine Topiary.

The decor of the barrel and pot, although not complicated, is very important for maintaining the overall composition. Therefore, take care of decorating the "soil" in the pot with topiary and the pot itself. Decorate the barrel with ribbon, but do not overdo it.

When choosing a material, do not forget about the combination, because it is very important how the composition as a whole will look. Also choose material for a general thematic look. For example, shells, pebbles, pearls are suitable for marine subjects. The combination of materials is a delicate matter, because you don’t want the tree of happiness to be a sticky ball on a stick.

Process of creation

So how to make a tree of happiness? Before we share the design ideas, let's take a closer look at the main aspects of creating a topiary. Let's start with the main part - the crown.


Creating a tree of happiness with your own hands begins with this. The main shape for the topiary is a ball, however, you can try to create any other shape, how about a heart? It fits perfectly into the interior of the bedroom.

As a basis, you can use any round shape or create yourself: papier-mâché, thread, sponge. Basically, do not forget to make a hole into which the tree trunk is inserted.


The simplest thing you can offer to create a trunk is an ordinary twig, the main thing is that it be strong, able to withstand the crown. A wire folded several times is also suitable, you can give it any shape, which is much more profitable for unusual, interesting work. You can decorate the trunk with both paints and wrapped with a ribbon, thread or rope.


Most often, an old flower pot, a glass, a jar or a vase is used as a topiary stand, the main thing is to choose the right size (the pot should not exceed the diameter of the crown). You can decorate a pot for a tree of happiness with fabric, ribbons, paints. You can approach the pot with minimal imagination so that it does not distract from the crown.

The tree of happiness is attached in this pot with the help of quick-hardening material, that is, gypsum, cement. To "plant" a new tree to start, dilute the selected solution, and then insert the branch in the center. Hold the barrel until the material grabs and begins to harden. If possible, fasten the stick so that it does not move and "grow" in the center of the pot.

The building mixture will be pronounced against the background of a neat, bright ball, so do not forget to decorate the soil with artificial grass, flowers, a couple of pebbles. Colored salt and pebbles are also suitable. But do not forget about the pot, it will be appropriate, for example, to tie with a ribbon.

Ball decoration

The crown base is decorated in different ways, create the whole world on a small ball, create real green dense foliage or make up an aromatic coffee composition. Sequins are in fashion today. Pay attention to which master’s tree of happiness from sequins turned out to be very bright and interesting.

A small tree in a cup.

You can create topiary for every taste, let’s try to use coffee beans.

Coffee Bean Topiary

A tree of happiness made from coffee with your own hands is not only a cute decor for your room, kitchen, but also a great gift. You are unlikely to find the same tree on the shelves of the supermarket, and yet it is so cute and incredibly fragrant. The smell from high-quality coffee beans is delicious, it is such a charge of energy and positive. Even those who don’t drink coffee will appreciate this wonderful decor and unique aroma. So, to buy good coffee is the most important task before you make a tree of happiness.

Before you begin the assembly, consider how the topiary will look like as a result. First, paint the ball so that there are no gaps between the grains, cover it with black or brown paint. We will glue grains in several layers, but still be safe.

If you are going to lay out the composition on a ball, then paint a few grains in advance and let dry.

Very gentle composition.

Having prepared the ball for the crown, take the glue. You can use glue as a PVA, and a gun. Glue the first row of grains with the strip down, as close as possible to each other. And the second layer with strips up, and try to make the grains go in one direction.

Next, take care of the trunk. Wrap a stick, tube or wire with a ribbon, it is desirable to use delicate colors in the composition with coffee beans: cream, soft pink.

Since a do-it-yourself tree of happiness is a flight of fancy, then come up with something original with a pot. How do you like the idea of ​​using a cup?

Fix the barrel in the crown, fill the stand and leave to dry.

Do not forget to decorate the "soil". Use the remaining grains, put a spoon. And if you find key rings in the form of cookies, donuts or other sweets - feel free to lay out.

Tree of happiness made from coffee beans.

Tie a bow under the crown with a satin ribbon of a pleasant, delicate color and your topiary is ready.

Green happiness

If you are a green lover, then what about the easiest way to decorate a crown? A simple way is to create a tree of happiness from paper. You can use regular or corrugated. The second option is more malleable, subtle, which means it will be much easier for us to recreate splendor from it. So, let's begin. We are ready to offer you to make another fragrant tree of happiness with your own hands. For this, in addition to all other materials, we will need essential oils.

Little secret: if you create a balloon yourself, for example, using a balloon or using the papier-mâché method, that is, hollow inside, you can fill it. For example, dried crusts of mandarin, ginger, fragrant sawdust. You can also add essential oil to them, but, however, stuffing with a tree is not necessary at all.

From different tones of thick green paper.

Before decorating the crown, coat it with a coat of paint in advance. While it dries, let's prepare the corrugated paper.

Cut a sheet of paper into strips 2-3 cm wide. Each strip must be folded in half and cut into a fringe for the effect of splendor. You can create flowers or fruits at your own discretion, using the same technique as with basic greens. In addition, you can use the shell of nuts (hazelnuts, walnuts) or artificial jewelry.

Bright topiary with your own hands.

Carefully paste over the ball, add a couple of beads. A tree can be revived by placing someone on it, for example, a butterfly. And to make our tree fragrant, periodically spray it with essential oil diluted with water.

Bead tree

Beads and beads are one of the most common materials for creating crafts. Small bright crystals glow like droplets. A tree of happiness from beads is a very painstaking work that takes a lot of time, but the result is worth it.

Take a look at this topiary master class. This is a real miracle.

The principle of creating a happiness tree from beads is very simple, but it takes time and perseverance. But what beauty as a result turned out to be a master.

From satin ribbons

Here is another way to create a topiary. Tapes are inexpensive and simple material. If you can make flowers from them, then why not try to create a flowering tree of happiness from ribbons?

From the satin material we will put together several flowers, attach to the ball and you're done. Do not forget to decorate the trunk and pot.

Roses from satin ribbons.

Here is such a topiary (tree of happiness) turned out. It looks beautiful, delicate and elegant.

Topiary or tree of happiness - this is the original decor on the coffee table, window or boudoir. It is also a fragrant gift that carries positive and pleasant emotions. It may not work as a talisman, but how pleasant it is to look at your work, to inhale the aroma of essential oil or coffee.

Create your own topiary, set up a whole garden and be sure to share your result with us. In addition, by selling such home-made artificial trees, you can make good money.


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