The name of the hero of the story "Childhood of Bagrov-grandson" Aksakov

The novel "The Childhood Years of Bagrov the Grandson", created by Aksakov’s pen, is a work that had a great influence on the formation in the 19th century (in the 50s) of a new genre of Russian literature - a story about childhood, which is an autobiographical. Let us briefly describe the history of this story.

the name of the hero of the story

History of the work

In 1854, on August 26, Sergei Timofeevich told his beloved granddaughter that next day she would send her a book where she would be told "about spring young", "about beautiful butterflies", "forest Bear", and that this book girl Olya will read all day.

Two years later, congratulating the granddaughter on her birthday, the writer reports that the promised work turned out to be completely different from what was planned, and God forbid, if in another year. Aksakov’s idea expanded significantly, and as a result, a text was written telling about the years of his childhood, the human destinies of the past.

You ask, what is the name of the hero of the story "Childhood of Bagrov the grandson?". The answer to this question is devoted to our article. From it you will learn not only about the name of the main character, but also about his character, personality transformation. Let's talk about everything in order.

the name of the hero of the story

History of Seryozha

The name of the hero of the story "Childhood of Bagrov the grandson" is Seryozha. The story of this child is a world that was seen through his eyes and filled with the experiences of a boy. S.T. Aksakov was able to surprisingly convey the peculiarities of the worldview of his young hero through the prism of an adult who knew life, since in the work Bagrov the grandson is both the narrator and the main character. He not only recalls his childhood, but at the same time tries to reproduce the sensations of the boy Seryozha and the adult, correlating them in time. The author of the story seems to look back, conveying childhood impressions, but at the same time appreciates a lot from the height of life experience, years lived.

Aksakov for the first time in Russian literature as the main character introduced a traveling and reasoning child, devoting a significant place to the experiences that accompanied Sergei Bagrov on the road. The protagonist recalls his childhood in Ufa, as well as in several villages that made up the "patrimonial homeland" of the Bagrov family.

"Road to Parashin": a characteristic of a boy

In "The Road to Parashin," the author gives the following features the name of the hero of the story "Childhood of Bagrov the Grandson." "Who is he, this Seryozha?" - you ask. We answer. This is a little boy who is curious, curious, all the way he is interested in advance. He is perplexed, surprised, even shocked by what he saw, since everything happens to the child for the first time. The boy feels joy and pleasure, and it is this condition that becomes determining, the main thing on the way. In the first journey, in this way, a hero appears before us, open to the perception of everything new, everything delights him, surprises him. Besides the thrilling experience, he has no other thoughts here. The road is so good that it looks to the future only with the hope of the hero of the story "Bagrova-grandson's childhood."

the story of the childhood years of the crimson grandson

"Winter road to Bagrovo": a description of the protagonist

The author of the boy depicts in a different way in the chapter entitled "Winter Road in Bagrovo." Autumn and winter pass between the two travels. The past tense was filled with a variety of events, both sad and joyful. His goal is to visit the grandfather, who is dying, and this fact very upsets the protagonist. In it, besides, sad memories of the days spent in Bagrovo with my sister without parents are still alive. Hero Seryozha from this journey can be characterized as follows: curiosity, surprise, amazement disappeared from his perception, but anxiety and fear remained, which become the basis for the emergence of faith in forebodings. This traveler is tired of the road, irritable, angry, putting his irritation in the characterization of surrounding objects and phenomena.

Sergei wanted to travel on the first trip, and on the second he felt the end of the journey with relief and joy, at the same time felt exhausted and overwhelmed.

General characteristics of Seryozha’s inner world

Aksakov spoke with complete truthfulness of what he had experienced in childhood, starting from the first sensations and ending with a whole gamut of different human feelings. Even the name of the hero of the novel "The Childhood Years of Bagrov the Grandson", the author took his own, thereby emphasizing the autobiographical work. Although in the text, of course, fiction is also present. So, the name of the hero of the story “Bagrov’s grandson’s childhood” should be considered only half autobiographical, as the author of the work changed his name.

the name of the hero of the story

The writer shows great interest in the inner world of the child. He watches with close attention the development of mental movements in the boy, including the most insignificant ones. Mental maturity, overtaking age, developed the habit of the main character to analyze his thoughts and feelings. He lives not only impressions. They are the subject of analysis of a boy who searches for relevant concepts and interpretations and consolidates these impressions in his memory. When little Seryozha does not succeed, Bagrov, who remembers and has grown up, comes to the rescue. Thus, two different voices are heard throughout the work.

Boy personality development

Deepen, expand knowledge of the outside world. This leads to the fact that the boy is increasingly visited by the desire for his practical development. The need for labor awakens in him. Seryozha begins to admire the charms of working in the field, but he also observes how terribly difficult the life of serf peasants can sometimes be. The matured hero not only has compassion, but is affirmed in the opinion of the sanctity and importance of labor, that peasants are much more agile and more skillful than wealthy sections of the population, since they can do what others do not know how to do.

the hero of the story

Seryozha, experiencing the existing disharmony of the outside world, comes to understand his own imperfection. The boy wakes up critical of himself. In his soul, "clear silence" is replaced by a quest for a way out, doubts.

The narrative in the work ends on the eve of Seryozha’s admission to the gymnasium. The childhood has ended. The image of a man who is growing up, growing up with his own spiritual, emotional and eventful world, which is changing qualitatively and constantly, is the main pathos of this work.

Now you know the name of the hero of the story "Childhood years of Bagrov the grandson" and the characteristic features of his personality. The work is very interesting. We advise you to read it in the original and get to know this boy better.


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