Carriage - what is it? Why use a carriage, what are its properties? Carriage reviews

As you know, building your own home is a very responsible and time-consuming process, and choosing the appropriate material is a paramount and difficult task. Which material should I prefer? Wooden houses have been popular for decades, and there are reasons for this. Profitability, environmental friendliness, aesthetic appearance and many other advantages more and more attract the interest of future homeowners. As regards the choice of material, lately the carriage has rightfully been competing lately.

carriage what is it

What it is? What are the advantages, what are the manufacturing techniques for this material, and what does it actually represent? This will be discussed in this article.

Construction of houses from a gun carriage

The use of a carriage is a relatively recent direction in the creation of living quarters made of wood, but despite the little known, an increasing number of professionals and simply future homeowners prefer this material, because a carriage is not only a special material, but also a style that came to Russia about 10-15 years ago from the countries of Scandinavia and Northern Europe.

carriage what is it

The concept

So carriage. What it is? These are logs that differ from the traditional and familiar to the Russian population log house in its square shape with rounded corners. There was such a technology for processing logs in the search for options to reduce the cost of building a wooden house. Having entered the territory of Russia and other post-Soviet countries, the carriage has become a very strong competitor to an ordinary log house, since its cost is much lower, and the thermal insulation qualities are in no way inferior to the usual round logs. This innovation confidently competed with traditional solutions and has been successfully applied to this day.

Scope of use

Now, having understood the concept of carriages, what it is, we can begin to review the options for using this material. And it is used, I must say, very widely.

do-it-yourself carriage
Making a carriage as a building material is very important, because it is suitable.
for the construction of suburban residential buildings and cottages. However, this material is perfect for the construction of baths and saunas, various outbuildings and other vital facilities. In principle, carriage houses can be used for a wide variety of purposes. It is perfect for creating suburban boarding houses and health-improving complexes, for buildings in summer cottages and in the private sector.

Manufacturing Features

The technology for the manufacture of a carriage, as already mentioned, appeared in Russia, most recently - about 15 years ago. How to make a carriage? This manufacturing technology of the log house is also called โ€œNorwegianโ€ because of the country of origin. First, the side parts are cut from the logs, and then the bark is removed from the remaining rounded sides. After that, the entire log is rounded off manually and grooves are cut out.
The whole distinguishing feature of such a log house is the non-natural form of logs. They have a semi-oval shape with flat sides, which allows you to make the walls of the house smooth, not requiring additional processing. This shape of the logs also allows them to better interlock with each other, eliminating the possibility of cracks.
In a word, this technology has become very popular in Russia due to its efficiency and ease of working with ready-made logs. And she is undoubtedly appreciated by professionals in this field.


When deciding to build a wooden house, you always need to consider several important nuances. For those who prefer to entrust work to specialists, the best option is to order a ready-made carriage.

carriage reviews
It will cost about 9.5 thousand rubles per cubic meter (depending on the type of wood and the cost of work). But for those who are used to doing work on their own, there is a great opportunity to save the budget: buy a round log house and make a carriage with your own hands. This will save from 3 to 5 thousand rubles per cubic meter, which is, of course, an important argument. You will certainly spend more time, but later you can be proud of what everyone did themselves. Speaking of general expenses, in comparison with other standard materials, the carriage is undoubtedly the leader in terms of convenience and economy, and it is not inferior in external data either.

The advantages of the carriage as a building material

So, we figured out the concept of gun carriages. What is it, they learned, and also studied the technology of its manufacture. Now you can consider the immediate advantages of this material in construction.

In general, the carriage reviews are quite positive. Let us consider in more detail all the advantages of this building material.

carriage house

  • Heat

One of the main advantages of carriage houses is the level of its thermal insulation. The wall of the house with a thickness of 20 centimeters will protect from the cold no worse than a 30-centimeter round log house. Accordingly, this house will be warm and cozy, and the most dense and durable connection of logs will provide reliable protection from crevices.

  • Simplicity

Since the walls of a house built from a gun carriage turn out to be even and flat, you donโ€™t have to additionally sheathe them from the inside with a lining or other material, which significantly saves time and money needed for construction.

  • Living space

Providing space and immediate living space is a significant factor influencing the choice of material. What are the advantages of a carriage in this case? Due to the fact that the walls of such a house are flat, the useful area of โ€‹โ€‹the house is significantly increased, in comparison with round logs. At the same time, such walls make it possible to lay wiring, sewer, water supply, gas and so on without much effort.

  • Reliability

In practice, it has been proven that houses from a carriage are practically undeformable, since a special fixing system connects the logs virtually tightly.

  • Design

What is important for a residential building is its beauty. Simplicity combined with picturesqueness and charm will not leave indifferent true connoisseurs of beauty.

  • Environmental friendliness

If you really decided to completely plunge into nature, breathe fresh air and surround yourself and your family with only the cleanest and most natural materials, a carriage house is ideal for you. After all, wood is a natural material that can provide comfort. The walls of such a house will not cause allergic and other negative reactions.

how to make a carriage

Material flaws

The only drawback of the carriage houses, like any other wooden buildings, is that during the heating of the house the walls erected from the material of natural moisture can crack. But this problem is easily solved if a dry carriage is used to build such a dwelling.


After analyzing the manufacturing technology, as well as having weighed all the advantages and disadvantages of the carriage houses, the decision, of course, everyone makes their own. However, remember that in modern life, filled with stone buildings and urban smog, there is something lacking in something natural and natural.

carriage reviews

Perhaps it's time to think about building a cozy country house that will warm your whole family and fill your life with the magical aromas of nature.


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