Game Fallout 3. Shelters in the world of "Fallout": an overview, walkthrough

The Fallout series of computer games is one of the most popular and best known when it comes to post-apocalyptic role-playing projects. It was the first game of the series that became the progenitor of this genre, so all the parts that went further turned out to be even more impressive and gathered even more fans. Today, the third part is considered to be the best, although relatively recently a sequel came out - the fourth part of the project, which everyone should definitely pay attention to. There is a high probability that it will become the new standard of post-apocalyptic RPG. But in this article, Fallout 3 Vaults featured in the game will be the topic. If you have not played any of the parts of this project yet, then you hardly know what the Fallout Vault is and what it is intended for. But this is a very important part of the story, so first you should familiarize yourself with the basic information. Then you will already learn about all the Vaults in the Fallout 3 game separately.

What is the essence of Vaults?

fallout 3 seekers

In Fallout 3, Vaults play a very important role, as in all previous and subsequent projects in the series. What it is? The fact is that the plot of the game develops in the post-apocalyptic world, when the end of the world has already come and only those people who survived in these same Refuges, built by the United States government in the twenty-first century as a precautionary measure in case of atomic warfare, could survive. In order to save the entire US population of those times in the event of a catastrophe, more than four hundred thousand Vaults would be required, however, the order was received only for the construction of a little more than 120 pieces. All of them were experimental, and the people who were there were volunteers, over whom a study was conducted on the subject of how a person will behave in isolation. Naturally, after a real catastrophe happened, many shelters were abandoned, some were blocked by the passage - in other words, each Vault had its own story, and the fate of all these constructions is gradually told in the games of the series. As for this article, from here you will find out what kind of Shelters are in the Fallout 3 game, what is in them, and also what was their common fate.

Vault 74

Please note that in this article, Shelters will be listed not in the order they appeared in the game, since it may differ depending on the characteristics of the passage, but in increasing of their serial number. It is believed that the numbers were given to the Vaults as they arose from west to east, and in most cases this is true - with the exception of a few cases. So, the first Vault, which will be indicated in this material, is number 74. In the game “Fallout 3” you will not get the opportunity to visit there and do not even see it with your own eyes. The fact is that the events of the game will take place further in the east, and this refuge will be discussed only in the manual on the use of GECK, a special terraformation system that Walt-Tech Corporation used to create these structures. As you can see, the meeting with this Vault in Fallout 3 will be extremely short - and the same goes for the next two vaults, which will be discussed.

Vault 76

You might also have heard that in Fallout 3, an abandoned Vault is number 76. However, this is not entirely true, because in reality it is simply unfinished. Specifically, this design was considered as a backup - the opening was planned twenty years after other shelters - the goal was to re-colonize the planet. Thus, the Vaults were to open gradually, supplying the planet with new people in small doses. If you go to the Citadel, then in the Volt-Tech computer you can find an extended description of this Vault, if it interests you. However, there you will not find the most important data, which until today remain unconfirmed. The fact is that the construction of this Shelter was most likely interrupted due to the fact that the aliens abducted the General Director of Security “Walt-Tech”, who was supposed to control the development of the project. Naturally, this may be an ordinary rumor, but the fact remains that you cannot find Vault 76, no matter how carefully you search.

Vault 77

In the third part of the game, there is another Vault, located closer to the west, which you cannot find in the game. This is number 77 - A shelter that was created specifically to test the isolation of not a large number of people, but only one person. All he got from the entertainment was a bag of rag dolls. For a year he was alone in this Vault, after which he went crazy and climbed out. He wandered around the Wasteland for a while, until the slave traders found him there. They brought him to the city of Paradise Falls, where he dealt with several of them, while managing to escape. How do you find out about the existence of this Vault? It's simple: in this city during your stay you can find his jumpsuit with the number of the shelter from which he got out. Well, this is the last building with which you can not get in direct contact during the passage. The rest will meet you during the game.

Vault 87

fallout 3 shelter 112

So, the first building, which you can join in the game Fallout 3, is Vault 87. This is not the most common Vault, because it contained not just people, but experimental “specimens”. They were turned into mutants at the very beginning of the war, so that they became incredible combat units. However, the experiment went the wrong way - during the mutation, the brain of the experimental subjects was damaged, because of which they either died or became uncontrolled and aggressive. They killed the scientists who were responsible for the experiment, and then began to steal people from the Wasteland so as to continue their kind - that is, to carry out a mutation over those stolen in the Vault. However, in the end, the substance that allowed for mutations ended there, and the mutants scattered across the Wasteland in search of new reserves. The main character will find this place during the storyline quest, but then a question arises that plagues many gamers in Fallout 3: "How to get to Vault 87?". After all, the main entrance to it is struck by radiation, and even blocked. You will have to go around, and inside you will even find a half-mutant, which can be used as a companion in the further passage.

Vault 92

fallout 3

As for Vault 92, all the most talented musicians with perfect hearing were closed here. This was done in order to affect them with high-frequency noise, which was supposed to turn them into super-fighters. The experiment was successful until the most noise-sensitive musicians got crazy and got out of control. They killed all the other inhabitants of the Vault and fled from it, dispersing throughout the Wasteland. Among them were the ancestors of Agatha, whom you meet during your travels. You can take a quest from her, during which you will need to break into Vault 92 in order to pick up the violin of Agatha's parents. In addition, you will find many other interesting things there.

Vault 101

fallout 3 shelter 87

Vault 101 is familiar to absolutely all gamers who played in the third part of the project. After all, it is it that is the home of the protagonist. The purpose of this Shelter was exclusively to observe a group of people in isolation - not only their behavior, but also how they will reproduce and develop, how genes and their mutations will affect the fact that all inhabitants have been together for generations and only cross each other. It was originally supposed that this Vault would never open, unlike the others - people had to live in it and reproduce. However, at some point, the opening of the premises did occur, which led to enormous problems and a large number of deaths. As a result, residents vowed that the Vault doors would never be opened again. As for the character of the game, here he will have to complete his first quests in the entire passage before he gets out and begins to study the post-apocalyptic world.

Vault 106

death claw shelter fallout 3

This shelter was filled with leading scientists who, according to the government, were supposed to work on medicines for all survivors of the United States. However, most people were confident that biological weapons would be developed there. But only ten days after the Vault closed, psychotropic gas was introduced into the ventilation shafts, due to which gradually all the inhabitants went crazy. When the main character falls into this Vault, it becomes clear that the psychotropic gas is still working - you will begin to hallucinate, you will even see your father. But it's still worth a visit, since there you will find a lot of useful and interesting.

Vault 108

fallout 3 how to get to shelter 87

This Shelter is one of the most dangerous that will meet the main character on his way. It housed a cloning laboratory, which, while the room was closed, generated a huge number of aggressive and unfriendly clones. So when you get inside, be extremely careful.

Vault 112

walkthrough fallout 3 shelter 112

In Fallout 3, Vault 112 is one of the most interesting, as it is an experiment with virtual reality. All the inhabitants there are in the artificial world, which is run by a crazy professor. Initially, he was normal, but eventually lost his mind and began to enjoy the fact that he could kill people in virtual reality, erase their memory, resurrect and kill them again. This shelter is part of the story passage of Fallout 3. Vault 112 is located under Casey Smith’s garage, so if you don’t know his whereabouts, you might not notice him. When you find yourself inside, you find yourself in virtual reality, where you need to either complete all the tasks of a professor to break into reality, or arrange a real revolution to free survivors from the captivity of virtuality. This is what is remembered in the game Fallout 3, Vault 112 - the abandoned house under which it is located appeared on many posters of the game.

Museum Shelter

It is just an exhibit at the Technological Museum - it demonstrates what the average shelter looks like in all the games in the series, including Fallout 3. Vault 112, like all the ones described earlier, was built according to a single project, which is presented in the Museum.

Deathclaw Shelter

Well, the last location that is worth considering in this article is the Deathclaw Shelter. Fallout 3 is a game where you will find the most incredible locations, but this shelter is not average. It is rather a cave where the most dangerous mutants live, but if you study it, you will leave from there with decent rewards - if, of course, you can get out alive.


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