Watering well pumps: market overview. Customer reviews

To raise water from the well to the surface , a pump is needed. They come in different types. Before deciding which pump to buy for a well for irrigation and drinking water, you should decide on the main characteristics. You also need to decide what features the device should have.

Watering well pumps

Well characterization

Before you buy a pump for a well for irrigation or drinking water, you should clarify a number of design indications: what pipe diameter, dynamic and static level, bottom base.

If drilling was performed not so long ago, then all this data should be provided by drillers. In other cases, you will have to find out everything yourself. To do this, you will need a rope with cargo, which will need to be lowered into the well. The cargo should be without bottom. When the characteristic sound of a load falling on water is heard, this indicates the beginning of the water column, its mirror. This indicator should be recorded. To measure the dynamic level of water, again lower the rope with the load, but only lower it all the way to the bottom.

Having learned at what depth the water is located, we can proceed to the choice of the type of pump.


Pumps for wells for irrigation and drinking water can be surface and submersible. The latter descend directly into the well. Another view is installed on the surface, without immersion in water.

Surface pumps for irrigation wells operate on the principle of suction. Their effectiveness is affected by the distance that water has to be lifted. Typically, this type of pump is capable of lifting water with a mirror up to eight meters. If the water mirror is deeper, then immersion models should be used, since the surface will not be able to cope with the task.

Well Irrigation Pumps

Feed height

Surface models work according to the principle of water retraction, and submersible pumps for irrigation from the well push water out. This is an important parameter when choosing a model, since a weak pump simply will not be able to cope with the rise of water to the surface. For the device to work properly, it is necessary to take into account the distance to the bottom and add a couple of meters to it. The resulting number is the minimum indicator of water flow up. You can find out the technical properties of the pump from the passport. It indicates at what maximum height water can be supplied.

Submersible pumps for irrigation from a well, designed to work at a depth of up to sixty meters, are more suitable for a fifty-meter well. If such a product is lowered to the maximum depth, then it will work with a large load, which will significantly reduce the service life. Therefore, for a well with a depth of sixty meters, it is better to select a pump capable of lifting water to a height of seventy meters.

Dry run protection

When choosing a submersible pump for watering a garden from a well, it is necessary to provide for the protection against dry running. It is necessary in those cases if the well periodically runs out of water. If it stops coming to the device, and it continues to work, the pump will fail. An automatic system will protect the device from overheating by disconnecting it from the power source as soon as it starts to idle.

Vibratory immersion model

Each person decides which pump to select for irrigation from the well - centrifugal or vibratory. In the first embodiment, rotating discs with blades are used to supply water. Vibration models transmit water through numerous vibrations. These design features have some effect on the integrity of the well.

Vibration models have excellent performance and are suitable for almost all types of wells. However, such models have some disadvantages. Firstly, they create too much noise during operation, and secondly, devices have a negative effect on the well, more precisely on the pipe: it collapses. Also, under the action of vibration, the siltation of the bottom is accelerated. Such destruction does not occur immediately, but gradually.

Despite the shortcomings, vibration pumps have advantages: they are able to swing a well that has not been used for a long time. Cleaning is due to vibration coming to the bottom and wall of the pipe. One of the most popular models is the Caliber NBV-0.28, Caliber NBV-0.70-M, and the Kid.

pump for watering a garden from a well

Centrifugal model

Before you purchase a submersible centrifugal pump for irrigation from a well, you should find out the following points:

  • performance;
  • whether the diameter of the device is suitable for the diameter of the pipe;
  • how high can water raise;
  • availability of warranty service.

Many consultants in stores try to convince the buyer that the indicated values โ€‹โ€‹of the pump are not limiting, but average. This is actually not the case. Manufacturers in the data sheet indicate exactly the maximum performance. Examples of models: Al-ko TBP 3300/7, "Caliber NPCS-1.2 / 50", Metabo TBP 5000 M, Elpumps BP18 / 3.

which pump to choose for irrigation from a well

Surface pumps

This type of pumping equipment is capable of supplying water from a depth of not more than twelve meters (the exact depth is indicated by the manufacturer in the passport). The difference between surface devices and submersibles is that they do not have a large capacity, so they are used for pumping water.

When choosing this type, one should pay attention to the remoteness of the water source from the final delivery point and the volume of the pumped liquid. There are models that can swing eighty meters in the horizontal direction, and some swing only thirty. Submersible models have the same parameter, and you should also pay attention to it. Ideally, if the garden is at a distance of fifty meters from the water source, then the pump should supply water in a horizontal direction at a distance of not less than seventy meters. The most popular model is Agidel.

Well irrigation pump


According to customer reviews, the following conclusions can be drawn:

  • among the submersible models for wells, it is best to choose centrifugal, for which the parameters are 10% higher than necessary;
  • Among surface-type pumps, models that are capable of pushing water 10% further than necessary are considered ideal.

Manufacturers, models can be very different. It all depends on your choice.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E24642/

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