When do puppies open their eyes? Puppy development

Puppies are born completely helpless and need not only care from the mother, but also the attention of the breeder. It is in the first month of life that babies are especially vulnerable. Therefore, you need to know when the puppies open their eyes, begin to hear other important points.

when puppies open their eyes

Development of newborn puppies

It is worth noting immediately that the development of each puppy is individual, and it is impossible to determine strict deadlines. Even littermates can differ significantly from each other.

2-3 days after birth, the puppies drop the umbilical cord. In order to avoid infection of the umbilical wound, it is necessary from birth to keep them in a warm room on a clean bench. Newborns sleep a lot and at the same time often move and push. This is necessary for the development of muscles and the nervous system.

After one or two weeks, the kids begin to move around - crawling along the bottom of their box. While they are guided only by smell, the time has not yet come when the puppies open their eyes after birth. Dogs begin to try to get up and walk at about 16 days old, and at 21 days they can already move confidently. The bottom of the box and the place where the puppies walk should not be slippery. If the paws of the kids are scattered in different directions - cover the surface with a dense blanket.

At the age of 4 weeks, puppies play with each other, run around, pay attention to toys. At this time, socialization begins, they learn to communicate with each other, are in contact with a person.

Puppies without teeth are born. Like humans, dogs first grow milk teeth, which later become constant. Milk teeth begin to be cut in 2-4 weeks. By two months, all baby teeth should have erupted.

How long do puppies open their eyes? This occurs on average 12-15 days after birth. Ears open later - at 14-17 days, and puppies begin to hear well only by the 4th week. Recognizing hearing problems and congenital deafness can be difficult, especially when the puppy is among littermates. Often, such flaws are discovered only after moving to a new house.

when puppies open their eyes after birth


A responsible breeder should take care of puppy health from birth. Animals should be carefully examined to exclude birth defects. If those are discovered and are not compatible with life, then a humane solution would be euthanasia.

The standard of some breeds requires stopping tails. This procedure must be performed at an early age - 2-4 days. It is during this period that stopping is most easily tolerated, animals do not experience suffering, and the wound heals in the shortest possible time. Typically, this procedure is done at home. If the puppies are taken to the clinic, then you need to bring a bitch with you, which will calm and feed the babies.

At 2 and 4 weeks deworming is carried out, and at 6-7 weeks of age - the first vaccination. Bitch worms with puppies. It should be feared not only ribbon and round, but also heartworms.

Puppies leave the house no earlier than a month, usually after activation, which is done in 6-7 weeks. The veterinarian or specialist from the breed club inspects the puppies, after which they receive the first document - the puppy.

puppy eyes

When do puppies open their eyes after birth?

Babies are born very tiny and completely dependent on their mother. Their eyes and ear canals are closed. Many novice breeders are interested in when puppies open their eyes. This usually occurs 10-16 days after birth. Eyes can open both in one day and in 3-4 days.

Do not forget that each animal develops at its own speed, and some puppies may lag behind brothers and sisters. Normally, in a healthy baby, the eyes should open before the 20th day. Such a delay does not indicate a developmental delay, defects or any diseases.

From 18 days you can help the puppy a bit - very gently and gently wipe the eyes with warm water. Water should be boiled, cotton wool - sterile, hands - clean. In each eye - a new swab. In no case do not tear your eyelids, do not poke your eyes in dirty hands. If the puppy does not open its eyes after reaching the age of 20 days, consult your veterinarian.

When puppies open their eyes, they begin to explore the world around them. They have preferences and character. This is a period of active development and the beginning of socialization.

how long puppies open their eyes

What you need to pay attention to

So now you know when the puppies open their eyes. The formation of the retina ends by the 21st day. It is very important not to leave babies in bright light - this is harmful to the eyes. It is good to see puppies at the age of four weeks.

If the puppy's eyes have not yet opened, but look swollen - this is an occasion to consult a veterinarian, an infection is possible. Specialist assistance will also be required in case of suppuration or redness.

Newborn puppies have bluish eyes. Later it will change to permanent. But if the eyes appear cloudy, whitish or too blue, then show the puppy to the veterinarian.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E24650/

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