What to do with milk teeth: folk signs, superstitions and interpretations

Despite the widespread dissemination of digital technology, in the modern world there is still room for folk signs, customs, and superstitions. A special place among them is occupied by stories related to children's milk teeth. For example, for the appearance of the first incisor in many nations, it was customary to give a child a silver spoon and be sure to tap it on the erupted tooth. This meant that the baby was already ready to get acquainted with adult food. Moreover, it was necessary to feed him with this silver spoon. Many signs are associated with their loss.

We will talk about where to put milk teeth and whether they can be stored in our article. We will definitely dwell on interesting signs and traditions of the peoples of the world that have survived to this day.

When does milk teeth change?

When milk teeth fall out

The moment when the lower incisors begin to loosen in the baby, as a rule, can be safely called one of the most exciting in life of both children and their parents. Usually the first tooth in a child falls out at the age of 6-7 years. In most children this time coincides with the beginning of school life. The first sign came from here: the first tooth fell out - it means it's time to go to school.

Do not worry too much if the change of dairy units to permanent will occur not in the generally accepted time frame. They can vary depending on the individual characteristics of the child, the development of his jaw, the state of the organs of the oral cavity. In this regard, in some children, teeth begin to fall out at five years old, and in others after seven.

Most often, the loss of milk units is preceded by the growth of "sixes." First, the lower incisors begin to loosen, then the upper ones. That is, their change occurs in the same sequence as growth. So parents have enough time left to figure out where to put their baby teeth.

Actions of parents when changing milk incisors

Dentists claim that the baby whose first teeth are loosened does not need to anesthetize this process. Although some parents think differently. In fact, before the tooth begins to loosen, its roots dissolve. But discomfort and pain can be caused by a wound formed on the site of the fallen tooth unit.

Parents of a child who has just lost his first tooth can help him with the following:

  1. Explain that the process of falling out is the next stage of growing up. Now the child has become very large and can be proud of it.
  2. Take care of oral hygiene by rinsing your mouth with soda solution.
  3. To warn the child that it is impossible to touch the wound formed on the site of the tooth that has fallen out so as not to cause infection.
  4. After eating, suggest rinsing the mouth with warm water. Do this until the wound is healed.

Do I need to see a doctor?

Milk tooth does not fall out

Ideally, when changing milk teeth, they fall out themselves, that is, removal is not required. But in 80% of cases everything is a little different. A permanent tooth begins to climb after the milk, when it has not yet fallen out. And since there is an obstacle in his way, he changes his direction in the wrong direction. Subsequently, this leads to the formation of a malocclusion in the baby.

To help the milk tooth quickly leave its place and free it to the molar tooth, it is necessary to consult a doctor. Only a competent specialist can surgically remove a unit of the dentition by surgery. If you try to do it yourself at home, you can damage the gingival mucosa and provoke the development of the inflammatory process. You may also need the help of a dentist in the following atypical situations:

  • with swelling and severe pain in the gums;
  • with bleeding and long healing of the wound;
  • with a fracture of the tooth or its severe destruction;
  • in case of ingestion of a row unit.

As soon as the baby begins to loosen the tooth, it is most often in high spirits. Very soon, the child will be able to brag to his friends about how old he has become. At the same moment, parents are overcome by another problem, namely, where to put milk teeth. Think about it in advance.

Where to put the fallen milk tooth?

Where to store baby teeth

As you know, in most children, the lower milk incisors are the first to leave the dentition. And even if this event did not happen at home, but in the dental clinic, the doctor must give the baby his tooth. And already at home, mom and dad will decide for themselves where to put the baby’s dropped teeth. That's just the majority of parents do not dare to throw it in the bin.

Many mothers carefully store items that remind them of the first years of their baby's life. These include an ultrasound scan taken during pregnancy, and a tag from the hospital, and the first curl cut in 1 year. It is along with these things that most mothers prefer to store the first tooth that fell out.

If the parents are superstitious enough, they can conduct a real ritual of farewell to the child with the milk element, which he will remember for life and will be able to pass this tradition on to his children. To do this, you should get acquainted with the signs of different peoples of the world in advance.

Is it possible to store baby's baby teeth?

Until recently, it was believed that elements of the dentition that had fallen on their own or surgically removed should be disposed of immediately. Black magicians, witches and sorcerers could steal them from the house and conspire or damage them. Therefore, parents did not stand on ceremony with where to put milk teeth. They were thrown or buried deep in the ground.

Today, the opinion on the methods of disposal of lost deciduous teeth has changed dramatically. The fact is that British scientists have learned to extract stem cells from pulp. It has been proven that their potential is much stronger than biomaterial taken from the umbilical cord of a newborn. To learn more about this, parents can contact the stem cell storage bank. Storage of biomaterial in this medical institution is carried out at a temperature of -196 ° C. Frozen cells can later be used in the treatment of serious diseases, including bone marrow transplantation.

What to do with baby's baby teeth: folk signs

Fallen milk tooth

From time immemorial, each nation has had its own traditions and customs regarding the storage of the lost units of the dentition of a child. For example, nomadic tribes always buried them. Therefore, there were no questions about where to put the baby’s baby teeth. Parents had to dig a deep hole, put a tooth in it and fill it with earth. It was believed that the only way to protect the baby from damage and misfortune.

The peoples of Britain had their own traditions regarding where to put the baby’s baby teeth. Folk customs boiled down to preventing damage to the child with the help of a tooth. For this purpose, any milk element of the series was burned immediately after precipitation. It was believed that in this case, strong and healthy quickly grew in its place.

Another sign, common among the British in antiquity, is associated with animals. It was believed that the tooth should be destroyed, hidden or buried so that it is not reached by the predator and eaten. If this happens, then the child will grow fangs, like an animal.

Today, all these signs seem strange and ridiculous, but our ancestors sincerely believed in them and, worrying about the fate of their children, implicitly performed all these actions.

Why give a tooth to a mouse?

Why does the mouse need a milk tooth

Among the Slavic peoples, one of the signs, where to put a milk tooth, was associated with throwing a fallen out unit behind the stove. This was done for the brownie or for the mouse. They had to pick up the milk tooth and bring in return the molar tooth.

In some European countries, it is also customary to put a tooth overnight under a pillow. It’s only that a good tooth fairy with wings and a magic wand in his hands should pick it up, but a small mouse. In France, her name is La Petite Souris, and in Spain - Perez. By tradition, at night, an inconspicuous little mouse sneaks under the pillow to exchange a tooth for money or treats. Children are eagerly awaiting the appearance of this rodent in order to receive something pleasant as a gift.

Who is a tooth fairy?

Who is a tooth fairy

In many countries of Northern Europe, America and Canada, there are different signs about the baby’s baby teeth. Where to put the fallen element of the series, here they know almost from birth. Kids are looking forward to when their tooth begins to loosen, so that after it falls out, put it under the pillow. Instead, the good fairy should bring a coin there. This tradition is today one of the most common and popular. By the way, the tale of the tooth fairy and mouse Peres was invented by the Spanish writer Luis Coloma for the eight-year-old King Alfonso VIII, who lost his first milk tooth.

The myth of the good sorceress is useful. It helps the child in overcoming the fear of a lost tooth and gives you money or other pleasant compensation for the loss.

Do I need a gift?

Regardless of where the mother decided to put the baby’s baby teeth, where to put them or even throw them away, it will be very good if she prepares some kind of surprise for the crumbs. This will make it easier to bear the loss.

If the child puts a tooth under the pillow, the first thing he does when he wakes up is to check whether the mouse or tooth fairy has taken his treasure. If so, then a coin or present should appear on this spot. It can be a book, a coloring book, a set of pencils, paints or felt-tip pens. Parents should choose gifts that can easily fit under the pillow. If the present is too large, then it will have to be put next to it.

It is not recommended to give chocolate, sweets and other sweets. Tooth Fairy cares about the health of children's teeth, so it should give them only useful gifts. And as you know, from sweet teeth very quickly begin to deteriorate. It is better to put a coin under the pillow, and for it the child will buy what he likes.

The traditions of the peoples of Asia

What do they do with milk teeth in different countries?

In many countries in the Middle East, children do not leave their tooth loss to a mouse or fairy. Instead, they toss it up toward the sun. It is believed that this will allow the teeth to grow faster and stronger than before.

Similar signs, where to put the fallen milk tooth, adhere to Japan. To get a new one in return, you need to make a good direct throw. But only the lower tooth should be thrown up, and the upper - down, that is, in the opposite direction.

Tooth on the roof

The tossing of fallen milk elements is a fairly common sign in many nations. But children in some countries strive precisely to throw a tooth on the roof. So do in Greece, Brazil, Ethiopia, in Sri Lanka. But in China, Korea, Vietnam and India, this is only done with the lower teeth, and the upper ones, on the contrary, are thrown under the bed or even hidden in crevices in the floor. And every kid knows where to put baby milk teeth.

Throwing teeth on the roof is necessary so that it is quickly caught by a bird or squirrel. Then in its place a new one will grow very quickly. And the tooth under the bed is likely to be able to easily drag the mouse.

Maybe a tooth needs to be hidden?

Not everyone wants to give their lost treasures to an animal or some fabulous creature. In Nepal, this is considered a very bad sign if a bird takes a tooth and does something with it. In this country, children come up with their own secret storage places, which even adults do not know about.

In Malaysia, lost milk teeth are also hidden, but only in the ground. Toddlers bury them, thus returning them back to nature.

In Turkey, parents believe that with the help of milk teeth they can affect the child's choice of a future profession. So, they bury the fallen elements near the hospital, if they want their child to be a doctor, or near the school, if they dream of seeing him as a teacher. Soccer fields are especially popular.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E24652/

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